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Posts posted by leigh2011

  1. I am right there with you on the hurricane stess as well as the packing stress.  I am literally stalking the weather.com website to see the track of the storm (living in NC, I am used to waiting for every update on the projected storm path).  I really want to be excited about my trip and my wedding, but I know I won't be until after the storm passes and I hear that things have returned to normal down there.  This morning I got an email from my fiance/husband apologizing for not helping more and saying he just feels like he is in the way.  That email made me feel really bad because I know that means I must be taking some of my stress out on him.


    As for the packing - I thought I had finished all of the wedding stuff packing (OOT bags, linens, sand ceremony, etc.) into 2 bags so I was pretty proud of myself.  Then I weighed the bags and one of them was more than 10 lbs overweight.  Grrrr...  So then I had to repack and that just ticked me off.  So starting probably tomorrow night I will begin packing the vacation stuff like clothes, sunscreen, etc.  Last night I told my fiance he has to pack this weekend instead of Tuesday night (night before we leave) like he would normally do because I need to know ahead of time if things won't fit or if we need to switch weight around (not to mention wash anything that isn't clean).  He started to pout about having to pack ahead of time until I gave him "the look", at which point he gave in and agreed.  Don't mess with a woman who has been planning for a year and a half and is stressed that the whole event might not happen....


    Originally Posted by alysam4785 View Post

    okay guys so I'm leaving on Sunday morning (crossing my fingers the hurricane allows this to happen). I am beyond stressed. I spent the last few days packing and repacking all the wedding decor/gifts/oot bag contents etc. That was a nightmare! Thank god for my FMIL who will be taking a suitcase and my sister and 2 other BMs who are taking the lanterns for my centerpieces lol. Now I need to get packed for myself... I always wait till last minute but in my head have a rough idea. I always overpack so starting early just means bad news. As far as all you ladies with BM drama....I HEAR THAT! I had my bachelorette Sat and by the end of the night i was so drunk i went off on everyone of my BMs except one and another one of my best friends who cannot make the wedding (another source of stress, but at least I've known about it for months). Still haven't talked to one of my friends since our fight, yikes!  Anyway I am freaking out about this Hurricane. Not so much about the travel down there but like most of you the damage. My wedding isn't until the 5th so hopefully the weather will be great by then and there won't be any serious damage. Getting my dress tomorrow, just praying it fits correctly! Basically I'm one big ball of stress.


  2. I wish I could give you a big hug.  I am right there with you on the anxiety attack - all of the excitement about the wedding is gone and nothing but stress is left behind.


    Have you contacted your airline to see what they are saying?  Please keep me up to date on what your plans are, because I have certainly got my fingers crossed for you.



    Originally Posted by Vettiebean View Post

    I'm on the verge of an anxiety attack. We (in theory) leave for Cancun on Thursday. Wedding is on 11.1.11... I am hoping that's going to be enough days in between. If the tail end of the trip and latter half is still fantastic, then I will have no qualms. I am just really stressed. More than for myself, I'm actually really worried about our guests who have paid all that money and arranged for time off to come to the wedding. Even in these natural disaster cases, it's not easy to reschedule everything. Not impossible.. just not easy. 


    Does anyone remember what happened a few months back in August? I think there was a hurricane forecasted to hit Jamaica, but I can't recall any of the details and if it really came to fruition. Maybe time for googling skills... 


    Serious good vibes, hopes, and prayers to my brides out there!!! 


  3. Short of losing a job or the failing health of a close family member, there is no excuse for changing an RSVP this late in the game.  I am sorry she did this to you.  I hope you two can be best friends in the future, but I have a feeling it will take a while before you can forgive her for this.


    I am glad you had a good cry - we are all under a lot of stress and you have to let it out.

    Originally Posted by JoanneIreland View Post

    So happy I am not the only one feeling this way!! I am having so many ups and downs!! Can't wait to be in Mexico and be with my family and friends, but the road to get there has been so bumpy. I can''t believe the actions of some of my "very best friends", and how hurt they have made me feel. I've gotten "yes" RSVPs and then a "NO"  after the RSVP deadline, but this evening felt like the nail in the coffin and just bought me to tears.

    I called her an hour ago to say I hope it doesn't ruin our friendship (more fool me??) but she has to understand I'm upset and can't really get into it now. I really don't want this to ruin our friendship but at the same time i don't know how it can ever be the same again. 



  4. I am so sorry to hear about your friend - that is not what you need now.  Don't people understand that we have been planning for a long time, so the last thing you want to do is add any stress! 


