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Posts posted by MelB2012

  1. Ahhhh! I leave tomorrow morning for Jamaica. My wedding is next Friday! I hope I did everything I was supposed to. All I have left to do is pack... which I've been trying to do for a week. I have so much to bring. Hoefully I've pawned off enough items to others that everything will now fit. I hope everything works out. Wish me luck!

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dena View Post

    We all need to set up a time and place to meet when we are at the resort.  Anyone have any suggestions?

    Yea we do! I would suggest maybe Monday or Tuesday night? So Nov 11th or 12th for a drink or something?


    The 10th I've trying to put together a "welcome dinner", and it's my brother's 19th birthday. And the 13th we're doing a catamaran excursion... and then it's our weddings, so.... Thos are the dates I suggest.


    "Where" is another story... Lol. At a bar.... somewhere? I've never been to the resort. Haha.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novr2013Bride View Post

    Hi Ladies

    Wondering what you girls are all doing for wedding favors? I can't seem to be able to decide what to do.. Also any good idea's for bridal party gifts? I'm completely at a loss right now as what to get.. Thanks

    I bought starfish bottle openers (beer, not wine.) and bottle stoppers (wine) with starfish on top.


    It's the year of the starfish... and the colour turquoise for me. Haha.


    Also, I bought my ladies swarovski starfish earrings. They are simple, stud-like earrings... not too gawdy. So they can wear them again. And decently priced.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novr2013Bride View Post

    Hi MelB

    What time are you getting Married on the 15th? I will also be getting married that day. We are currently booked at 2pm. Have you had much luck with corresponding with the wedding coordinators? I found out the other day the resort does not offer steaming for wedding dresses :(


    Hey Hey! I'm scheduled for a 4pm ceremony, dinner at the Dolce Vita and the gazebo with DJ in the evening. So exciting! Maybe we'll see you there.


    I have had some difficulty back and forth with the WC's. I plan on calling mid-October to try and figure some things out, while still giving myself time to change some things if I need to (like the way I bring my music for example.)


    My grandma is a seamstress, so she's bringing a travel steamer for me. I've heard other brides say they are/or have steamed up their bathrooms with their dress in it, and it usually does the trick.


    Or, buy a steamer? :)

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jenn963 View Post


    I have : tumblers (which i'm scared of them cracking if they throw my luggage around like crazy), embroidered face towels, first aid kits, "just married" flip flop key chains, aloe vera, hand lotion, lip balm, nail file, nail clippers, small (2"x3") frames, and i believe theres more i just cannot remember right now. lol


    I have tumblers, which will likely go in my brother's suitcase. I bought too many, so I'll just bring a couple extras. I have survival kits (Aloe Vera, Advil, First aid kits, lip balm, tums, sanitizer, aveeno moisturizer, gum - in out wedding colour! Ha!, wet ones, emergen-c, I think that's it. I made brochures, and have "travel books" on jamaica I got for free. :) And some Sudoku, or Crossword/Wordsearch books.


    The bridal party are also getting sarongs and tank tops with bedazzled labels (Bridesmaid, etc...) I think that's it. I'll probably go pick up some cute pencils and throw those in too. And the 3 children who are coming (cousins) are getting a few colouring books and such.

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kts883 View Post

    We're January 9th....and will be there from the 5th til the 12th :-) Can't believe we leave in less than 100 days!We're January 9th, and will be there the 5th til the 12th....so we'll just miss each other! Hope you have a beautiful wedding!


    Let me tell you, these 100 days will fly by!


    I get married Nov 15th, and leave in less than 40 days. I think 38? It's madness. I feel like there's 100 things to do!?!?! Ahh!

  7. Just figured out mine! Leaving in 40 days.

    Something old: My mom is going to pin to the under of my dress - it's a secret - but I think it's one of my grampy's old military pins.

    Something new: My dress

    Something borrowed: My Mom got married 5 years ago. I'm borrowing her headband/tiara bling.

    Something Blue: My wicked awesome satin peep-toe shoes. With starfish bling. :)

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dena View Post


    I am having my hair done by Raschel Edwards (I have her booked for all the wedding party).


    My "cousin" is doing our pictures, or that's what the resort will think lol.  I felt better bringing someone with us and found it a lot cheaper.

    What are you doing.


    I definitely think we all need to meet for a drink!


    I'm also having my hair done by Rashel Edwards - I booked her for the wedding party (2 bridesmaids) My mom, Nanny, and Aunt.


    I booked Christopher Lee through the resort. I didn't want to deal with "vendor fee" issues for photography, and plenty of family will take photos with our good Nikon camera's. I have a few photography nerds in the fam. :)


    We should all meet for a drink. The grooms' are going to be a little confused.... "How do you ladies know each other?" Haha!

