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Everything posted by LCBride2007

  1. I feel the momentum has stalled a bit ... need I remind you of the $170 pot? Oh, and that smokin' new body?
  2. WEEK 3 RESULTS Reign14 -2.317% !!! carly -1.718% Jenny2014 -1.626% dazeydawl (Ali) -1.560% sheryllj520 (Sheryll) -1.481% Resplendent (Bahiya) -0.918% mishmyangel (Heather) -0.613% Abbie -0.505% kisha311 -0.383% Cherina -0.089% jeno111213 (Jennifer) 0.000% sheryllj520's FI (Rich) 0.234% -Kate- 0.267% Cougs (Lisa) 0.572% jamielynn55 (Jamie) <no weigh in received> jamielynn55's FI (Kenny) <no weigh in received> Tammy Host <no weigh in received>
  3. I'm still missing weigh ins from a few of you, I'll post results as soon as I have them all (or when everyone that IS sending them has sent them! lol)
  4. i think that sounds like a valid reason to miss a week, but send it if you can. i am missing quite a few weigh ins ... don't forget!
  5. oh wow! not that it takes away the pain she went through (and you!) but at least they did something, and a lot of something.
  6. so what ever came of that (i remember those monitors so well!) - did they ever own up to it?
  7. I also wonder like what if I had had her in MN like I was supposed to, would everything have gone as well? It sure would have been easier to get home, that's for sure! lol I do think things often happen for a reason and try to remind myself of that when I get frustrated. It was meant to be!
  8. oh wow, jenny! thank goodness your mom had that appt. i also wonder what would have happened had i not gone in to the hospital that night. i didn't have any obvious signs of labor but just didn't feel "right" - when i checked in at the ER (middle of the night) i even said i was sure i was just being a paranoid first time mom. the main reason i went in was because i was supposed to get on a flight to AZ (to visit my mom for the weekend) and then a few days later another flight back home to MN. i just didn't want to fly with how i was feeling. i always wonder how far i would have made it. like would i have had the baby on a plane? in AZ? or could i have made it home, since i eventually gave birth on the day i was supposed to be home already. crazy!
  9. wow, she sure is a fighter! and we were lucky in the gwen had no complications and we were really never scared for her health, other than the general fear of having your baby 2 months early. i do feel very blessed. i've heard stories since then about kids born less early (later?) and have severe complications from being premature. scary.
  10. how long was she in the NICU, until about 37 weeks or so? that's about when we were out, so we were in about a month, just over. is she totally healthy now? gwen has always been pretty healthy - she was smallish at first but caught up around 18 mos.
  11. i know. and i remember how supportive all of the BDW girls were. i mean tammy (host) came to visit me in the hospital before my husband got there (i happened to be in her neck of the woods! that was the first time i met her!). others offered to come. some sent gifts. amazing. and of course one of the girls on here (Sarah) is a L&D nurse so she was on the phone with me A LOT! lol and this is weird, one of the NICU nurses ended up being on this forum as well, AND married at Las Caletas, where I was married. talk about small world! and in case you wonder why I am still on BDW almost 6 years later ... i think you can see now, i've formed some true friendships!
  12. yep, i've always said BDW gals make some damn cute kids ... and your sure are! my son was 36w5d (and over 9lbs!!!), they weren't too worried about him.
  13. yup, sure am! my daughter was born in May, was supposed to be July ... she was exactly 8 weeks early. definitely caught me off guard, i was living in MN at the time and i was in CA on my last business trip before working from home for the rest of my pregnancy. oops! and to complicate matters even more, my husband was in FL on a golf trip (he couldn't have been further away!)! he did end up making it to CA before she was born though, the hospital held me off for 5 days before i delivered. she was 5 lbs when she was born ... fast forward to today and she's a 4.5 (almost 5!) year old, happy, healthy little girl full of, well, we'll call it spunk.
  14. and thanks to everyone for having their weigh ins submitted on time ... nice work! and just to clear something up since its always confusing the way i do it ... but this was week 2 results. i know there have been 3 weigh ins, but the way i look at it is that the first is like the initial weigh in .... the starting point. then you have first week, and at the end of that is Week 1 weigh in. so then this was just the week 2 weigh in. confusing, i know! but that's how i organize it in my little spreadsheet.
  15. WEEK 2 RESULTS sheryllj520 (Sheryll) -2.808% !!! sheryllj520's FI (Rich) -2.328% kisha311 -1.693% Jenny2014 -1.600% -Kate- -1.316% jeno111213 (Jennifer) -1.110% carly -1.020% Cherina -0.532% jamielynn55's FI (Kenny) -0.273% Cougs (Lisa) -0.176% Abbie 0.000% dazeydawl (Ali) 0.000% Resplendent (Bahiya) 0.000% Tammy Host 0.329% mishmyangel (Heather) 0.721% jamielynn55 (Jamie) 1.346% Reign14 1.548%
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