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Posts posted by becks

  1. What type of file is it?


    If it's something from MS Clip Art Gallery, you can usually go into powerpoint, and ungroup the clip art repeatedly until all of the components are "loose". then you can change the color of each component.


    If it's a jpg, gif or png file, it's harder. Photoshop or another program like it is your best bet - you can download a free 30-day trial of photoshop from Adobe. You can also try using paint (in your applications), but it will often pixiliate the image.


    Good luck!!

  2. Doing it DIY isn't that hard once you get a design you like. You really only need a couple of tools (paper cutter and corner rounding punch), and if you buy the inexpensive ones and learn how to use them before you start working on your invites you can totally DIY them. The hardest part is finding the time to design put them together, because that can take a long time.


    That being said there are several designers here that are really reasonable price-wise. Worst case, contact some of us for pricing and at least figure out what the pricing would be.


    Good luck


    You might

  3. Don't let the idea of an uneven number make your decision. People have uneven numbers all the time - especially at DWs. And your ideas for the memorial are lovely - I've seen bouquets on chairs at the front, a single, different colored flower in bouquets to symbolize the lost person, the mini frames, etc.


    Have you talked to your sister? Maybe it's too soon, but it might mean a lot to her if you got her thoughts. I don't know how soon your wedding is, but I'd sit tight for a bit and let the decision come to you. It will, and it will be the right one.


    Good luck!

  4. How did I miss this thread back in the day??


    We were in Manhattan until just before the wedding - now out in the 'burbs on Long Island.


    We got married at the Paradisus RM. So amazing!!


    We should have another NY area get-together. It's been too long!

  5. I think Jan 31 is fine. Some people would say more, some would say less, but in the end it's 3 months....


    Rather than adding the card and explaining it all, is there any way that you could buy more of the paper on which it's being printed (and if you're printing on cardstock, see if they have a regular text weight in the same style so it's thin)? If so, I'd just print the new date, and cut it out as small as you can and glue it on over the old date. (Even better if it's on white and you can just use a regular white label) That way you don't have to explain it, etc.


    Good luck!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Steve&Julia View Post
    I have a wedding date and time 5pm . my day is a little brighter right now.. thanks for the support. now i do invites and wording ewwww. i wish i new a walking hallmark LOL
    Invites and wording will be a piece of cake!! Getting the location and such set is definitely the hardest part.

    Take a peek at verseit.com. They have lots and lots of ideas.
  7. Definitely get a calling card - your local drug store or newspaper stand will likely sell them. And the pricing is different, so look at the back and get the details (bring a magnifying glass because the print is small!)


    Other tip - when you do call do it from a land line, not your cell phone. Sometimes the cards have a different rate if you are connecting through a cellular carrier (like 2x the price they indicate).


    Good luck!

  8. Depending on what you are printing on, if you use a slick paper (metallic or glossy, for example) and print it on an inkjet such that the ink stays damp, you can add your embossing powder to that.


    Short of that, there are lots of places online that will use custom art and turn it into a stamp - I've heard ok things about thestampmaker.com.


    Good luck!

  9. I know you must be heartbroken to have to change your plans!!!


    I'm wondering if you play this differently, you can make it easier on yourselves... let everyone think that the reason you're changing your plans is because it suits you better.


    I got to scribbling down some notes - I didn't get it quite put together, but maybe you can use it and fill in some blanks:


    We thought a big wedding

    Was the fun thing to do

    But then we decided

    We like it, just us two


    So we're off on our own

    We're sneaking away

    Can't wait to tell you all about

    Our secret wedding day


    Good luck!!!

  10. How big are your inserts? Very few printers will take a sheet that is less than 3-1/4 or 3-1/2 inches on any one side.


    Your best option might be to take some regular pages, print a line down them as a guide and tape your inserts to them and run them through the printer. Not great, but better than crooked.


    Good luck!

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