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Posts posted by GwenJen

  1. Do it!!! Make the plunge!!!! hahaha :) I know there are a lot of anxieties that come with this option but just be really specific (and really nice to the rep so she will work with you if anything goes wrong) and you will get what you want.

    Here's that link Joanne: http://www.dhgate.com/product/productdisplay.do?pid=ff8080812fd96705012fea768f1f33b7

    Good luck!

    Originally Posted by JoanneIreland View Post

    That is great to hear!! I am so tempted and think I am ready to make the plunge!! Can you send me the link on babyonline for your dress?



  2. Hey Joanne

    Thanks so much! And yes I totally specified to them to make all these changes.I was really specific with exact measurements on how much sleeve I wanted added on and how much higher I wanted the collar to go. Its kinda a little too high in my opinion but thats my fault for just worrying that it would still be too low.   The whole dress is supposed to be organza but it is SO much lighter and less hot than the original. I think they did an awesome job on what I wanted for sure. As long as you are incredibly specific they will do what you ask. It was great working with them for sure. I hope this helps you make your decision.


    Originally Posted by JoanneIreland View Post

    Beautiful GwenJen!!

    Have a question if you don't mind - did you specify to them you wanted the higher neckline and shortsleeves or this is how they made it? Also in the bottom of yours organza and the original satin/taffeta?

    Just wondering if they make the dresses with such differences to the original, or was that at your request?



  3. So.. I got my dress from babyonline.. IT ROCKS!!!!!!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!! I am so glad I saw this thread. I paid 10 percent of the actual designer price for a dress that I think is way better!!!! I need certain alterations done because I want it to be very modest. I think I may have the neckline lowered about 2 inches or a little wider or something because it's just a little TOO much for me and the top is kinda baggyish so I am going to get that tightened  but all and all I stressed for nothing. so the first pic should be the actual dress and the rest are the dress that i got!


    :) I hope this helps someone making their choice about who to choose. I am so sold on babyonline. I was even so worried about having  them go way past their dead line but instead they were a week and half EARLY!  I just LOVE IT!!!















  4. Gracimurano--


    So this is what Sunny sent me "Oh my god. My colleauge ship it out without my permission. Yes, the dress is shipped by DHL, the tracking number is 5578943381. So sorry, hope you get it very soon. If any problems with it, please let me know. So sorry, i will ask our colleague about this. Best wishes Sunny" I looked at the tracking number and it is actually real. Thanks for your help though. It is truly appreciated. :)



    Thanks for being so positive. You are right I probably would be worrying till I got it if I had seen pics already. I guess I am just going to be excited about getting it and if there are problems I will deal with them then. Thanks for your comments. :)

    Originally Posted by gracimurano View Post



    Normally the first shipment code you receive is a fake one.. you have to talk to them to ask if they have already sent it too you, and if they don't, express that you defintely want to see the pictures before.. send them an email, they have people working 24hours a day sometimes so you will have an answer pretty soon... and even if they acutally shipped your dress, don't worry, you will be seeing it in 2 o 3 days and if they made it wrong, you can send it back... it's very hard to tell from the picture they send you... good luck



    Originally Posted by ericka417 View Post



  5. Hey all... So I am in desperate need of some dress comfort. I made an order with babyonline and Sunny said that she would send me pics of the dress before the sent it out but to my surprise I opened up my email and saw a notification for shipment from DHGATE!!! I am really upset they didnt show me anything and it makes it so much worse that I have been having nightmares about just this and now it is like its coming true! What should I do???



  6. Which company did you go with to make your dress?

    Originally Posted by imara11 View Post

    I love that dress Court, I want a long sleeve cover up like that too for my dress.  It is a strapless.  Yes, I understand completely what you mean.  I reeeeeeeally hated strapless dresses too.  I always thought they were the dumbest thing ever and would pray that they would go out of style very soon.  It just doesnt make sense to me that a beautiful dress would be so detailed everywhere but then have a simple top that looked average.  Anyway, I ended up falling in love with a strapless anyway because I know I can add a jacket over it for the ceremony and another one for the reception which makes it easier to change your look as well.  My problem now is that I'm looking for a jacket just like the one it that dress but I can't even find that! Are you going to get it removable or have it attached? I'm sure you can ask around different sellers for samples of their lace fabric, just like my last post said, I got pictures from Duosheng of some of the lace designs they have which matched the dress I had asked for.  But if you don't want to use Duosheng, which I didnt, then you may be able to get other sellers to send you some info.  I would suggest that you contact the sellers and let them know what you like, ask for some samples of their lace, and be nice about what it is that you're looking for.  I'm sure if you contact them with questions and concerns they will answer you. Dont feel like you have to contact them with purchases only.


  7. Hey  so I am emailing some different chinese sellers that would make my dress but after reading these comments from everyone it brings a new concern to my attention that I have yet to think of. SO, does anyone know of a site that does the lace really well? The dress I am wanting is two layers and the top layer is a beautiful lace overlay and I want it to look good. Any suggestions?



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