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Posts posted by Sjay

  1. Any GTA-area brides going to the National Bridal Show this weekend in Mississauga? I've less than 3 months to go, but I'm going to look for a last few small things I need...plus I love the freebies, especially the magazines! :)

    I've been looking for an online promo code but I'm coming up empty - does anyone have one?

    I'll keep searching and if I find one, I'll be sure to post it here.


  2. Originally Posted by Jaciv2000 View Post


    Has anyone found a cheap videographer??? I see the one at the suites is $450....I was thinking about just asking one of my guests to record the whole thing instead. Anyone else doing that?????


    I was just coming online to post this same question. I've been back and forth about a videographer and was considering asking a guest, but what if they have trouble or there's a problem with the camera?

    I think I'm just going to hire a professional to shoot the ceremony and toast, so if anyone has reco's for Jaciv2000 and I, please share!

  3. Originally Posted by TheWolferts View Post



    I got mine on Amazon.com for $10 ( I am an Amazon Prime member, so I dont have to pay for shipping). It might be easier to just order one rather than find one used and drive to pick it up. Plus, you can get them in a variety of colors! I got mine in one of our wedding colors and I believe it was the same price as the plain bag. Obviously not necessary, but it was kinda cute!




    Thanks for the suggestion - I'll look into it!

  4. Hi all,


    I ended up finding my dream dress at a sample sale at a local bridal show, and the seller was only able to provide a thin plastic bag to cover the dress.


    I'm hoping someone out there who has had their dress professionally cleaned and stored might be willing to donate their garment bag so my dress can travel safely to/from Jamaica.


    I'm in Toronto and willing to travel within the GTA to collect it - let me know!


    Thanks for your consideration,

  5. Originally Posted by papoue View Post



    Hi Sjay,  I found specifics informations regarding the square tables used at Aunt Ruby's; A fellow bride from this forum (Kimberli1211) have asked that question to the wc and here is the answer she obtained (p.374 of this forum):


    Tables for 4 pax: 90 cm x 90 cm (35.4 x 35.4 inches)

    Tables for 2 pax 70 cm x 90 cm (27.5 in x 35.4 in)


    Both are 77 cm height ( 30 inch)


    The tablecloths we use in the restaurants are 170 cm x 170 cm (67 x 67 inches), and

    they reach to the middle of the table, not to the floor


    Have a nice week-end!


    You ROCK! Thank you so much!!

  6. Originally Posted by papoue View Post



    Hi Sjay,


    I don't know if you already have this information...


    Here's what one of the previous brides wrote about this, somewhere in this thread:


    "The table measurements are as follows; the round Tables are 182CM in Diameter and the Height is 74cm.


    The rectangular Tables are 243cm in length and 76cm in width and the height

    is 74cm."


    Hope this can help you


    Thanks so much Papoue! I didn't have the information, and to be honest, I'm feeling a bit frustrated. The WC recently emailed me with only the height of the tables (?!) and she said the square (I suppose rectangular?) tables are 77cm high. I don't know which of all these various measurements is correct! I guess I'll just err on the side of the larger numbers. Thanks again for posting the info, I really appreciate it! :)

  7. Originally Posted by CourtandMatt View Post


    OMG!  That is beautiful!  I so want to stay there after the wedding; however, I am so torn.   We are planning to be in Jamaica from Wednesday - Tuesday (Saturday wedding).  I was thinking we could stay somewhere different, like Tensing Pen, from Sunday - Tuesday (we are going on our honeymoon six months after our wedding), but I am torn because I rarely get to see all of our family and friends.  My fiance says we need to just stay at IRHS.   What are your thoughts?  What did you do? 


    Also, non-related question, did anyone put on their invitation anything about the resort fee if people do not stay at IRHS?   I have some people that are talking about going to Jamaica but staying elsewhere.  I have the resort fee info on our website, but I don't think they have seen it because the resort fee seems quite high and I think they would think otherwise about coming if they knew the cost.  Can I put it on the invitation or should I just hope that they see it on our website? 




    One thing you could consider is moving over to the Grand after your wedding for the last few days. I've heard of other couples doing this and loving the 5-star experience and having some alone time, but also the flexibility of walking next door to dine with guests, or just hang out.


    I only have one guest considering staying elsewhere, but my thoughts to your second question are not to put it on the invite but instead make it more prominent on your site if you can, and direct those individuals to the info, perhaps with a personal email.

  8. Originally Posted by Shauna253 View Post


    Just curious if anyone has any suggestions on a change of venue for the second week (for our honeymoon).  We don't want to do 2 weeks in the same area and were thinking either Negril or Ocho Rios or even flying to Barbados or something.  Any input on places you guys looked at our have booked would be great! 

    After a week at the Suites we're taking a 4-day 'mini'moon in Negril at Tensing Pen. We wanted a change from the big, all-inclusive resort and Tensing Pen offers just that - it's a small, romantic boutique hotel on the cliffs of the West End. Check out their website, it's absolutely gorgeous!