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by strwbsprkl View Post

    hey guys I really would like some input in this. So in august I went to a destination wedding in the dominican republic. The bride never asked me to be a bridesmaid at her wedding. during rehearsal my boyfriends brother (the groom) said they needed me to be in the wedding because they were a person short. the bride never once addressed the issue. she didn't even thank me. I understand she was stressed during the wedding, it's been a few over a month and still nothing not even a thank you card and we spent over 3,000 going over there. my dilemma is that now iss my turn to be married im going to have a dw as well her husband and my boyfriend are brothers so hes definitely going to be in the wedding. SO DO I ASK HER? I don't want to look mean in front of my boyfriends family. im so torn. :(


    If it makes sense (numbers) and you need another girl, sure, ask her.


    If you have "your girls" and your numbers match the way you want them to without her in the wedding party... there's no need to ask her. It's not a matter of if she thanked you or not for stepping in as a bridesmaid for her wedding.... if you don't have a strong bond/relationship with her, no one should expect you to ask her. If she's not going to be a supportive BM, etc... don't worry about it.


    I said a lot of "No's" throughout this planning process, to family and such..... they get over it.

  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by STemple View Post

    Anyone else using/used Rashel Edwards? I'm only using her for makeup as my bridesmaid is a stylist.

    The resort wants to charge me a $250 vendor fee. My problem with this is I don't believe the spa provides air brushing so why am paying a vendor fee for a service they themselves don't offer. Also I have a wedding party of 5 girls,and my mother being looked after by Rashel and her stylist (this I know could be argued why I should be charged the vendor fee) BUT I have 4 or 5 guests who want hair and makeup done and are making reservations with the spa.

    Surely the spa can't handle hair and makeup for at least 11 people, so does anyone agree that I'm not crazy if I ask for that fee to be waived because A. No airbrushing at the spa and B. the spa is still getting a "wedding party" sized booking from my guests



    I advised the WC's that I was using Rashel Edwards, and they replied to my email (as there were several details in my email) but they did not acknowledge anything about Rashel, or a vendor fee. I am going to argue the same points as you. I was not notified of a vendor fee, your spa does not provide airbrushing.


    The most you should have to pay is a $75 day pass for her to be in the resort. Which I believe other brides have said in this forum. I'm using Rashel for Hair & makeup, as she was priced better and frankly, has better reviews. I have hired Rashel for 6 people, but I don't know if any of my wedding gusts will get hair or make up done at the spa.

  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by staceydale View Post

    Nice to know someone is on the same page as me - I had a number of friends that got married at home (not a destination) this summer and the amount of planning they had to do was crazy!

    The coordinators have been slow with their responses but at least I am to the point now that I feel it would be "ok" to plan the rest down there.


    Are you having a civil ceremony or are you getting married before hand? I sent along the documentation for a civil ceremony but I haven't heard back yet - of course.... lol


    Can you keep a secret?  *shhhh* We "got married" in June. Except we don't call it that. We call it "Paperwork." We wanted to make sure we could get a copy of the certificate before we left, as it was mentioned to me that we would need it for the symbolic ceremony. (I don't know why... but oh well.)


    We just received it last week. We picked our second choice wedding date, which was June 7, 2013. We won't recognize it as an anniversary. We aren't wearing our rings. Only our parents and my brother know. (Of course, they made it a bigger deal than what we intended.... But we didn't want to keep it a secret from them. Oh well.)


    So Symbolic for us. It gave us a bit more playroom with our ceremony too. Like, I wrote the script and really personalized it to us. And we asked a family friend to "marry" us.... he's not ordained or anything, but he doesn't have to be for our wedding.... Nobody will know. :) .... Hopefully nobody I know is reading my posts. Haha!

  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by staceydale View Post

    I will be traveling November 16th - 26th! Our wedding is on the 20th!

    How have you guy's found the planning? I have booked the Dolce Vita for the dinner and reception but that's about it.

    I'm getting nervous, because I feel like I have nothing done!


    Hi Stacey!

    Planning has been interesting... the wedding coordinators are admittedly, difficult to get a hold of, or a straight answer from. I've just been printing all my correspondence.


    We've booked our dinner at the Dolce Vita, and the Gazebo w/ DJ afterwards. I feel similar to you, I feel like I have nothing left to plan, and yet I feel like I've so much to do before leaving? It's bizarre! I've also planned my hair and make up with Rashel Edwards. and I've planned Sky Lanterns (Eco friendly) for afterwards too! Oh, and I've picked my flowers (an upgraded bouquet)... hopefully they have that on file (I know I have printed their confirmation.)...


    Other than that, most of my planning/projects and such don't involve the coordinators. IOr, can wait til I get there (meal choices, cake, etc.)


