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Posts posted by Amy&Andy

  1. Craving my secret recipe chocolate peanut butter pie :) I can eat 1/2 a pie to myself....spoonful by spoonful


    tonight I'm going to attempt to make healthy baked apples with cinnamon, oats, and crushed fiber one cereal on top. I'm making the recipe up...we shall see :) I'm with you Alyssa...my cravings are really taking over!

  2. Oh my goodness....I hadn't seen Edyta's pics....love the hair clip :)


    So the plane.....one of the Realtors I work with is also a part time pilot for a private business so he flew me over to Bellingham, saving me over 4 hours in the car! It was a beautiful trip there, but a nightmare coming home as I actually saw lightning strike 4 times before we landed. My butt cheeks were clenched so tight and I was sweating.....poor Andy was watching the whole storm from the airport to pick me up. I was happy to arrive alive :)


    In short...the weekend was a blast! The girls are even more beautiful and fun than imagined. We are definitely planning another get together....either in Toronto....or perhaps a stag for Ana somewhere else where we can tear up the town :)

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