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Posts posted by kerry872

  1. Rachael,


    Its isn't long for me at all. Fly in less than 3 weeks and no where near sorted.


    I had booked a few days off to get everything sorted but my mom has become very ill so spent all my time looking after her.


    They have had to cancel coming to Mexico so been an emotional couple of weeks and it has thrown my plans out a little bit!!!


    Ive got to the point now of not caring about the planning as long as me and the future husband are there i am sure it will be fine!!!!


    I'm not ordering centre pieces or attempting to take them with me. Think i will order some lanterns and table runners from the planner when we get there or see what other options are available.



    Originally Posted by Rachael View Post

    Fab idea Nic!!! :).....I will be sure to remember that one next year, if we go away for our first anniversary :) Let us know if you do get any freebies. Cuba will be fab!..... Such a gorgeous place, every one who I have spoken to who have been have said how gorgeous it is!


  2. TK,


    Azul sensatori and Azul Fives are different hotels. If you go onto the Karisma web page it will show the difference between the two.


    Azul Fives is a newer hotel so there is less information available on that hotel.


    Both look wonderful! Difficult to decide between.


    Happy picking.



    Originally Posted by ThomasK View Post

    Hello all...


    I've been trying to skim through these threads for a little while now and have a question that may be rhetorical/redundant/odd etc...but is the Azul Sensatoria and the Azul FIVES the same place? Or connected in some way?


    My fiance and I are considering the fives (recommended by our TA) and we absolutely love the look of the azul fives, but everyhing i've been trying to research on this palce brings me back to the sensatori.



    Thanks for any of your help!


    - TK


  3. Would love to hear how it goes especially the Spoons dinner as that is what im planning to do x


    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post

    I've been MIA for a long time....but I'm getting married 2 weeks from today and am so excited I don't even know what to do...I have pretty much everything done...we will have 24 total with us...not doing a private event ..just the Spoons dinner.  I pick my dress up on the 2nd and we fly down on the 8th.  Will anyone be there the 8th through the 15th?  15th we move to EDR for a honeymoon week.

    Congratulations to all the new brides...this is the most stressful and fun time you will ever have..Good luck to all of you!!!


  4. Hi,


    Ive booked the Spoons meal for our wedding day. Ive got about 19 guests so it felt right.


    Ive been told that the menu is set and cannot change but they provide personalised menus. Its in a curtained off area of the restaurant.


    Hope that helps.



    Originally Posted by evac View Post

    Those invite are gorgeous!!! I am hoping that you all can give me some advice. First off, my fiance and I have been together 14 years (since we were 16) and I never thought this day would come so I am almost intimidated and freaked out by it. We are not the traditional couple at all. We are only having roughly 15-20 guests at the wedding since we will be doing a big party at our house in May when the weather is nice in Chicago. Here are some questions that I have:


    Did anyone get married at the Sky Deck? If so what were the costs associated with that and did you find it to be well worth it as opposed to the beach location?


    Has anyone had their reception at Spoons? What are the menus like for that? Do you choose your own menu?


    We are pretty sure we are going to hire Ivan Luckie (I am totally in love with his work) has anyone here had experience with him at this resort?


    Thank you so much for any help and wisdom you can lend to me.




  5. I asked the same question. The script wasn't ideal but i have been told that we cannot alter the script or order at all. If i wanted to add readings by family then they would have to be added in at the end. Apparently the legal ceremony is very strict!!

    Originally Posted by carsns38 View Post

    Hello everyone,


    Well our wedding date is fast approaching and we needed some help with Ceremony Scripts. We are having a legal ceremony and we were just sent the script from the hotel.  It isn't really what we wanted for our ceremony.  Does anyone have a script to share?  I have looked in the forums but not sure how much we can change of the script they sent us.  Any suggestions would be much appreciated!




  6. Your sounding very well planned.


    Ive ordered the dress, veil and head piece. Suit purchased and AHR booked.


    Im in the process of trying to decide on welcome bags and accessories. The purchasing is never ending!!!!



    Originally Posted by deniden View Post



    I've been planning since about a year out - which is when we booked our wedding. I pick up my dress on January 7th, ordering my veil and his suit soon. All of our guests are booked, and I'm just doing some other planning. :)





  7. Congrats Deniden. HAve u had it planned for a while?

    Originally Posted by deniden View Post

    So I'm a little late to this party!


    Marrying the love of my life on April 20th at the Royal Playa del Carmen with 46 guests, so far! <3


  8. Congrats Kazala.


    I get married there April 2012 so will let u know how it goes x

    Originally Posted by kazala View Post

    Hello UK brides


    I stumbled accross this thread and am so happy theres loads of UK brides, its soooo helpful to read all your stories. Jenna has been a brilliant mine of information so far (thanks hun!) . We are hoping for Sensatori in March 2013, not yet booked, we are waiting to get the expense of Xmas out of the way. The only way we can book is over the phone, as we live in the Isle of Man and the only chain of travel agents we have here is Thomas Cook, and as theyre in money trouble, we're not going there lol. I have to say the wedding team at Thomsons have been great but I was a bit dissapointed with what they offer so contacted 2 USA travel agents to see if booking the hotel & flights that way would work out cheaper & I have to say, it seems we get quite a good deal! I was shocked at the quotes they came back with so I wont be moaning anymore lol I'm very excited and cant wait to book, Ive never ever been this eager to get Xmas done and out of the way!! xx


  9. Thanks for all the support.


    Its nice to hear that others have had similar problems.