    I actually thought about not posting about the hurricane because we all don't need bad news, but I felt like we all definitely needed to know.


    I swear I feel like the stress is is making me feel like I am PMSing.  Just this weekend while attending a wedding I was so happy and excited.  We were dancing at the wedding and it dawned on me that exactly 2 weeks later we would be dancing at OUR wedding.  But I swear all excitement is now gone.  Between the hurricane and 2 guests not getting their info in the mail from the travel agent and it being my responsibility to try and fix it (why me?  they are fiance's family members!), I am no longer excited.  Hoping something tomorrow will make it turn around.


    Originally Posted by JoanneIreland View Post

    Just when I thought my evening couldn't get any worse .......

    My best friend just stopped by to tell me she isn't coming to the wedding, less than 2 weeks before we leave. I'm completely gutted. Just had a little cry, made me feel a little better but still so hurt.Now I am so stressed about the weather, even though I know I have to let it go as I can't control it. Those poor brides who are there this w/e, am pulling for them that it changes course.Even if it passes before us, I would be worried about potential damage to the resort in the mean time.

    Oh boy, too many things to worry about!!





  5. Okay ladies - looking for advice:


    I definitely plan on tipping the wedding coordinator and I have an idea of what may be expected based on other brides at my resort. 


    But what do I do about the waitors/bar tender in this situation:

    My wedding package includes cocktail hour and dinner for 20 ppl.  However, for each person above that there is a fee for both the cocktail hour and dinner on top of which 11% tax and 15% "service" fee is added.  Between the two events it adds on ~ $11 per person for the service fee - is that gratuity that does to the servers?  We will have 27 people, so that service fee totals ~$80. 


    The DJ is listed with just tax (no service fee) so I plan on tipping him.  Because I am doing the flowers and cake through the resort, I have had and will have no contact with the florist or baker so I don't plan on tipping for those services.

  6. Have you ladies seen that there is now a hurricane off of the Yucatan?  It is predicted to skirt the entire Riviera Maya this Thurs / Fri / Saturday.  I will keep my fingers crossed that none of our resorts suffer any damage.


    There is a bride in my resort thread that is getting married in Cancun this Friday...my heart goes out to her.


    I have to hope and pray that the forecast is wrong and that Rina doesn't strengthen to a Category 3 and that she stays further off shore than they are predicting.



  7. Have you ladies heard bout Hurricane Rina?  She is supposed to come very close to the entire Riviera Maya this coming Thursday / Friday / Saturday!!




    For those brides with weddings during this time, I hope for the best for you.  Fingers crossed that the projected path is off.  And for those of us with weddings soon after (mine is a week from Saturday) I hope any damage is minimal.

  8. I am super duper excited too - two weeks from today is my wedding day!!! 
    And only 11 days until we fly out...woohoo.


    With how fast everything is moving - I can only imagine things will move as fast once we get to our destinations.  So remember to take tons of pictures (not just your pro pics) to help you remember the whole trip.  I printed out photo-share cards for all of our guests so we can have access to everyone's pics.  I need to test out my instructions to make sure they will work for everyone...

    Originally Posted by JoanneIreland View Post

    I know it's CRAZY how soon it is! I'm in full fledge excitement mode now, only 15 days before we leave. O.M.G.!!!!!!

    After work yesterday my colleages took me out to celebrate (Mike joined us too), and it was a great night, exhausted today, bad start to the plans for getting organized this weekend LOL, but totally worth it!

    We got our first wedding gifts last night too!! That was pretty cool and exciting. Feeling so real now!


    So Taryn, did you have legal wedding yesterday, and how did it go?? All ready for BD today?Girls I can't wrap my head around how soon everything is. Time is like in fast forward mode!! 


  9. Joanne -  Sorry I wasn't clear but that was actually for Taryn.  Didn't she post a while back that Friday (today) would be the legal wedding day and then Saturday would be the BD session?  Maybe I am mistaken.

    Originally Posted by JoanneIreland View Post

    Was that question for me? My legal wedding is 2 weeks from today, we are doing it right before we leave for Mexico.


    Couples massages, can't wait! It is included in our package too, haven't scheduled it yet but plan on doing it befor ethe wedding as well to relax. 


    I am stressing about the AHR a bit as well - though luckily ours is just an AHP (at home party) instead of a reception (DJ, beer, wine, hors d'ouevres, cupcakes, and slide show).  Our party is just 8 days after we get back from Mexico, so the caterer needs a final count before we leave and the DJ needs a song list before we leave, etc.  Oh well - it will all happen, it always does. 


