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Posts posted by CJHANNAN2011

  1. Looking for:

    -paper lanterns in blues and white

    -led lights for the lanterns

    -starfishs, sand dollars, and a variety of seashells

    -floating candles

    -blue chair sashes



    -hurricane vases, tall vases, pretty much many varieties of vases


    -ivory taffeta

    -sand ceremony kit

    -crystals for the tables

    -just about anything!!!

    and - DIY KITS


    My wedding colors are shades of blue, ivory, white and hints of black

    it is in December on the Beach in Florida! please let me know if you have any of this stuff for sale!!!

  2. My FI and I are wanting to have our baby(puppy) Daphne as our flower girl but don't really know if Hawaii allows dogs to come over without going into quarantine. Has anyone else brought there dog our happen to know the laws behind this? Thanks so much!

  3. I have some horrible drama with my future sister in law also! She was going to be my bridesmaid and we used to be very close but she talked alot of crap behind my FI and I's backs about us getting married and caused some other drama in my FI's family. He doesnt want her at the wedding and either do I. We addressed the invite to His brother and nephew only. Sounds kind of mean but it will be better for us that way. It is your day and your wedding so do what you want!

  4. HAHA YES! my finace complains that i spend more time on the computer looking at this website than i do paying attention to him! he threatens to throw the computer away! I used to be addicted to facebook but i havent been on in weeks BDW forum takes up to much of my time to look at facebook lol

  5. So I have DIYed everything from invites, to std's, luggage tags, etc... everything paper for the wedding... I need to start printing my STD's but am not sure where to do it at. I don't really want to print them at home because I don't think I will get the quality I'm looking for. What or where have you ladies done or gone to? I was thinking vista print but then I started thinking of Kinkos or somewhere like that but then im not sure about expense...

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by mekanabr View Post
    Congrats and welcome! I'm so jealous that you're getting married in Hawaii!! Where in Lahaina are you gettin married? Maui is georgeous and will be so perfect for you wedding! Lucky! :)
    We are getting married at the Olowalu Plantation, I just fell in love through pictures and word of mouth.
  7. Im in the same boat as you! Except im an April 2011 bride, and we are definitely having the wedding at Olowalu Plantation. But I'm in the process of searching for near by vacation homes. So glad you made this post.

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