  9. Thanks for all your feedback ladies.

    I've seen pics of the lobby ceremony set-up, so that's cool if we absolutely have to go inside for the wedding.

    I do like the idea of a tent for the beach reception (thanks Harley!) - I'm going to ask Tai Flora about the cost and maybe I'll ask them to have one on backup for me.


    My bigger concern is what if we have to take the dancing inside. I think I've only got the club and music lounge (is that at the Suites or am I confusing that with Beach or Grand?) that we could dance in, but I also realize other brides may be having welcome parties/cocktail receptions in those venues the same day as my wedding. I don't want to be stuck without a place to do our speeches and dance!


    We chose December as it's outside of rainy/hurricane season so I'm hopeful everything will go as planned!

  10. We're planning a beach ceremony, semi-private dinner at Aunt Ruby's and drinks and dancing on the beach.

    I'm aware of the rain back-up plan for the ceremony at the Suites, but is there a typical back-up plan in case it rains in the evening and we can't have our beach party after dinner?

    Does Nicole or Tiffany recommend a particular indoor space for this?

    Since it will be a day-of decision to move indoors, do we just 'reserve' someplace in advance?


  11. Haha, nope, I've been to Vancouver a few times... LOVE it. If I ever move to another CDN city, it will be there. :)


    That's odd that ppl have gotten the time off work but haven't booked. Do you think they're hoping for a better rate? Some of our 'maybes' are waiting to get a good, last minute rate. The rest are all waiting on something... university schedules, vacation approval, etc.


    Do you have a wedding website? We've got one with The Knot and are using it to send emails to our guests, manage our RSVP list, etc. Our guests got a STD last December, group booking info in May, and our invite in June, so I can't believe we haven't heard anything either way from about half our invited guests! Our RSVP deadline is less than a week away so I fear we'll be doing LOTS of follow up. I think I'll use the website to send out one last reminder email - hopefully it'll get a few more ppl to respond.


    Yay, glad you found your FI's outfit! Silk linen pants sound really nice. My guy is always on the hot side too, but he wanted a suit so that's what he got. The jacket will be on the back of the chair more than on him though I'm betting. My dress is form fitting but has a net overlay with a cool pattern on it (I call it a 'sexy-fun' dress) so his suit will 'match' in formality.


    I haven't posted a photo of my dress (yet) as I don't have a good photo of me in it. I ended up finding it at a sample sale and it's a bit small and has a number of small flaws to it, so it's with my seamstress now. When it's in photo-form, I'll post a pic. :)  What's your dress like?


    Oh, and no personalized stuff. We're not finished deciding on things, but I don't think we'll have anything personalized at all. ;)

  12. Originally Posted by MrsDesz View Post



    Thanks for posting the groupon. I've only compared prices with the bridal salon where I bought my dress. The bridal salon could do it themselves for $250 + tax or they could refer me and I could take it in myself and pay $350 + tax. So, I purchased the groupon for cleaning and preservation-$189. I will let you all know how it turns out on my first dress. Has anyone lse used it???

    Thanks again!


    No problem MrsDesz! Crazy how expensive the prices are huh?


    I've just priced out a few other dry cleaners in central Toronto and most charge $250+ for cleaning. Only one was cheaper, and considerably so: $120 @ King West Village Cleaners (or $220 for cleaning and preservation) and when I checked them out on Yelp, the reviews were mixed, although the one or two who had a wedding gown cleaned were quite pleased. I need to get my dress cleaned twice (I bought a sample so it's bit grungy) so think I'll try out this groupon for one of my cleanings.

  13. I just came across a Toronto Groupon deal for wedding dress cleaning and preservation so wanted to share:



    Have to admit though, I had no idea what wedding dress cleaning would cost and I was shocked when I saw the values listed - are these prices really real? Past brides, what have you paid? If this is truly a good price, I'll definitely buy one!

  14. The initial shock and hurt has worn off for both of us. The ex-BM is one of my FI's best friends and he verbally confirmed he'd be at our wedding before we'd even decided on the resort (but knew we'd do Jamaica) so after all this time, to have this happen, ugh. I really make an effort (in life, and definitely in wedding planning!) to not worry about that which I cannot control - and this is a perfect example. FI will have someone stand with him, and we'll party it up at the resort - before, during and after the wedding!


    We've done all the big stuff and have been 'on hold' as we await RSVPs. We've got 15 confirmed, and as many 'maybes'! How do you plan for 'maybes', lol? We're not doing an OOT bag, but a number of small things that guests will get over the course of the week. We've been buying stuff for a few months but we'll for sure have stuff to return and/or sell. I was afraid to wait on things and then have a hard (impossible?) time getting them into the fall.


    Where do you live? My FI just got a beautiful suit at a Hugo Boss factory outlet store in Niagara Falls, NY.

