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About LindseyColleen

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  1. Krystabab143- I think we might be there at the same time! We get in on the 11th and married on the 14th. I hope you have a great wedding! I have a few questions. 1. Is anyone aware if the resort has WIFI? Unfortunately one of my bridesmaids is unable to make it, and I am hoping we can skype her in and have a groomsman carry her down the aisle on an ipad. 2. Are there outlets/power source on/near the beach? We are bringing a speaker, but aren't sure if we need to have a battery powered one. 3. Lastly, we were just assigned our wedding coordinator. Zaray Casillas. I haven't seen this name before. Has anyone had her? Thanks for you input! You ladies have been super helpful. Speckles- Keep your chin up. You are a beautiful woman and he was clearly a fool to let you go. Much better to find out on this side of the wedding.
  2. Hello! I was wondering the same thing. And along those same lines, does anyone know if they use beer cans or beer bottles? I am working on having beer koozies made. Thanks in advance for your help!
  3. Hello ladies! I have to admit I have been trolling the threads now for awhile without actually contributing. Thank you all so much for the helpful information that you have posted! I am now just one month away from my wedding, and figured it was time to get a little more involved in the forum (and to be honest, the planning!) I will try not to ask any repeat questions.. but the post about the glass ware got me thinking. I am ordering beer coolies today for our welcome bags. Do any past brides know if the resort uses beer cans or bottles? Thanks!
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