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Everything posted by supadupa

  1. Hello all My Fiance and I have been planning our wedding for some time now and we have always wanted to do a destination wedding because we love the heat and we dont get much of that here in Canada! But what we didnt realize was that not only is it tough to find a good cinematographer, but to find on that has experience working with destination weddings! But fortunately our friend sent us link to the video and we booked with a ompany call Let Them Eat Cake Flims becuase we fell in love with their work and after meeting them we found out that they have tons of work with destination weddings as well as normal weddings! So i know how hard it can be to find that perfect group of people who are going to video tape your whole wedding! http://vimeo.com/27592791 So check this out and maybe it will help you find what your looking for in your destination wedding like we did Jordan
  2. I recently got engaged to my girlfriend of 4 and a half years, and we just started getting all of our wedding planning done. A friend of ours directed us to this video for a cinematography company that he heard of, <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/41110034" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> The company is Let Them Eat Cake Films, and they were able to put a concept video together for the couple as well as include a same day edit, incoprorationing everything thing throughout the day. I was just BLOWN away by how amazing the video was! I have already contacted Let Them Eat Cake Films and I have booked them for my wedding, they are an amazing group of people and they have plenty of experience as well as a dedication to making the perfect video. They showed me much more of there work and it was all just amazing! I was fortunate that my friend sent me this video so I thought I should share it all with you! supadupa1234
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