  10. And are you ready to get legally married tomorrow?!

    Originally Posted by JoanneIreland View Post


    Taryn are you ready for you BD shoot this w/e?


    I am going to try and get everything done the weekend before we leave on Wednesday morning so I have time to try and think of anything I missed.  In order to try and destress when we get to Mexico, Paul and I have scheduled our included couple's massage (it comes with the wedding package we are buying) for the first evening in Cancun.  I scheduled it outside at a beach palapa at 5:00pm and sunset is 5:10pm - I hope it is as pretty as I picture it to be.


    Alright ladies - time to get gready for bed.  Have a good night.

  11. I am not having my ceremony early, but if I were...I think I would have the ceremony and cocktail hour together and then have the break in time before ther reception.  That way everyone is together for the ceremony and can then socialize at the cocktail hour before heading off on their own for a while.  At that point you could have the reception a bit later if you would like (more of a night-time event).  That sort of timing might also help with the photos as 3 hours could get a bit of the getting ready, the ceremony, the cocktail hour (which you could actually attend) and then you and your then husband off taking pictures for an hour.  You could even potentially move a few of the traditional reception activities (like champagne toast and cake cutting even) up to the cocktail hour for the sake of pictures.  Not sure what your vision is, but I think that is what I would do.

    Let us know what you decide.

    Originally Posted by dreamsbride12 View Post

    Is anyone having an earlier ceremony? Ours is for 1 pm and I'm not sure what time to start the cocktail hour and reception??? We booked it back in February and when we emailed Claudia a few months ago to change it to 4 pm she said that we could not change the time because all the later times were already booked with weddings! Then when I asked to have the cocktail hour on the terrace and the reception on the beach she also told us that the terrace was already booked. Needless to say, I was not impressed.

    I'm thinking ceremony at 1pm, pictures to follow, cocktail hour at 3 and reception from 4-7??? The kicker is we hired Juan Navarro to do our pictures and have him for 3 hours....so I have a feeling we will have to pay him for a couple extra hours to fit in part of the reception.... Ugh!


  12. I will actually need everything packed the night before we leave.  Our flight is at 6am so we will have to wake up around 3am to get ready, out the door and to the airport.  I plan on loading the car the night before - wedding dress and all.  6am is early, but that means we land in Cancun (after a layover in Houston) a little after 10am so that makes it worth it in my mind.


    Originally Posted by sxcT View Post

    Good idea.  I plan to start packing the first week in Nov to get things started.  I hope the day we leave the luggage is packed, zipped and locked and I can just relax and enjoy it all.  



  13. Definitely...I couldn't wait for October to get here and now I wish there was another week in the month.  I leave for Mexico in 13 days...


    My goal is to start packing some things up this weekend.  Maybe all of the OOT and wedding items this weekend so that will just leave clothes and vacation items for next week.


    Originally Posted by meBonidie2be View Post

    Anyone else feel like the month of October is flying by?


  14. My wedding will be 27 including bride & groom, but when we booked it was a possibility to be under 20 (who knows how many people will end up booking) and I had decided that I would go with the Ultimate Pacakge regardless.  There are a lot of nice items in the ultimate package that I wouldn't want to have to worry about adding a la carte.  I just pulled up the document online describing the packages and it appears the difference between the Love Wedding Package and the Ultimate Wedding Package is $700 in 2011 and $800 in 2012.  For that extra $700/800 you get more photography, videography, a spa treatment, and the Mexican Trio (those seem to be the big items at least). 


    Based on an email that I got a day or two ago from the video company, the videography included in the package is >$700 alone when purcahsed separately.  And supposedly the Mexican Trio is $560 for a set.  So, if you would want to add either of those items to the mid-level package (not to mention the extra photos) then I would just stay with the higher level package.  It could be worth asking whether you can trade those unused people (food, drinks, and waitstaff) for something else - like flowers or extra photography or something else you might want.  Can't hurt to ask.

    Let us know what you decide.


    Originally Posted by hairdos11 View Post

    If anyone on here has had or is planning a smaller wedding of 13 people including bride and groom, went with the ultimate package?  Or has anyone did a smaller package?  I need some help because last minute a few close family members couldn't make it, I'm sad but I don't want it to ruin my wedding.  I'm just trying to make it a good time for everyone that is coming and I want some great video and pictures to have at the reception back home.


  15. I am so sorry you are just hearing about this now!  My gut reaction would be to move away from the Fiesta as I would hate for my reception dinner/dancing music to be lost in the Fiesta music.  But I am sure there are reasons you selected the Terrace that cannot be easily forgotten.


