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Posts posted by aalva416

  1. Hi Ladies!

    Sorry I've been MIA too. I've been really busy with work lately... but have also needed a little break away from all of this. (FI said I was becoming OBSESSED... LOL)


    Ok, for ladies who've been married at RPRM: How do they set up the tables? Do they set up tables in one LONG rectangle? Or do they separate them?

    I might be having about 80 guests at the wedding, and I'm trying to think up ways to decorate the tables WITHOUT having to haul so much stuff in.


    And, does anyone have pictures from Ael or Rebecca or whoever's in charge now of what they offer for centerpieces? I think I've seen the one cascade centerpiece in Katie's and Lindsey's. Also, I saw in Lindsey's wedding she had white tablecloth, and in Katie's it was blue. Do they have different color tablecloths to offer? And if so, what about napkins? LOL Sorry to bombard you all!


    I know it's a destination wedding, but it's the only reception I'm going to have so I want it to be SOOO pretty!


    Thanks in advance!

  2. When I got engaged, and looked at our budget for the wedding... getting a good photographer seemed nearly impossible. Then, I heard my little cousin, Krystal, who's studying photography, had just started her own business into photography! I asked her to do our pics... and I couldn't be happier! She is based out of Houston, TX. Her company: K-Ruiz Photography. Her website: K-Ruiz Photography - Houston,tx.


    Here's just a sample of the engagement pics she took for me and my FI!

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    Click the image to open in full size.


    I'm back! I was banned for the last month! (I tried to get a higher membership with my Paypal and the payment didn't go through for some reason... and they banned me!)


    WOW can't believe all that's happened! I've missed you all! Jannae, Paige, Lindsey, and anyone else I might have forgotten.... Congrats on being MRS!!!!!


    So exciting! On June 25, it was exactly a year before I'll be wed! Can't wait ladies!

    My fi and I spent that weekend taking our engagement pics... my cousin Krystal (only 19!!) shot them... and she's also going to be our wedding photographer.

    I have an album of them on my FB page.... just look me up, Adrienne Alvarez in El Paso.


    Well... just got caught up with all that's happened over the last month... LOL I was going through withdrawals ladies! This site is SO addicting!

    So glad to be back!

    Love you all!


    Click the image to open in full size.

  4. Aw thank you girls!!!! Means so much! I went DIY after I hired this lady and she totally botched it. sad.gif


    And I am TOTALLY not a diy person either! Took me a month just to figure out how to print! So there is hope for my fellow not-so-crafty girls! cheesy.gif


    I think I like the blue envelope too.... But FI says It is too much like his college colors! Haha

    will upload the template asap... Grazie!

  5. Hi girls!

    Okay, it's about to be 1 a.m. my time... but just finished my sample invitation and had to hear what you guys thought!


    Here's the link to the DIY forum thread I created:




    Good luck Paige! You are coming up in just days now!

    And Jannae, I'm sure you'll be taken care of. This is probably the high season... and they're probably a bit in over their heads.


    It's officially 13 months until my wedding! (LOL... can you tell I'm bored?)

  6. Hi! Just finished my sample invitation before I order all the supplies... and so far I'm really happy! Couldn't wait to hear some feedback! (Just some printing/centering issues so far...)


    I bought all my materials from Cards and Pockets... The Perfetto pocketfold in Clementine, the invitation mat in sparkling sapphire, and the already cut invitation and enclosures in snow white. (ironic, considering beach wedding. cheesy.gif )


    In case you can't tell, my theme is the flower "bird of paradise." Sentimental... because it was the first flower arrangement FI ever sent me... when he was trying to get me to go out with him. wink.gif


    Let me know what you think, since I'm still in the design/sample phase. And your opinion: should I put the invite in the blue or white envelope?




    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Click the image to open in full size.

    More to come...

  7. Good luck Sammys! Can't believe your hair situation. I'd be steaming!!

    I'm sure it will be fine... maybe get there early so they won't mess up your legal ceremony. Have an amazing time in Playa! Already can't wait for pics and the review! :-)


    Yea.. about the bikini wax. Let's just say I got a "brazilian" done once. Two words: never again.


    Well... going to keep myself busy on my weekend...

    Got the supplies to make my sample invitation!


    Will play around with the materials a bit... and I'll take pics. You all will have to let me know which ones you like most!


    Alrighty.. until next time!

  8. Hello ladies!

    Also an orange/blue bride here. (Though my blue is much darker.)

