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Posts posted by Lucy79

  1. So I went for my first dress fitting today. I was so happy when I put it on and saw the way it looked. I've lost 15 lbs and ordered the dress a size smaller than what I was wearing at that time and the same size as I had on when I purchased the dress.  I was soo happy when I could step into it and pull it up, I couldn't do that before.  I came out of the dressing room and was so excited and started taking some pictures and then the seamstress showed up.  In a matter of minutes she deflated the high I was on.  She proceeded to tell me that the dress is too small, the underlay is bunching too much at my hips/waist.  She was adamant that I either let it out or come back in two weeks but that I need to lose another 10 lbs in order for the dress to fit properly.  I was so devastated and upset that I left and made an appointment to come back in two weeks.  And I came home to cry to my fiance.  So I need to know what you think. And please be honest.  I'm going to continue doing what I have been with my diet and exercise but I don't think it will be feasible for me to lose 10 lbs in two weeks.  And I don't know if its really necessary. 

    side note: don't mind the cap sleeves, I'm going to have them shortened to sleeves instead. 







  2. Originally Posted by Yassy View Post


    Have you ever tried shellac on your nails?  If can last 1-2 weeks if you take care of it;)

    I agree.  I've tried it twice.  Once when I went away and it did last two weeks even with all the exposure to the pool water and ocean.  I did it again when I got engaged cause I wanted my nails to look presentable for longer than a day that they would have with a regular manicure.  I mean after all I didn't want the beauty of my ring to be overshadowed by my gross finger nails.  LOL! I plan on doing it right before I leave for Jamaica.  I'm confident that it will last a few days before the wedding date.  

  3. Originally Posted by DANIELLE03 View Post


    Well there has been more than one lol But I let the first one go.


    But now its a issue with realtives coming from the usa or directly in Jamaica. And we wont know if they can come on the resort or not until day of wedding and if the resort is full or not.  so now some guests may not come Because they dont know for sure if they can get in for the wedding.. Understandable I wouldnt want to pay if I cant come for sure. And the reason they arnt staying at the resort is because they want to stay with family in Jamaica as thats home for them. .. so  thinking about moving off resort to ensure that everyone can come.. its a nightmare and annoying..  and this isnt even MY aunt. Its his. and I have to take all the flack.. -sighs-

    That's so horrible! Its a huge resort I'm sure they can accommodate 10 extra people for one day. And to have to wait until the day of the wedding to get an answer is totally ridiculous.  I do not blame you for looking elsewhere, I would have done the same.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by itswrightsc View Post

    I have been looking at some of the transport company's I want to be able to pay a company to transport my guest since their paying to come and the hotel doesn't offer it. My plan is the make it fix in the budget... I have a friend who is from Jamaica and his cousin owns a tour company but I don't remember the name right this min will post/ text it later for you and others


    Transportation is including in our price as well but I was going to ask my TA about this once I knew how many people were coming for sure. If we are a large group and could fill a bus I would like to arrange our own private bus. The last time we were in Jamaica we waited about an hour and a half for the resort bus to show up and would like to avoid that this time. It was hot and crowded and not the greatest experience. Hopefully she'll be able to arrange something for us.
  5. Ladies! I have a few updates for you. We got our first RSVP back and it was exciting to see it in the mailbox! It was from my in laws but still I am getting excited to start hearing responses. Secondly, I'm so thrilled to tell you that I have officially lost 10 lbs and about 7 inches. I can't tell you how happy I was this morning when I got on the scale! I downloaded the FitnessPal app for my touch and have been using it since Friday. It is very helpful. Makes you aware of what you are eating. My finance thinks i am nuts going around the kitchen scanning barcodes but hey it keeps me accountable. I wish it had a better database for all the workout dvd's out there. I've had to enter my workouts by monitroing my heart rate throughout the DVD and then entering it myself. That is my only complaint for the app otherwise it is great. I have about 3 months before my dress comes in and I am hoping to lose another 10 by then. Wish me luck!

  6. Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    Ladies.....need some imput....Do you think it is cheaper to DIY invites or just pay someone to make them??? The ones I really fell in love with is a passport invite that is $5.10 per passport with a min of 30 required to purchase and only sold in sets of 10. BUT the shipping is $34.63....so the total for 30 would be $187.63. The other ones that I liked are boarding pass ones that are $5.50 a piece and $10 for shipping....which would come to $175. I just feel like this is a lot of money for 30 invites and that I can either see what staples or kinko's would charge and than see if I printed them myself....only problem with me doing it is having to get the stuff to cut them. But what if I printed them and brought them somewhere to be cut?! Trying to save as much as possible :(



    I made mine with my sister's help.  She does cards and stuff on the side and had all the tools/cutters/stamps which made it more affordable for me.  It cost me about $50 to make 40 which is about 1.25 each.  Mind you that doesn't include stamps and i spent $65 for the outside and return stamp.  I had to put 1.34 stamps on all of them due to the weight and thickness.  The brad that I used to hold the passes together was a little bulky so when they tried to put it through a fake normal mail slot at the post office it didn't pass through and i needed to up the stamp for it.  Totally ridiculous and a money grab if you ask me.    But I guess I would have had to spend that for the stamps whether I made the invites or someone else did. I am really happy with how they turned out. I just mailed them out on Monday and already have been getting so many compliments on them.  Here are some pics....









