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Posts posted by BlackCherry

  1. Hi Everyone!


    Our story is pretty long (we've been together nearly 12 years) we got engage last June and have set a date for October 1st, 2011!

    Our wedding is going to be a Farmer's Market theme & we're having it in a barn! I recently entered our story into a contest to Win our Wedding Photography!


    If you would like to read it (and check out the poster I designed for our wedding and the video my brother made for us) you can check it out at Renaissance Studios Photography BIG Win Your Wedding Photography Contest 2011 | Ontario We're Heather & Mike: Barnyard Bliss


    If you like our story, we would really appreciate a 10 star rating to help us win the contest! (The higher the rating, the higher our points!)


    THANK YOU!!!!

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by aimee! View Post
    BlackCherry: I LOVE that dress!!!! Thank you for posting a pic of the back, I've never seen alll of it before, and it's FAB!
    Thanks aimee! I am ALL ABOUT the back of this dress! LOVE LOVE LOVE it!

    ps. I bought the dress at Amandalinas in Vaughan, if anybody is thinking of dress shopping out that way, I highly recommend them! Make sure to ask for Rania, she's amazing!!! :)
  3. Unfortunately it's not on this week .... SUPER bummed about it! sad.gif


    I think the new episodes start March 25th. I think they under-estimated how popular this show was going to be, and they have't had time to write, film & produce enough episodes for a full season.I think that's why they've taken two very LONG breaks.


    I highly recommend the books, they are just as addictive as the show! And don't worry about spoilers, the show has taken some liberties with the story line & characters, I don't really know where the show will go from here! wink.gif


    ps. TEAM DAMON!!! (just had to say that!!!!)

  4. Yikes! I'm sorry to hear about all of this!


    I know it's no consolation, given you most likely won't have flowers, but make sure you file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau! Don't let them get away with being jerks .... and make sure you let everybody know about your experience! Post a review on Google too!


    Let us know if we can help by spreading the word!


    Sorry again to hear about all this stress right before your wedding ...

    BUT I agree that the flowers on the resort will be beautiful & your wedding is still going to be the best day!! Enjoy :)

  5. Hi Everyone!


    I entered my fiancé & I into a contest to win our Wedding Photography & we made it into the Top 20 (actually 23) couples!!!


    Now it's up to our friends & family to vote for us on the photographer's blog! You'll have to register to vote (it's painless I swear!)


    The higher the rating x number of votes = best chance to win!

    (So please click on the "highest star"!!!)


    Please go to Renaissance Studios Photography BIG Win Your Wedding Photography Contest 2011 | Ontario


    and vote for "Heather & Mike's Barnyard Bliss"!!!!!


    THANK YOU!!!! :)


    EDIT: Can't believe I forgot the link! *face-palm* here it is!




    Thanks!!! :)

  6. Hi Everyone!


    I entered my fiancé & I into a contest to win our Wedding Photography & we made it into the Top 20 (actually 23) couples!!!


    Now it's up to our friends & family to vote for us on the photographer's blog! You'll have to register to vote (it's painless I swear!)


    The higher the rating x number of votes = best chance to win!

    (So please click on the "highest star"!!!)


    Please go to Renaissance Studios Photography BIG Win Your Wedding Photography Contest 2011 | Ontario


    and vote for "Heather & Mike's Barnyard Bliss"!!!!!


    THANK YOU!!!! :)

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SusieQ View Post
    Oh thats brutal.. I had a bad experience with a shop in Newmarket, when my friend and I walked in the shop the owner asked who was the bride and my friend explained it was me. She took one look at me and said i have nothing big enough for you to try on, I never order samples in your size because they look disgusting on the hangers. I am a plus size woman, a size 14. Let's just say that was a very hurtful day for me.
    Sorry to hear about your day though it does suck to be treated like crap.
    OMG! That's really, really terrible! I can't believe ANYONE would say that to another human being, let alone a bride & potential customer! I'm so sorry Susie ... not to mention that vile woman who said that was very wrong! You look stunning in your photo & your dress is beautiful.