    Can't believe how much inspiration I'm getting from you girls! It's a hard color combo to get a lot of ideas from!


    I'm getting married June of next year, and am using the bird of paradise as our theme. (It was the first flower arrangement he got me... when he was trying to win me over... ;D )


    Been scouring the internet for Bird of Paradise invitations, and either I love them and they're too pricey, or they're just plain dull...

    so I'm going to do-it-myself!


    Click the image to open in full size.


    I made this design using Photoshop.

    Just imagine this inside an orange pocketfold!


    Then, someone else used this b4 too... but I loved it so much I have to steal!

    Inspiration for my tablescape:

    Click the image to open in full size.

    Our resort's restaurant only has the dark blue linens and only has long rectangle tables, so instead of that turquoise it will be dark blue, and the flowers, of course, I'm hoping to have birds of paradise. I'll probably have to bring the vases, etc... but I'll think about that when the time gets to it.


    Oh, and for our napkins.. this bird of paradise fold, but in orange! I'm thinking about inserting the menu cards standing up... but we'll see!

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Yay! What do you ladies think?

    Thanks for your inspiration!


  9. Jannae here are some ideas:

    if no gazebo, then I think you Must have the chair bows: for about 180 you get the most bang for your buck because of the pop of color.

    Also I think the caprice package comes with a bag of petals, you can scatter them along the aisle, or make two straight lines of petals for an impromptu aisle. Each extra bag of petals is only $10, right?

    Then I also know they do small arrangements to put along the aisle as well.

    Maybe get 5 bags of petals and divide it amongst the guests to throw at you at the end? Would make 4 great pics!

    I wouldn't worry about the altar and huppah. The ocean is a beautiful backdrop as it is!

    Hope this helped!

  10. Yes happy Friday to all of you!!! (even though I work every weekend... Haha!)


    Samira, thanks about the siggy pic! We just did these pics for a magazine, but we plan on getting other engagement pics done ourselves. :)


    Katie thanks for friending us on FB! You were stunning! And the resort looked so nice.


    So... I got my quote from Kool Beach, and while it's doable, we would have to scrounge for every penny possible to pull it off, so I guess I am back at the RIU for the reception! If anyone has any ?'s for me about KOOL, feel free to PM me.


    Katie so glad to hear the dinner came out well!

    A quick question for you all: how far out in advance of the wedding did you ask your BMs to start looking at dresses? I have already decided on Alfred Angelo and just asked the girls to pick between the two materials I am wavering on that they liked, but no one's answered me yet and it's been a month.

    My wedding's not until next year, so maybe I jumped the gun?


    Have a great weekend every1!

  11. About KOOL:

    thanks Riri for the info. Liliana just got back to me, sent her a bunch of pics and list of things I wanted/needed. PM if you need price lists for food and bar. Unfortunately here there is a 11% tax and 15% service charge.

    For pics, there is a thread on BDW with Sol Tamargo and Matt A. Go to the last or second to last page for links he gave me for pics of weddings at KOOL. I love it but I think I will be going way over budget... So we'll see about Liliana's quote.




    P.S. I tried to get my profile pic and sig pic working... Can't seem to do it. Anyone can help?

  12. Hey ladies!

    Nicola, love love love the website!

    I have one through destination weddings.com but it's not nearly as nice!


    Okay... After reading all the drama with Ael and all the nickel and diming... I'm considering a huge change. I still want my ceremony at the Riu, but I am considering moving my reception off the resort. Anyone hear of any nice beachfront restaurants or have pics?

    I have seen posts about the Kool Beach Club with pics and it looks AMAZING!


    I figure with all the extras I want (I.e $1700 for private room, $25/person for sit down service and $9/person open bar) and extra headaches (not getting to pick my reception time, that store bought looking cake) I might as well put it into a different place that gives more option!


    Would love to hear any feedback!


    And Katie can't wait to hear about your day!


  13. Ladies throw your scales away! Here's what I do and I have lost 10 pounds... But a lot more in inches. Have a protein shake for breakfast, (I use what's called isagenix, all natural. Just let me know and I can order for you) otherwise you can buy Muscle Milk. in a blender add One scoop, with frozen strawberries, a packet of splenda and 12 ounces water.) then a snack (like an apple with peanut butter) then a 600 calorie lunch. Make sure you have a healthy carb (yam, brown rice). Then another snack. For dinner have a

    protein and salad but no carb. After your workouts, have a protein shake. For your workouts, make sure you incorporate some sort of weights.

    Hope this helped!

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