    My guess is that the Fiesta is a beach party and is only located on the large beach next to the gazebo and the music could be heard either at the terrace or the garden location.  However, since the Himitsu beach is pretty far away, you would be able to have a more quiet event there.


    Hopefully a former bride might be able to weigh in on this...

    Once again, I am so sorry you are dealing with this now.  Please keep us up to date with what you decide.


    Originally Posted by bnwedding2011 View Post


    Hi Brides,


    See the below email I received from the wedding coordinator today. Anyone that has been there know how the mexican fiesta works? Do you think our wedding will be affected on the Gazebo or the reception on the terrace? Is the fiesta around the whole resort or just in one place? I can't believe she is telling me this 3 weeks before the wedding!!



    Dear Natalie: I just realize that there is another hotel event on the Beach next to the gazebo, the same afternoon, in fact every Tuesday and Friday, are you ok with that? Tuesdays is the Mexican fiesta from the hotel to all of the guest and they play kind of loud music, since you are located for dinner on the terrace you will have the music on your wedding. Do you wan to change locations for reception dinner?


    Cecilia Rangel



    Thanks girls!!


  16. Is anyone else having a bit of extra stress around what to do with pets while they are away?  Paul has never boarded the dog because he has always been able to leave the dog either with me or with his parents.  Well, obviously I will be in Mexico and so will his parents.  So I have had to research pet sitters and schedule trial visits, etc.  I have taken on this task because it needs to get done and we women seem to be better at planning and making things happen.  That is one of the major things outstanding with my planning.


    Also, does anyone have a wedding to attend before they leave?  (other than your own legal weddings of course)  I will be attending a wedding this Saturday and I know I will be checking out all of the details and thinking about what else I could add to mine.  It will be tough, but I will have to let all of it go and know that it is too late for me to include anything else.... 

  17. I leave for the airport in 15 days + 6 hours.  The ceremony is in 18.5 days.  Not that I am counting :-)


    Paul and I spent the evening picking out our music.  The last song we were having trouble with was his mother/son dance song.  I am eager to send our list off to our resort DJ to make sure he either has all of the songs or can get them.  I also finished making all of the paper products (tags, cards, programs, etc) for the 2 new guests.


    My goal was to get a reasonable enough tan before I leave that I can use SPF 50 and not make an special effort to get sun the few days before the wedding.  I really don't want there to be a chance of burning before the pictures.  I then plan on switching over to SPF 30 after the wedding.  



    Originally Posted by JoanneIreland View Post

    You have over 2 weeks before you leave right? And almost 3 weeks to the big day? I don't think you have anything to stress about. I would say stay out of the sun (real and beds) until all the redness is gone. Do not attempt to tan to even out what you have now. Once the redness calms down use a good exfoliator.

    After that take it easy on the sunbeds, do enough to give you a good base and headstart, and you'll be surprised that just a couple of days in Mexico and you'll have an amazing tan.

    Good luck! 



  18. I love that there are so many of us in the next few weeks.  When we get back we will have tons of advice and pictures for the 2012 brides.


    mgl27 and futuremrsroo - I am so excited for the two of you.  Are both of you ready or do you have a lot left to do?


    Question for the upcoming brides:  will the salon apply fake lashes for you on your wedding day?  For some reason I think I read that they will not do lashes, but can't imagine where I would have seen that.  I have a pair that I purchased when having my makeup done for me - but I was not successful in my attempt to apply them myself.  Such a small thing, but I need to get practicing if I will need to apply them myself.


  19. If you are leaving tomorrow, you probably aren't checking BDW tonight - but if you are....I hope you have the most amazing wedding!  We will be waiting patiently to see all of your beautiful pictures...


    Originally Posted by Soon2BMrsS View Post

    OH my goodness... I can't believe it is already here!!!! WE leave tomorrow!!! I am so excited....  I will be sure to take as many pic's as I can and come back with a GREAT review I'm sure!!! Take care everyone...... OLE'   smile123.gif


  20. So I screwed up today - and I hope it isn't a problem later..


    This morning I went to tan (I don't want to be pale in my dress and I don't want to turn into a lobster before the ceremony) and stepped up the time by just 1 minute.  So no problem here - I wasn't burnt, but I wasn't far from it.  Well, this afternoon I went to the State Fair and spent about 3 hours outside in the sun.  Alone I don't think the fall sun would have burned me, but when added on top of my tanning booth time...  So I now have a "farmer's tan" with a v-neck and t-shirt sleeves.  Please oh please let me have enough time before Mexico to get rid of these tan lines.  Can you imagine a strapless wedding dress with those tan lines?!  ugggg.

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