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Posts posted by mmb13111

  1. Originally Posted by kisha311 View Post


    So I just had my phone call to schedule my planning session with Roxy. I was very upfront about my hesitations on her responsiveness and customer service based on the information posted by past brides. The representative assured me that I can reach out to her directly if I did not have a satisfactory call with her, so wish me luck! 

    Good luck, thats who i had and she didnt know any questions i asked her and she was always out of the office, but it all turned out well thankfully! So again, any questions let me know and I will answer them best i can :)

  2. Originally Posted by kisha311 View Post


    Awesome pictures! Beaches allowed you to bring them on-site to take your photos? I love it. I think I will be bombarding you with questions as time goes on, if you don't mind. Beautiful though, I really like the one of the 3 of you laying on top of each other. 

    Thank you! That is my FAVORITE one too :) I am a picture freak, so I actually paid extra to bring them on the resort, that was my one splurg, my husband was mad that i spent that much, but after doing the pictures and getting them back he is so happy I did :) Def. I would be happy to answer any questions!!



    Originally Posted by Tropical Imaging View Post


    DO NOT SHIP THEM!!!  Anything coming onto the island is subject to shipping fees AND 35% + customs duty of the purchase price (yes that is thirty five percent or more).  You have to supply a purchase invoice and have someone to clear them for you which adds an additional 10% to the shipment.   You will look at at least paying total of 45-55% of the price of your shipment or more and if you don't know the way around getting things cleared, it could be a huge headache as well as costly and you may not get them in time depending on who you ship with.   If you live near your bridal party, I would suggest having them bring their flowers down (if you trust them LOL).   But as a 17 year resident here, don't even think about shipping them (unless you have an unlimited budget. )









    Originally Posted by jessimd View Post


    I have a question for all the brides! I am having troubles trying to figure out what I am going to do with my silk flowers I am bringing with to the resort! How did you pack yours? Or did you ship yours to the resort? I have 5 bouquets and the boutonnieres.


    I was actually told i could not ship anything unless i was there to receive my package, which i def do not want to risk that. I think I am just going to carry my flowers on with me. 


  4. yaniranina, I doing that also with my 6 year old son. I am getting married may 4. We are having TI do all of our photos, it will be a lot more money, but to me it will be worth it because i love pictures, thats my most important part. I am having beaches do the video taping. Good luck with your planning :) 

    Originally Posted by yaniranina View Post

    Hi Melissa43 - I'm doing the same exact thing as you with my 9 year old son!  I was wondering if you had any additional advise/information.  I am having a hard time deciding between having the wedding shot by the beaches photographer vs TI.  On one hand I love the pictures by TI, but on the other, I can't afford to do both and with no one really there to take pictures I'm worried about not having any photos of the actual ceremony.  Do you know if Beaches lets you purchase single pictures instead of a package?


    To all Beaches May/June brides, I noticed there are a few on here, is anyone getting Married on or around May 31st?  Anyone else eloping alone?  I know there was a lady inquiring about help with video taping, but the dates don't match up.  If there are others out there needing this help, perhaps we can help each other out?


    Let me know.






    Originally Posted by beachbride0519 View Post


    I'll put pics up tonight, when I'm on my IPad it doesn't let me post pictures sad.gif

    I think your bouquet will be gorgeous and bring out the pink in your dress. Where is the pink in your dress? A sash or something? I actually have a purple sash on my dress




    Originally Posted by melissa43 View Post



    The bouquet is beautiful.  I am glad you are as happy as I was.  It is unbelieveable how real it looks.  Wed ideas is great and so easy to work with.




    Great! I can't wait to see it! It has pink on the bottom, light pink. Thanks :) I cant wait! Were getting close!!! 



    Thanks !! I know and it almost smells real too! LOL They were great! 

  6. Thanks :) Did you put a picture of yours up? Yea, I went with the 10 inch. The one one this i would change is, the pink and the green flowers switched, just because my dress has pink on it, but thats okay. I still love them.

    Originally Posted by beachbride0519 View Post

    Beautiful!!!! I got my flowers as well and they are beautiful. I just wish I had gone with the 10" bouquet instead of 8"...other than that I am more than pleased with the decision to go with wed ideas.com


  7. Hey Linzayr, We are getting married May 4th, coming soooo quick :) We also want the beach and we want to be barefoot as well. Its only going to be me, my fiance and my son so we are doing a private candel light dinner on the beach. So i cant help you :( But Congrats and good luck with everything!!

    Originally Posted by linzayr View Post

    Hi ladies!  I'm getting married at Beaches Turks in 2 months!  May 11 is my day and I am so excited!  Is there anyone else getting married this day?  Eveything is going along well.  We have just about everything set.  My biggest concern is not knowing where the ceremony or the reception will take place.  Does anyone have any location recommendations?  We plan to wed on the beach, barefoot.  We wanted to have the reception there as well, but it's a friday night and they have their beach parties then.  We have 26 total guests coming, so any input on a great location for the reception would be great!!


  8. Melissa, Thank you so much for the feedback, its really appreciated :) Thats great to know you you get here schedule and everything,  Its definitely reassuring to hear this because of course i have my family, which are not happy about us going away in the first place, telling me how i can;t put him in the kids camp and its not safe. Which i will admit, it was a thing where i said i would have to see it before i put him in it, but again, glad to hear from you about how much he loved it.


    Thanks again, Melissa.

    Originally Posted by melissa43 View Post

    My son loved the camp.  He is 8 years old.  I have to admit the first day I was a little nervous but he was so excited to be with other kids.

    They have a list of all the activities and the times.  You can check on them any time.  When it was time for a new activity we were there

    to see if he was OK and if he wanted to stay.  He always did.  The counsels are all very good.  He was always excited to see them.

    We would like to go back.  It was a great place for us to have our time as well as my son having a great time.

    I hope this helps.








    Originally Posted by beachbride0519 View Post


    My son will be 6 when we go as well, so I'm very interested to hear about this too!



    Hopefully someone will give us feedback. It will only be the 3 of us, so i wont have anyone i trust to watch him, and i am hoping i will feel comfortable with him being there. Have you been able to find any feedback about it anywhere? I have been trying to look but no luck. :(


  10. YAY! I am so glad to hear that! Thats crazy that we did the same thing! My family is upset, but they will get over it. We are having our dream wedding. We actually up graded our room to a 1 bedroom so when my son goes to bed we can have our alone time. We are beyond excited! We went from 9 months until the wedding to 3 months! And I just ordered my bouquet from wedideas.com and I cant wait to get it in :) Your bouquet was beautiful! I thought it was real until i read all the post. Your pictures are beautiful! 

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