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Posts posted by Amy&Andy

  1. ABSOLUTELY. I totally told myself I wouldn't do that either sad.gif Between "relaxing" the workouts and eating when we got back....summer parties....and then 2 weeks in Italy....I'm the more than 5 and less than 10! I can't believe it! I'm working really hard though now that we are back from the honeymoon to lose it all. I gave all of my pre-wedding weight loss clothes to my mom to wear (yeah that nut is so tiny) and none of my skinny clothes are fitting! I refuse to ask for them back...ha ha.....so back to the gym and no dessert or wine for me.

  2. Havn't read them yet, but I live about 20 mintues from Forks, which is where the author is from...and where the book is set. People in our area are totally obsessed with the books, and most of them are adults. There have been tons of tour groups through to the town for book signings and tours.....so funny. They are on my list to read this winter since my MIL has them all. Kind of fun knowing they were written and set so close to home :)

  3. I always get a venti americano with a bit of steamed soy...boring but yummy! I gave up splenda a while ago and now everything with it tastes soooo sweet. I was a splenda addict sad.gif


    I also love a earl grey tea misto with steamed soy....those are so good in the wintertime!

  4. Just watched Smart People with Dennis Quaid and SJP in it last night. Terrible. Really slow and boring.....or maybe you just have to be a "smart person" to get the dry humor. Two thumbs down.


    Assasination of Jesse James...made it through 1 hour and fell asleep. Very slow....and Brad Pitt couldn't even keep me awake...that is sad sad.gif Two thumbs down on the first hour.....


    Prom night is loaded up for tonight....that should be a bit more thrilling! I'll let you know tom.

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