    At least i don't have to worry about the bridesmaid dress now!!!


    Think i'm going to ask a couple of friends to get ready with me. And gonna have a girly sleep over the night before the wedding.


    I'm sure it will be fine.


    I'm gonna do OOT bags also. Ordered the bags just got to decide what to put in them!!!



  10. I have to admit i've gone a bit slow on the wedding planning!!


    Following getting the dress and the first essential bits of planning i've not done much!!!


    Still trying to decide on veil or no veil!!


    I'm now having no bridesmaid due to my bridesmaid letting me down hugely and feeling it was too late to ask anyone else and not wanting to make them feel like second choice!!


    My spoon meal is booked.


    I've got the ceremony at 3pm and the meal at 6.30pm. I want to do pictures in between and will go to one of the bars for cocktails. I'm using Claudia Photo Erick Rodriguez.


    Really need to get back into the planning. I think the stress over the bridesmaid issue has made me slow down a little.


    How are you doing?


    Kerry x

    Originally Posted by MrsKG2B View Post

    That sounds good too.  I have enquired how much a private dinner on the beach wouild be instead of havingit at spoons, but the WC hasn't replied yet, I suppose I'll have to wait a while for a response on that.


    How's your wedding planning ?  How many you got confirmed ?  What are your plans ? We are only a month apart !!


    I've got 199 days to go till I'm Mrs KG!!!cheesy.gif



  11. There is also the teen disco that turns into an adult disco later on. Choices for dancing the night away. x

    Originally Posted by MrsKG2B View Post

    There is no cost per person, I chose the pearl package which included a meal for 40 in the semi-private spoons.  As theres only 8 of us that all good.  The meal and my cake are included.  However, I am adding on lots of extras to make it special.  I believe it only costs pp when you request a private reception area.  I'm confident that spoons will be perfect, and as MURMEL states, 'going to the Mojito bar after saves me hiring a dj etc.. which seems pointless for 6 guests, I reckon the mojito bar will be perfect to continue the night celebrations. My dress isn't going to be huge just a simple ivory chiffon floaty dress so I shouldn't feel uncomfortable around strangers.


    It's so hard to imagine and plan this without ever being there. I will arrive at Azul 9 days before I get married so I hope I will be able to tweek things before incase I get it wrong. 


    But I think it adds more excitement, not knowing exactly what it's going to be like cause I'm sure it'll be lovely




  12. Mwise beautiful pictures. Looking forward to seeing the professional ones!!




    Im having my meal in spoons have 21 people going. Its a table that is in the main eating area and they have a curtain going around it to make it feel more secluded. But you do have a limitation on how long you can have the table think it was two hours. So limited with speeches etc.


    I did want to big a thing with the meal as its more about the two weeks with family so the meal wasnt a massive thing for me.


    Think i am going to order table runner and votives to decorate and will use the bouquets for additional decoration.


    As for the cake i have asked it to be there so just keep my fingers crossed that it turns up!!


    Hope that helps.



  13. I'm using Erick Rodriguez from Claudia Photo and they are definately on the list. No outside vendor charge for me anyway!

    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post

    Are you sure Claudia is included on the preferred list?  Last I checked she was preferred, but only at El Dorado....not Azul...I would LOVE to use her...do you have anything in writing that says that?

    Please let me know :) 



  14. I was considering it. Ive seen it in some pictures and it looked lovely. The only reason i changed my mind was the weight in my luggage taking it over!!! I say why not. If its windy at least it will keep your niece occupied.

    Originally Posted by sophie23 View Post

    This is a very odd question but my niece keeps asking if she can blow bubbles at the wedding...I wasn't planning on having bubbles because I figured it would be too windy, but she is my godchild and I usually let her have what she wants :)  My mom keeps telling me it won't be too windy...has anybody ever tried to use bubbles?


  15. Your wedding sounds exactly how i want mine. Small simple without any fuss. Close family and friends only. Let me know how it goes and any advice re a small wedding as yours is soon and mine is 6 months away would be gratefully recieved.


    I hope everything is wonderful for you!

    Originally Posted by msmarmar123 View Post

    Hey Everyone...

