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Posts posted by Kris2012

  1. Hi Andreanna,


    I met with my TA in January and she said we'd be waiting until April/May to get prices for April 2012 and we haven't heard anything yet...but at least we will know just under a year as to what the prices are for our top resorts. I think your TA should be able to get prices around a year in advance, I would also be stressed to wait that long...I'm already so anxious and checking my email a couple times a day hoping to hear back from mine. Maybe you should look around...


    Originally Posted by Andreanna View Post

    Sorry ladies, but I have to get this off of my chest.


    Despite not being until October 2012, I wanted to at least have a location picked out. We thought we'd go with Dreams La Romana (as FH REALLY loves Dreams Resorts) but our travel agent has doubts that we'll be able to get there for the dates we want but she says that there is no way to know for sure until April 2012.


    Am I unreasonable to not want to wait a year before knowing if that is the location of our wedding? Because all I keep hearing is that we are just too damn early.


    Date, location. Seems basic enough. We simply want to give people enough time to save and plan. That was the whole point of getting engaged so early.


    Just in case, I have been looking at other resorts. FH is set on Dreams, and I want a smaller resort, so our choices are limited by our own stubbornness. The date is special to us as it would be our 5th anniversary, so again, not something we'd want to change.


    I know it's a petty thing, but the frustration at people telling me to wait is building. Since when did being decisive or firm mean you were unreasonable or a bridezilla? The whole point of DW is to relax and enjoy it, no? Alas, my own brain is trying to intercede.


    Anyone else getting the "you're too early" shpeel? How are you dealing with it?



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