  7. Originally Posted by Lucy79 View Post


    i`m just finishing up my invites.  I decided to do the boarding pass style.  I`ll post pics in a few days after i`m done assembling them all.  Mine say:


    ___ Our bags are packed. Save us a chair!


    ___ We regret but we sunburn easily!

    sorry it actually says


    __ our bags are packed. Save us a beach chair

  8. Originally Posted by ironman View Post


    I could easily change to:

    ____ Joyfully accepts

    ____ Regretfully declines

    if that will be more clear??

    i`m just finishing up my invites.  I decided to do the boarding pass style.  I`ll post pics in a few days after i`m done assembling them all.  Mine say:


    ___ Our bags are packed. Save us a chair!


    ___ We regret but we sunburn easily!

  9. Originally Posted by Mrs Smith 2 Be View Post


    I meant *once it's altered.  Darn auto correct


    I feel the opposite.  I feel like its been so hard getting this weight off that it won't come off in the next few months before the dress comes in.  I can't believe how hard it has been for me to lose weight now that I'm in my 30's.  I'm starting to panic.

  10. So far I am at 6 lbs lost and 6 inches since the beginning of May.  I feel like its just not coming off fast enough but maybe that's because i am focusing on the scale numbers vs. the tape measure numbers.  I said yes to the dress yesterday.  I love it and decided to order the size I had on (I know, risky move). its only one size smaller than what I am normally.  It fit and laced up with no gaps in the corset, it was just a bit snug in the mid section and hips.  Wish me luck! I'll be on here a lot to keep motivated!




    I said yes to the dress yesterday!!  I'm very happy with it and it is not the look i was going for AT ALL! I was not interested in lace and I wanted a sweat heart neckline.  However after trying on about a dozen different dresses (and different styles) I felt that I look like a line backer in a strapless dress.  The picture really does not do it justice. I ordered the size I had on.  Its a little snug in the mid section but I have 3 months to shed some more weight before the dress comes in.  I'll post another pic after the alterations are done.




  12. Originally Posted by SWOK View Post


    welcome to the craziness! haha i am getting ready to send out my invites this week. do you thnk its too early?  half of my gusts are already booked bc i put all the info on my wedding website with the travel agent and sent that with the save the dates. I also registered too and gifts are magically disappearing! lol


    i have my dress (havent started alterations), ordered bridesmaids/MOB dresses, and starting collecting stuff for the OOT bags bc I just know all the cute summer stuff will be gone by december! Same goes for bathing suits and flip flops! maybe its just an excuse for shopping haha



    I'm on vacation this coming week and I have lots on my list that I want and need to get done.  We moved into our house 8 months ago and still have boxes lingering in closets.  LOL! In regards to the wedding, the wedding invite template is almost done.  I want to find the stationary and get them printed, assembled and mailed out by mid July.  The other thing is I want to go out and dress shop. We are going to finalize the reservation with my travel agent and work on the website too.  Oh my...I don't think 7 days will be enough time.  

  13. Originally Posted by KristieT View Post


    Mikaella (Canadian Designer)

    Its style 1508

    I remember seeing another dress from this designer online that was also very pretty.  I like her styles and will definitely make sure to try out her stuff.  Hoping to go dress shopping next week! eeee! exciting and nervous! 

  14. Originally Posted by Liann03 View Post



    Good luck. How are you planning on achieving that?


    Originally Posted by moodyc82 View Post


    Good luck hunnie! We're all here cheering you on

    Try Jillian Michael's 30 day shred to start, it's a great program to start with. I lost 13inches from it and than I did her Ripped in 30 DVD. You can buy them in walmart for $9 and you just need some dumbells. Try skinnytaste.com for recipes and try a tracking program to log all your food. There's a lot out there for free, I personally use myfitnesspal and it has helped me to lose over 18lbs so far

    I have the 30 day shred and started with that in April.  I was doing it about 3-4 times a week to get me back in it.  Now I am doing the 90 Body Revolution from JM.  I am on week 5 and have noticed improvements in strength and appearance (less flabby, firmer, less cellulite).  I've lost about 4 lbs and 4 inches since then.  The problem is that I do well with my meals during the day but evenings and weekends are tough for me.  So i know i could be seeing bigger results if I was more strict with my diet.  So that is what I am going to do.  I downloaded the 17 day diet on my ereader this weekend and going to start that today.  Its not really a "17 day diet".  It four phases each comprising of 17 days.  Its nothing I haven't heard before but I am thinking that if it is split up on phases and you can measure success and switch it up every 2.5 weeks might be more motivating for me.


    Thanks for the tip on the logging of food. I am going to do that as well...keep me even more accountable.

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