    I have been MIA for the last few months..it's crazy how many new brides are on here...Welcome and congratulations to all of you :)  I took the last few months off due to all kinds of craziness and stress over $$$...but am VERY happy to say that I am back full on wedding..and as of next week everything will be bought and paid for.  We're doing extremely simple...nothing over the top...not even doing a private ceremony other than the Spoons Dinner...hoping for about 30 people total (a lot more were invited...but mostly out of obligation...there wasn't a chance of them coming..which was pretty much just how i wanted it :) Tonight I bought my TTD dress....I've been a shopping freak lately..buying up all kinds of summer sale stuff..and all I really have left to buy is the stuff for the Welcome Bags..and these really freaking awesome shoes that I soooo don't need..but will totally be buying anyway....

    4 months from today we will be in Mexico....I am so excited to be excited again!!!!!


  16. Well girls what has been the biggest nightmare during the wedding planning. The other halfs family!!!!


    I asked my husband to be, sister to be bridesmaid as i wanted to try and get to know his family a bit better and thought some time together shopping may help the whole family get in the wedding mood as they haven't been very interested.


    My close friends all are either pregnant or have young babies so would be stressed out in the heat with that so didn't want them to worry about me so seemed like the perfect solution!!!


    Well the wedding is now 6 months away and around a month ago i asked his sister to go bridesmaid dress shopping!! Answer: I haven't lost enough weight yet i'm not buying it yet. I bit my lip and thought i'll try again in a month.


    Well starting to stress about it a bit now as want to buy the mens shirts to match and other accessories. So i asked her to come to the National wedding show with me in an attempt to talk to her about it and discuss buying one whilst at a big wedding show. She said she had booked the night off work and was coming.


    The day before my other half phoned her to say i would pick her up at 9.30am. Its an hour away and started at 10am so thought this was a reasonable time. She replied i can't im on nights i can't get up that early.


    I thought she had the night off but understood work is work!!!


    Well it turns out she had got the night off work and had decided she had a better offer of a night out on the piss and couldn't get up early to go with me!!!!


    To say i was angry was a understatement. She clearly has no interest in actually being a bridesmaid. She wants to pick the dress without me and the examples of the dresses she has shown me so far look more like a clubbing dress than a bridesmaid dress and in the wrong colour which i had already told her about, Turn up on the day and be the centre of attention! She hasn't even asked about a hen party.


    Now you would think by that description she was 18 or 19 no she is a 25 year old nurse!!!


    I now have to decide whether to keep her as a bridesmaid. I havemt asked anyone else i only wanted one bridesmaid and everyone else being keen and interested have already brought their outfits in the summer sale. Do i have a bridesmaid at all??  I'm concerned with my other half having a best man it will look strange. What a dilemma!!!



  17. Going to get bridesmaid to carry her dress. I am also ordering photos from Lomas. x

    Originally Posted by jennaba3 View Post

    I know what you mean.. I keep telling myself not to go overboard with buying stuff cause its gonna be a nightmare just carrying the extras like dress, suits etc as it is.. Are you having your bridesmaids carry their own dresses? I was going to take real touch flowers with me but cannot be bothered with the hassle of ordering them and carrying them so I am getting flowers from lomas also xxx



  18. Within about 3 weeks of booking the wedding through Thomsons i had an email to the address i provided Thomsons from the wedding planner. They had received my details from Thomsons and then they allocate a specific wedding planner. The wedding planner sent me an email with a spreadsheet of the things i definately need to decide on and additional things i can choose. Did you provide an email address?

    Originally Posted by MrsKG2B View Post

    Hi Kerry

    Have you managed to get into contact with the WC. Ive tried emailing through the azul address that first choice gave me but that was a week ago.  I'm so worried because I haven't got a clue what I need or not need to arrange.






  19. More girls added x


    October 2011

    1106wedding - October 22, 2011

    mwise17 - October 24,2011

    jerseylili - October 29, 2011 AVC

    allysmi - October 29, 2011

    brit canuck - Oct 31, 2011


    November 2011

    Jesse - Nov 12, 2011

    Nada - Nov 15, 2011

    MandM 2011 - Nov 24, 2011 - AB


    December 2011

    KerryL613 December 3, 2011 - AB

    mbowling - December 4th, 2011


    January 2012

    Carsns38 - Jan 5, 2012


    February 2012

    msmarmar123 – February 11, 2012

    papertaco - Feb 18, 2012

    pbrozek - Feb 29th, 2012


    March 2012

    akopka - March 9, 2012 

    popo28 – March 10 , 2012



    April 2012

    Maritza919 April 7, 2012

    Kerry872 - April 11, 2012

    Meldrum05 - April 14, 2012

    Amylou 1983 - April 20th, 2012

    Rach - April 21, 2012

    Sophie23 - April 21, 2012


    May 2012

    Jennabug May 5th 2012

    Mnd3A - May 19 2012

    MrsKG2B - May 21 2012


    June 2012

    Harrisont16 - June 8, 2012 at Azul Fives 


    July 2012

    MishMash - July 14th, 2012


    August 2012


    September 2012

    Jennaba3 - September 6, 2012  


    October 2012

    LauraandBrian - October 6th, 2012  

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