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About Karen11085

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  1. Quote: Originally Posted by Woodsylou me! the email addy i have is [email protected] is that what you have? x No, I had karroniz! Thanks for your help, I just sent her an email
  2. Is anyone's wedding coordinator Kalena Arroniz?? I emailed the Miami office asking if I could contact my planner early and she replied with an email address for Kalena Arroniz. I then tried to email Kalena but found out the address was invalid!! I emailed the Miami office again and am waiting for a reply... Just wondering if anyone may have a working address so I can get this planning moving!!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by vgirl17 OOohh... let me know what she tells you! I do have this Flower Sheet from the Moon Palace that list some of the flowers they offer... I'm getting married in April and haven't received anything yet! I'm a "newbie" so I don't have enough points to open the flower options. Could you email them to me at [email protected]? It would be a HUGE help, I still can't decide on colors!! Thanks
  4. Hello! I'm getting married at the Moon Palace Resort in Cancun on April 29, 2010! I'm super excited and can't wait for everyone's help
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