    Shame, you are getting there the day we leave! I'll be in Mexico Nov 17-24. :)

  13. I'm not getting married at EPM, but my FH and I will be going there 2 days after our wedding in Jamaica.


    We wanted some time away from the family, as we are spending our entire week in Jamaica with friends and fam.


    This resort has all the luxuries we wanted, as well as being adults only - so we booked. We'll be there November 17-24th.


    The weddings here look lovely too, but we couldn't convince all the family to come to Mexico... I'm sure I'm not the only bride who encountered some skeptics.

  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by CristalyneAnkit View Post

    I was also wondering what's included in the decor. I was told it's ribbons that will be draped on the front columns of the Gazebo, chairs with white chair covers IF you request them. Chair ties are an extra $2.50/chair. Some of the packages include your bridal bouquet and boutonniere from Tai Flora who you can email and they will EVENTUALLY send you a catalogue with their bouquets and tell you to choose from #149-164. Everything else is considered an upgrade and unfortunately you have to contact Tai Flora directly to get a quote on what you have in mind. They take forever to get back to you though! If you email the resort planners your ideas they can also look into and get quotes for you from Tai Flora but honestly would probably take even longer to email you back. I'm actually going to start calling everyone to find out what's going on with their emails cause they take way to long to respond but on the phone you get instant answers! There isn't any florals in the decorations really but I was told whatever I get for the ceremony the resort staff will be able to take apart and re-use for the reception, which will be a bonus! Hope that helps. I also attached a picture of what the ceremony setup the resort gives looks like, minus the chair ties. You can choose your own ribbon colours. I found it on Google! :)



    Last year when I fist started doing my weddnig planning the resort provided me with Tai Flora's catalogue, with the same "included" bouquets. I chose to order an "upgrade" and they were able to provide me the cost. I've never contact Tai Flora directly.


    This is actually my wedding colour (although I would so prefer a satin look.)

  15. Hey Ladies. Only a a couple months left to go until I leave for my wedding. Holy Cow!


    I have a *personal* questions to ask, maybe more for the brides who've already married in Jamaica.


    So, I feel like it's going to be hot there, right? And I'm going to be wearing a full wedding dress.... And probably sweat, under my gown, right? What have you ladies done to prevent or reduce sweating/chaffing? (What!? So, I don't have a gap between my thighs... I know I'm not alone here!)


    I'm worried about my wedding night Ladies!?!? Anyone relate?

  16. Originally Posted by mark82 View Post


    Hi Everyone,


    i hope everyone's plans are coming along nicely and no-one is too stressed out!! lol


    I'm looking for information on the best way to pay your final bills for your wedding, my thinking behind this question is because every time i try to use my card on a foreign website etc for a large amount on money my bank automatically declines the transaction.


    Being from the UK the last thing i want to be doing is chasing around my bank from abroad to get the money sorted.


    Past brides i would love to hear your input on how you went about it.


    We are getting married in Cancun then going on the Las Vegas afterwards and im just stressing out about having to take so much money with us to cover everything.

    i know everything should be ok but you always hear these horror stories that peoples rooms/safes have been broken into etc


    Anyway hope you are all well, any comments are more than welcome.


    Mark & Elaine

    Call your credit card company and tell them to put a note on your file that you will be in "x" country on "x" dates.

  17. Originally Posted by CdnBrideJoanne View Post



    I bought my double-walled insulated cups (with lid and straw) at Dollarama for $2 each.  I'm going to customize labels at Vistaprint.  I didn't want to spend too much as people will likely misplace them.  I have about 40 people coming.


    I was watching http://www.discountmugs-canada.com/ for a sale but I never saw anything worth jumping at. 

    Same here. Dollarama $2 cups, with lid and straw. I have a contact at Costco who will print labels for me. Just waiting on those..... 75 days to go! OMG.

  18. Originally Posted by Soon2BeMrsW View Post


    MelB2012, what kind of hiccups/changes did you have to deal with with Transat?

    With Transat, I booked about a year in advance (For my November 2013 wedding). Probably too early, but I got a pretty decent rate (Have seen others with similar rates, but nothing cheaper.)


    Because I booked so early, locked in my rate with 5 rooms (parents/siblings.) I only sent my invitations in early March 2013. In April 2013 I was notified that because I had nobody booked rooms in such an extended amount of time (5 rooms booked early in October 2012) Transat was releasing some of my seats to another wedding group, as they needed them and had booking already.


    Needless to say I freaked out - Queue Travel Agent.... He arranged for another flight for my group, with similar times in a different gate (Montreal instead of Toronto.) As most of my group lives in Ottawa, this actually panned out well. The folks living in Toronto all booked with the original flight, and the rest of us transferred to another gate.


    This is why I stress the need of a great travel agent. They work for you, the airlines don't.

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