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Posts posted by EDYTA

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BEACHBRIDEMA View Post
    Oh thats awsome Edyta whats the name of the restaurant I would love to go and try it out!
    It's called Sunny Cafe...it's super small, were located inside Noah's Natural Foods on Bloor and Spadina it's a self serve buffet 9 hot dishes and 9 cold dishes...menu changes everyday, there's also not a lot of seating but the food rocks, my mom does all the cooking and there are such unique dishes that u would never find anywhere else...like our potato and tofu or squash piergoies made from spelt flour, yum yum...PM if ur in the hood would love to meet up or anyone else for that matter

    were open MON-FRI- 10AM-7PM...SAT- 10AM-5PM juice bar closes 30 mins early and the best selection of food in lunch time cause nce were sold out were closed, our kitchen is in a different location...but I'm in the works of expanding the restaurant so I'll keep u guys updated
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ana View Post
    lol deal! it will be fun cheesy.gif maybe if you start doing some running during the summer we can run together in the fall too...it will be fun if we can talk during it too..and we can find some really fun classes to go to like spin or pilates etc.. I'm actually even considering calling my old personal trainer to see what his rates are now. He was awesome before and really kept me motivated. If you're interested he might even want to do like a discounted rate if he's training two of us at once :) cheer2.gif

    ugh i just want to move now cry.gif i don't want to wait another 3 months.
    Totally IN!! for the personal training...hook it upcheesy.gif I know I wish you were moving now 2
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amy&andy08 View Post
    Edyta I do have some advice. Really the only way to totally get rid of the cellulite is by eating super "clean" meaning no processed foods, and a primarily plant based diet. Also, weighted squats (put a bar accross your back and touch your booty to a flat bench like you are about to sit down) and also deadlifst (take the straight bar and bend down from the waste like you are wearing a short skirt and picking up a pencil....that's how a trainer explained it to me..lol.....) Unfortunately cardio doesn't really take care of it by itself. The biggest factor is the clean eating. I cut out fake sugars, the partially hydroginated fats, and processed meals (soups/frozen dinners) and it made such a huge difference in my body. I was a splenda addict! Let me know if you need any other advice. I'm full of this useless info....or useful...depending on what you want to hear! Good luck....I hope you start feeling better and more relaxed..."this too shall pass"

    Thanks Amy! the whole diet thing I should be able to do since my parents run a vegetarian, vegan all organic restaurant so it's he besttest food ever and so pure no crap in it what so ever..but when I was living away from home for a year that's when my troubles started sad.gif but I will pm u for more advice cause I know u worked out so hard for ur BD pics
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TammyB View Post
    Good for you Edyta, let us know what works. I know I've been so embarassed to put on a suit this year because of my legs so my pasty white skin doesn't make it look any better either. I think a high cardo workout will help you alot, along with tons of water.

    How is everything else going? We just don't see enough of you around here anymore, we miss you.
    Things r very stressful, a lot has happened in the past few months..we moved back to toronto after living a year in calgary and things r pretty rough for terry he misses calgary a lot so things r pretty tense between us....were also moving into a new place we bought a condo and weve been renovating for the past 2 weeks so that means we've also been living with my parents for the past 4 months which is stressing everyone out..also came back to expand my parents business and haven't really done anything towards it and everythings taking a long time so I'm super frustrated, stressed and depressed so ya that's why i haven't been around that much anymore

    WOW sorry bout the vent lol

    but i miss the forum so I'm trying to be on here more often but it's taking me a while to catch up on everything cause I've missed so much...everyones prego or has already had their baby and I remember some people just getting married and all...time flies

    how r things with u?
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TammyB View Post
    Yeap same problem here (Thanks mom) However I have always had this problem, their was a point in my life that I did kickboxing at least 3 days a week and it really did reduce it in fact it almost went away. However I don't work out that much anymore, and even when I do, it just never get's my legs to where they were. I've tried cream and everything so far hasn't worked. SO I'll be interested to see if people come up with a solution.

    BTW Edyta I fail to believe you as tiny as you are has a real problem, I bet no one else even notices. :-)
    O Tammy believe me I have tons of it and it's very noticable, I can't wear and skirts or dresses or the super tiny little shorts that so many people look awesome in and I WANT!!! lol that's it I'm fed up I'm giving it a month with intesive trainning and everything I've got and lets see what progress I make GRRRRRRRR
  6. So in the past year my body has changed DRAMATICALLY that I don't know what to do about it anymore..the thing that has been giving me the most grief are the back of my legs and this nasty cottage cheese thing we call cellulite


    I've always had problems with my thigh area, I could lose weight every where but my thighs and now they have gotten even worse now they have tons of cellulite..I've been under a lot of stress in the past couple months a lot of changes in my life so I heard that could be a cause of it


    but my question is to all you ladies if any of you have had it and actually been able to get rid of it? if I work out hard enough and tone will it go away? HELP I need some inspiration or words of wisdom some one tell me it's possible cause it's really starting to take a toll on me

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