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Posts posted by BamaBride

  1. Save the Dates are done! FI & I had a hard time finding a pic we liked, since in all of our pictures together either we are wearing sunglasses or holding a drink ha. So I decided to get a little crafty & use coconuts. That way we can also incorporate where we live now into our STD. I used Snapfish....super easy & got 60 w/envelopes for $30 including shipping. My bridesmaid made the stickers to go on the back of the envelopes, using our colors,  & I love the way they turned out! 



    our orginal picture








    The chevron looks black in this pic, but it is navy blue, along with the writing

  2. Well, I'm going to start off by saying, I was absolutely dreading going shopping for my wedding dress. I had many reasons for feeling this way...

    1) I currently live out of the US, in a place where there is NO chance of finding a wedding dress. So I had to wait until I came home for Thanksgiving to shop for my dress. Since it's only 5 months until the big day, that pretty much limited my options to what was actually in the store that I could take home that day. No ordering. So I was not looking forward to seeing all the beautiful dresses that I had no chance of getting, since they were purchased only through ordering.


    2) limited budget. Although my FI & I are paying for the actual wedding, my dad was determined to pay for the dress itself. But that also meant capping the spending to $700. Further limiting my choices. 


    3) My mom. Although I haven't lived at home for quite a while, my mom's opinion still matters to me. Unfortunately my mom is a hard-core conservative-don't show your boobs-strapless is of the devil- mom. Now I am not one to EVER change what I want to please someone else, but still, I wanted my mom to at least  not-hate my dress. I knew if would be hard though.


    To make a long- story short. First place. First dress I tried on. Absolute perfection. Everything I wanted....off the shoulders, simple, keyhole back, lightweight, elegant....blah blah blah I'm freakin in love with this dress. Best part, $600, no alterations needed, & my mom cried she loved it so much.


    Now just gotta find some fabulous shoes;)






  3. I thought I was addicted to Pinterest before we got engaged....little did I know, planning a wedding would turn me into a pinterest-monster! Seriously addicted. You can tell I started pinning as soon as we got engaged, because my wedding "theme" jumps from one extreme to another....but hey, there could be worse addictions, at least, that's what I keep telling myself;)


    Here's my board:


  4. It's official! FINALLY, after months & months of scouting out locations... changing cities, states, countries, and continents. Jumping around from option to option. We have finally confirmed our date & place & have put down our down payment. My FI surprised me with all the signed paperwork & a sweet note when I got home from work yesterday & we went out to dinner to celebrate. Such a weight lifted. 

    Thursday, April 25, 2013

    San Juan Marriott Resort & Stellaris Casino


    Sh#t just got real:)

  5. Originally Posted by sgreen99 View Post




    Here's mine!  I went the DIY route, a few gluegun burns in the process but I'm happy with it :) The one that plianab posted from Etsy was my inspiration, just couldn't see spending the $55 on it. 

    Great job! When I saw the picture I had no idea it was DIY! Saving $55 is definitely worth a few burns in my book :)

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