    I'm getting sick of hearing these stories! I can't believe anyone in the industry would treat brides like this. WE are the REASON they are in business! It shouldn't matter what our budgets are, when the wedding is, how big the wedding is, or the bride's dress size; we should all be treated with the same level of respect. To each bride her wedding day is possibly the most special day of her life, and the whole wedding experience (including dress shopping) should be treated as such! I'm not saying we need to be treated like princesses, but common courtesy should be a given!!!

    GRRRR I was angry enough that I have actually filed a customer service complaint with the Better Business Bureau. That way at least I know they will receive a formal complaint that may make them re-think the way they deal with customers.

    Thank goodness for forums like these where we can share our experiences & offer support for one another! :)
  8. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME AT THIS STORE!! My MOH booked an appointment for us to not only try on wedding dresses for me, but bridesmaids dresses for my bridal party.


    As soon as we walked through the door today, we were treated as though we were an inconvenience to them (the store was empty). I believe we were even dealing with the owner, and she was the rudest, most vile woman I have dealt with in my bridal experience so far. There was no greeting, she didn't ask me any questions about my wedding other than the date.


    Once she heard my wedding was in 2011 & not 2010, she started lecturing me about how I shouldn't bother trying any on because "by the time I was ready to buy, none of these dresses would be here." FYI I have already booked our venue, photographer, caterer, bartender, DJ, decorator & I am discussing flowers with a florist. NONE of them had any issue with booking more than a year in advance. AND I have been to several dress appointments already & I know what I want & am ready to make a decision. But this woman wouldn't listen to a word I said & pretty much walked away from me, leaving us with another consultant (who was an angel I might add - I would recommend the owner take some lessons in Customer service from her employees).


    There was one dress that I absolutely LOVED, but it was on a mannequin. My MOH asked if there was another sample of the same dress in the store, but we were told that it was the only one. When we asked if they could take it off the mannequin, the owner tried to talk me out of it, saying that she had over heard me mentioning a dress I had tried on that was "too heavy" and that this dress that I wanted was "the heaviest in the store" ..... it was an Organza skirt and my comment about the other "heavy dress" was not a complaint about the weight, but the stiffness of the fabric.


    When we (still politely) requested to see the dress, she ripped it off the mannequin, knocking over part of her own display and practically threw the dress into the change room & stormed off, muttering under her breath. She then refused to have anything more to do with us, would not help the other consultant help me into the dress, and disappeared into the back of the store, CLEARLY still muttering about us. She did not even come out when we were getting ready to leave.


    I can't believe ANYONE in the bridal industry would treat a bride & potential customer this way. NOT ONLY did she miss out on a sale for the wedding dress (I am now looking to find the same dress at another store) but she is also missing out on 4 sales of my bridesmaids dresses, and another 7 dresses from my MOH's sister's wedding (she was on her way to meet us but after the way we were treated, we told her not to bother).


    If you wanted to be treated like garbage by all means, go to Izabella, but if you would like to actually ENJOY your dress buying experience, I would recommend Jealous Bridesmaids, or any other bridal store that actually WANTS your business. STAY CLEAR OF IZABELLA BRIDAL!!!!

  9. Thanks Adelaide!


    I think I'll go check out that store, that's a pretty good deal in case you didn't love it!!


    I REALLY want the dress in the Champagne/Ivory colour. I'm still a little nervous about just ordering the dress without trying it on (only because there have been a few dresses that I loved in pictures, but not once I had them on).


    My plan is to keep trying on similar dresses and if I still keep coming back to the Rasharna, I'm just going to order it :)

    I do also love the RSM1038 from the Sottero Midgley collection. I saw another bride here tried it on & it looked amazing, so I want to find that one as well!


    Thanks again, I'll keep you posted on what I decide!

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