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About stcroix2012

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  1. All of these posts are great. The powder, the extra undies, but remember if you pack some Woolite or other laundry detergent you can hand wash, which would save space for double the undies, sewing kit is a must plus all the meds, for upset tummy's, etc. headaches, and all the other fun. I would suggest some aloe vera for sunburns, disposable wash cloths for faces, of course the sewing kit, q tip for ears and make up fixes, less shoes, clothes, etc. since you can wash. I always take way too much and don't wear it. We have been to the islands a lot an finally are heading to St. Croix to get married next year. A couple pair of shorts/capri, some dresses or wraps, with flip flops do great anywhere. Be comfortable. So if anyone has any comments about St. Croix, I would love to hear them. If you have longer hair, definitely barretts or fancy rubber bands. Swimmy suits, 3 or 4 so you don't have to get into a wet one, or something that you can get away from the lines if you are having a wedding where you don't want to show the bikini lines. Tunes for the room, DVD's for the room if you have a room with one, books for just relaxing at the pool, etc. Hope this helps.Also don't forget the pens, pencils, paper, stapler, etc that you might need.
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