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Posts posted by Laurelyn

  1. Originally Posted by lmadore View Post


    Questions answered , unless you specifically ask, the back of the Waist coat/Vest will be the lining material. I would prefer it to be all the same, like the ones I saw in Le Chateau, ofcourse there vests are about the price same price as I would pay for pants and a vest at Studio Suits


    If your brave enough I waited last year until August to buy my husbands suit from Le Chateau.  We ended up getting a really good deal and for his pants jacket and shirt it came to $150.  Also I will check at home for you but I think I do have the swatches for the $99 suits and I don't mind sending them on to you if that is what you are looking for. 

  2. Yummy rum punch I didn't even think of that....  Also the grey hound is a very good drink thats basic and easy to put together.  I don't know why I couldn't come up with ideas, I think it may be the weather here with its none stop rain its not very inspiring to plan a summer party with!! 

  3. So my Sunday afternoon tea/sandwich reception has now turned into a Saturday afternoon/evening/set up a tent kinda of event.  We are expecting around 100 people are doing a big chick & rib  backyard bbq.  We have 60 bottles of wine and two kegs but just need to figure out what types of cocktails we want to have.  We have no one catering the event so we are hoping to make up big batches that people can help them self to but don't want to just leave vodka & rum out for anyone to help to them self to. 


    Can anyone help me with some summery yummy concoctions that can be made prior to the event???  


    We were married in Cuba but all I can think of for drinks from there is mojitos and pina colodas and mojitos I think might be to much work and we don't want to do frozen drinks so those are out to....

  4. Such a great help!! I've been trying to figure out exactly what I want to do for my AHR invites and these are defiantly right up my ally!  For the business card did you have her design it on etsy and then you just copied it to VP or did you design it yourself right on VP?

  5. You can order pepto from amazon and it was reasonably priced. 

    Originally Posted by jreist View Post

    I know I priced out minimis at one point, I can't remember if it was shipping or duty that I was worried about. I went on ebay and bought individually wrapped tylenols and Emergen-C's.. both very good prices and cheap shipping. I wanted Pepto but I couldnt find a seller that would ship  to Canada, so maybe it's some sort of medicine import issue... not sure. 



    Emergen-C seller: evitamin store 






    Tylenol Seller: premiumdealshop




    Originally Posted by NewBride30 View Post





    When you booked in June were TA's advising against it? Both TA's I'm working with are telling me I should book right away instead of waiting due to space on plane etc. I'm not sure what to believe...


    Our plane never did fill up in the end but the resort was fully booked by February.  Also it was spring break for BC and ON and the newest and most popular resort in Cuba at the time.  Also its hard to say with a TA I can see their point of not wanting you to be disappointed but I really highly doubt that it would be booked up full at this time you are still 10 months away.  I would say the average person just going on holiday wouldn't even start to look until September.  Have you thought about contacting one of the lovely TA's on this site they might have a better idea and be more realistic with you. 

  7. Well depending on what type of resort your choosing would be a factor but if it is a typical large all inclusive resort I don't think you have to worry about the rooms being sold out this early.  Also if you have chosen a resort see if your able to put down a deposit to hold your wedding date but make sure it is refundable.  I initially had chosen Dominican Republic and had put down a deposit at a resort and everything and then ended up changing my mind and going to Cuba.  The first resort had no issue with refunding me and then the one in Cuba didn't even require a deposit.  


    Also not to sure what country you are in but I know in Canada a lot of the vacation suppliers offer a one time price drop up to 60 days before departure.  


    So as much as I know how hard it is to wait to book I think I would if I was you at least for a month and see where the prices go.   Also try out different TA's.  I managed to get a way lower rate from an online booking site I then took that rate back to my TA and gave her the option to lower her quote to me which she did happily or I would move on to someone else.  It saved me $150pp!


    Sorry to ramble and I hope this helps I just know that this part was probably the most stressful for me because I just wanted to get everything booked and settled!!

  8. So I only came across this thread about a week before I left and of course I had a taffeta dress.  With no time to get a second dress to do a TTD I went in with my wedding dress and well you weren't joking about them inflating.....  There was no sinking me.  Oh and another tip is be careful if you do go with a taffeta dress in the pool trying to get out is like trying to pull out a 100lb weight.  I almost ripped my dress a couple of times.  ALP_2481.jpg

  9. For the ladies worried about the colours of the bubba mugs I ended up buying a selection of colours when they were on sale in the summer I had blue, black, purple and brown.  Then two weeks ago when I was sorting through organizing my OOT bags and decided I really only wanted purple and black so I brought in the brown and blue ones with out even having a receipt and they had no issues with me trading them for purple and black since it doesn't matter to them what colours they are as they all have the same barcode.  Oh and I did this at two different stores as I some how missed taking back some of the blue ones and they weren't on sale at the time either.  

  10. Oh man I forgot about this thread but oh do I need it today!!  So my MOH decided to wait to book and well the resort sold out so she's now a 20 min drive away not the end of the world but still sucks that she will only be there for the one day.  BUT I think my brother took the cake today!! We leave on Saturday and he is a GM as well as fully booked and paid.  We have bought his outfit and his presents and well I heard from his gf today he probably won't be coming due to work not allowing him the time off.  Don't you think that one would plan for this and at least call me directly not do it through his gf(his gf is one of my good friends but still!!)!  So frustrated but at the end of the day everything happens for a reason and all will be alright!!

  11. I would think you would have plenty of time.  I only decided min Jan to order for my Mar 14 wedding and had no issues receiving it in time.  Plus I would recommend ordering the swatches I ordered them on a Friday and had them by the Monday and soo happy I did as the colour I thought I would go with wasn't the right one. 

    Originally Posted by Jsquared 2012 View Post

    Hi ladies!!
    I need some advice from anyone who can offer it!!
    I haven't ordered yet. We leave May 1st for Turks and Caicos... I live in NY andd would like to do the custom suit for my fiancé and am wondering if I still have time.
    My dress is Ivory. I know I don't have time to order swatches but would like to get something that is a light color but not lighter than my dress.... Any suggestions??
    Also any suggestions on fit??
    Thanks in advance :)


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