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Posts posted by AlmostMrsForbes

  1. Fun!


    I was (and still am, too) an Alpha Chi Omega at Ohio State University.


    We had big sorority and fraternity houses - I lived in for two years, and loved it. I can't imagine college without it!


    Brian (fiance) was a Beta Theta Pi at Ohio State (although a little bit before my time!) :-)

  2. OMG. I'm about to have a heart attack since I've paid my photographer already.


    I swear to God, if they do this, I will see about pulling all of my guests out of the hotel and go somewhere else ... I am not kidding. I even have an email from Michael stating that it is OK to have an outside photog as long as he gets his $200.


    I can't handle this ...

  3. I'm noticing a trend in my WW activity. I do GREAT during the week - stay on all my points, don't even use most of my bank points from working out and make healthy choices. The weekend is another story, though. Sometimes I hardly even count points!

  4. hi, girls! i am going with an off-site photog from jamaica. his name is brian nejedly. his website is Brian Design - Photography & Website Design by Brian Nejedly - Ocho Rios, Jamaica. he's been great to work with, and i really like his work.


    i'm planning on just getting him the day pass - i may end up paying michael's "breach of contract" fee if i HAVE to, but i'm not doing it without a fight.


    i'm bringing over 50k into that hotel over 5 days - i'm hoping that will have some sway ....

  5. I don't think anyone is saying that Michael shouldn't want to make money or that he is horrible.


    It all comes down to choice. None of us have a contract with either the Riu or Michael to use Michael's services. Therefore, the breach in contract fee makes no sense.


    Additionally, like everyone else, I am bringing a lot of money into the hotel. I, personally, don't like to be extorted ... which is pretty much what is going on here.


    I understand he wants to make money - but extortion is not the way to go. If that is the case, he needs to up his game so that he can compete with other photographers - start offering more services, etc.

  6. I can't stand FI's parents - they're weird and snotty, and I don't know how they raised such a wonderful person.


    Also, my second confession is that I cringe when my Dad's fiance's daughter calls him "Dad." She's 12 and has no father - and I know its great that he's good to her ... but it secretly makes me jealous!

  7. I agree with you, Jonathan. I'm getting married at the Riu Ocho Rios, and have decided to hire an outside photog. By the way, Riu ladies, I would consider this - yes, I am paying more (about 2k) but he will be with me all day - and will come with me to my off-site reception, and he is fantastic.


    Anyways, I guess I will be the test case because I'm telling Michael and the resort that I'm not paying a breach of contract fee. I'm an attorney - and I write/review contracts everyday. What I do know is that I am not, and have never been, a party to a contract with Michael. His contract is with the Riu - not me. To charge me a "breach of contract fee" - with the alternative being Michael's interruption and sabotaging of pictures is nothing more than extortion. I won't stand for it.


    My guess is that when someone stands up to him/them, they'll have back off. The resort is already nickel and diming me for "included" options. There's no way I'm paying this ridiculous fee.


    Sorry - I'll get off my soap box ... I just can't believe that they're making people do this.

  8. Hi, Girls!


    I am new to the weight watchers stuff. I don't start my meetings until next week, but I have my points and everything and am already trying to do it. The only issue I'm having is that I feel like I'm starving!


    I work out (pretty intensely) 4-5 days a week. I've already lost 1.5lbs this week - which is great, but I'm HUNGRY! Does that lessen as time goes on?


    Also, wanted to make you girls aware of a great site that my co-worker passed on to me --> Dotti's Weight Loss Zone - Food Lists, Menus & More


    It is called Dotti's Weight Loss Zone - she has tons of point info for a lot of different restaurants.

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