  15. Hi Anya,


    Thanks for your thoughts. When the BM bailed (via email) I asked my FI if he had mentioned the bachelor party at all, as we know he was already in the early stages of planning it. He hadn't said anything about it and at that point, my FI didn't want to ask him about it. They're seeing each other this weekend so maybe it'll come up, otherwise I'll bring it up again with my FI. I have no problem asking the now ex-BM about organizing it, but I want to make sure FI is cool with that.


    We only have/had one person aside - he had his BM and my sister is my MOH. We'll definitely have someone to stand with him on the day.


    We're not very traditional either - we're simply doing what we like and want to do, and passing on the rest. At the same time I don't want to hurt or offend anyone, hence my post here. I think FI's good friend will be sympathetic to his situation and won't be upset he was asked second. He only recently told he was coming afterall too. We'll figure out the bachelor party... :)


    Thanks for your help! And very cool that we're two days apart! I haven't seen/talked to anyone on these forums with such a close date - how's your planning going? :)

  16. Thanks Kisha. We've got my brother-in-law too, and my FI is pretty good friends with him. I'm even thinking about talking to him about planning a guys night out, and I'd help with the planning if needed.


    You're right, it can and will be salvaged and it will all turn out alright, I just hate seeing my FI so sad right now. There have been a lot of negative family issues during our engagement period so we've had a rough go of it and it just sucks having this happen too. I know we'll have a blast and celebrate with the whole group at the resort before our wedding, but I'd like to cheer him up between now and then, know what I mean? Thanks for your thoughts and support! Don't know what I'd do without these forums. :)

  17. With just over 4 months to go, my FI just found out that his BM can't make it to our wedding. He's starting a new job shortly and they will not permit him to take time off that soon. It's very disappointing but he's a victim of circumstance and hopefully this won't affect their friendship.


    My FI is of course very disappointed, and I'm really, really sad for my FI...for more reasons than just this...and I would appreciate your thoughts about what to do.


    Our invites are out and the RSVP deadline is less than two weeks away, and as of now, my FI has only ONE friend who has confirmed he'll be there (and only verbally, not booked travel yet). Some of his other friends who all along have been talking about coming, are, one by one, telling us they can't make it. There are a lot of people we haven't heard anything from either way, so hopefully he'll have more friends attending.


    He's not sure what to do - should he ask someone else (once they've put down their deposit!) to step in as BM or will that make that person feel second-rate? I've read about other Groomâ€s who've asked family (dad/brothers) when this happened to them, but that's a whole other problem...none of FI's family has booked; none has even suggested they'll be there, so at this point we can't count on any of them. :(


    His friend (whoâ€s verbally confirmed) is an old friend and a good friend, but painfully shy and a bit socially awkward. I think he'd be happy to step in as a witness at the ceremony but we donâ€t think heâ€ll be comfortable giving a speech. We really donâ€t know heâ€d plan a bachelor party either. I know the bachelor party isnâ€t a must-do thing, but I really want it for my FI considering the lack of family support and attendance and now with his BM bailing…heâ€s really bummed.


    Thoughts? Does he ask someone else or leave it?

    How can I ensure he has positive and fun experiences moving forward?

    I was even thinking of planning something for just the two of us (in case he doesnâ€t have a bachelor party)…?

    Help! Thanks :)

  18. Originally Posted by Liz Rafeiro View Post


    Hello to all the wonderful brides!!


    I'm glad to see that I'm not the only nerve-racked bride, tho my wedding will be on November 26, 2012 I can't help being a little antsy embarrest.gif


    I have been emailing the coordinators with questions and getting very little from them unless I call which is still a little difficult, I'm sure it is only because the wedding is far away . . .


    Has anyone encountered any problems with extending the time for their reception?


    We have sent out our STD & now are looking for a photographer, florist & DJ.


    Reading everyones posts has been very helpful.

    Thank you everyone for sharing!


    Liz :]


    Hi Liz!


    I've just come across this Suites 2012 thread and noticed you're getting married one week before me and that we're both from Toronto, so I wanted to say hi!

    How's the planning going? :)



  19. Originally Posted by Krysta lee ann View Post



    we got the short dress and it was 119$ it was by far the best deal we could find!


    i just had to buy a BM dress from le chateau and it cost me with taxes $212!!!


    Le Chateau isn't cheap is it?! I'm not sure when that happened, but back in the day it was the store to go to for trendy, cheap clothes that you didn't care if they didn't last more than a season. I saw one dress in there that might work but it was over $200 as well, yikes!


    I'm not sure what you mean by the short dress as David's has lots of short dresses :) but the chiffon one I'm considering is $139 (online/in the US) and $159 here, which is still really good compared to a lot of other designers, and it's one that could definitely have a second life as a cocktail dress or could be worn to another warm-weather wedding.

  20. Originally Posted by Krysta lee ann View Post



    we got my girls dresses from davids bridal and they were under $100!!!


    Oh yeah? We went there and found one we like, but it will be closer to $200 with taxes, which is still reasonable. I don't recall seeing any dresses under $100.

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