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Posts posted by stacey1979

  1. I got married at Moon Palace Cancun back in October so have not visited the site much since then but having seen the title of this thread I felt I had to comment. If anyone is getting married at moon they will know all about tricky outside vendor policies but we went ahead and used Derek from photos in cancun. Got round the outside vendor thing by booking him a room for the night. We paid $1500 for the whole day and it was worth every penny. I added a review to his vendor site on here straight after the wedding. Photography was a huge thing for me as neither my husband or I are people that like posing for photos but we couldn't of been happier. At the end of the night he burned 4 discs with 2600 shots on, every thing he had taken that day which are images we now own. You also then communicate with him to arrange the number of edits you want. We only recently did this as it was so tough to decide as to us they all looked amazing as they were. Anyway, I have posted the link to his website and to my wedding specifically but if you have any questions please message me.


  2. Hi Beatyea,

    I believe that at the Grand section the only rooms that have ocean views are the presidential suites. The other rooms have views into the resort / jungle like terrain. On previous visits I have always stayed in sunrise blocks but have booked grand this year as the rooms are larger and newer and our group don't mind walking around.  guess it depends if you enjoy sitting on your balcony , enjoying the view. We find that we spend so much time out and about that the view wasn't a priority for us. Hope that helps


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