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Posts posted by MrsJones2Be

  1. It would have been cool if it was the same person! You are truly blessed to have so many wonderful people in you and your fiance's life, that are willing to bless you with their services! So you are down there already? We are looking for a steel pan player or duo ourselves, so let me know if your friend has nice packages. Yes I was definitely snowed in when you wrote me last, sorry to just be gettin back to you. It has been crazy up here for me! I hope to get down by May/June (prayerfully)!!!! I am 10 months out so its almost real to me...AHHH!!! LOL! Happy New Year by the way!pinkie.gif



  2. @ dominiqueamber: We are definitely planning neighbors! My aunt's name is Blossom and she works as a nurse in Nassau. I need to go down there myself to see everything. It looks amazing in pictures, but I need to see it with my eyes. LOL! I know I am a crazy hands on bride, but I want it to be a good time for my guests and us. You definitely have a blessing with your FI down there already. Travelling down to Nassau for a couple days this time of year is going to be pricey so I am just trying to figure something out. Otherwise my FI and I have decided to fly to Miami and just paddle our way to Nassau, LOL!! JUST KIDDING! It will work out some way. Transportation is pricey down there for large groups that is why I wanted to do everything at one place. When is your wedding date?

  3. Dominiqueamber no worries girl. I did not take any offense to your tone in anyway! I love this forum because you get advice from people who could be insiders and can help you out. So I appreciate your advice 100%. The problem with posts is that you can't hear the person's tone. I am very excited about wedding and planning it is soooo amazing. October is going to be great not too hot, not too cold! I will miss the Junkanoo madness as well. Thanks again for the advice~cheesy.gif

  4. Steph, I agree with all the ladies comments. I just wanted to add that communication is key and maybe he has things on his chest that he has brought up either. Marriage can be scary, it is a HUGE commitment as the vows indicate. My FI and I went to counseling when we got engaged and it can be helpful. It allowed us to see each more clearly and now we communicate much better. If you are affiliated with a church you can reach out to your pastor/priest to have pre-marital counseling as well. Whatever you decide just make sure that you can be happy with yourself at the end of the day because you are all you have!

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