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Posts posted by breens

  1. Ha ha, I think it is so funny I was bumped down to a "noob" again with this new system!


    Teshy, I am 23 weeks tomorrow!  Seems to be rolling by so quickly! 


    We have been super busy as my sister in law is getting married tomorrow and we have a disneyworld trip planned in two weeks and friends in town...on top of that, hubby ends up getting an emergency appendectomy on Tuesday night, so to say the least, we have been busy!!!


    Susie, I am so excited to hear about your new job!  That is wonderful and very exciting!


    I will be around for October, no plans to leave.  I may be having a baby shower in the middle of the month, but plans still aren't certain yet.  So, whenever you ladies come into town I would be happy to meet up!


    Well, anyhow, hope you ladies all have a fabulous weekend!

  2. We were married there February 19th of this year.  I do believe they said it was colder than usual for them, but that the temperatures do drop to 60/70's at night there normally during that time.  There are weather websites that give you averages and the last few years on certain dates and times of year if you want to see what you can expect during your wedding (weather permitting :) ) But, we did have an open air grill and at first I was worried because it felt a lil windy for our first course, but honestly, after that it started to warm up and the wind died down or we all just didn't notice it anymore.  We had a lot of dancing (3 hours worth) and the fresh air was really nice.  Also, being at the open air grill, a few friends took short quiet strolls with loved ones for 10/15 minutes since we were near the beach.  We had also wanted to do the sand and beach for reception, but when we were there, we walked out to the beach at night, the wind was fine, it was the cold sand that I worried about.  I worried for cold feet, more than anything.  Hope this helps!

  3. I am here too, just been super busy and not much time to type posts or anything. We did just get back from a trip to California, Thur-Tue and had two baby showers and visited with all my family. Lots of tears on the trip back, just not always ready to come back to NYC and miss my family and friends so much!


    Susie, sorry to hear of the issues, hope things work out soon.


    Chris-Congrats on the anniversary!


    Brooke-blog is cute, I don't think I would have the time right now, I admire you and your energy!!! Plus if it is any reference, our baby bumps look similar and I will be 21 weeks this Saturday...it started to REALLY grow two weeks ago. I just felt her kick or do whatever acrobatics she does in there above my belly button, today was the first time to feel it so high and now I am anxious of exactly how big she is going to get in there!!! We go for another ultrasound next Monday.


    I do have a fotki photo account that I am trying to get updated as that is where I am putting up baby pics, ultrasounds and such, I am just getting a little nervous about using FB so much with my child's photos and all, I have heard strange stories lately and it makes me a bit nervous...if you want to see that site, PM me and I will give you the info.


    Yes, I am waiting to hear back from Krista and see more wedding photos, so excited for her!!!


    Sorry if I forgot anyone, it is hard sometimes to catch up on here :)


    Hope everyone is doing well! It is almost the weekend again, yahooo!

  4. Yeah, the truth is, the dynamic between my mom and I is an odd one. She originally was looking at two weeks and I told her we would love to have her, so I don't think it is the in the way issue...she also mentioned that my step dad wondered what he would do while at our house, on top of it they always talk about how they don't like large cities and don't understand how we could enjoy living in one. I think she is still upset I moved here and she has always felt that I didn't need her or would emphasize my independence, it's really a long story, and this isn't the appropriate forum to get into it. She also keeps talking about how upset she is not to be able to live near the baby.


    But anyways, sorry for the rant and rambles, just needed to get it out. Thanks for your support and thoughts, it's nice to get to share and get it off my chest :)

  5. Uuugh, so I just want to cry right now...My mom and step dad just booked their tickets to come in December after the baby is born and they are only coming for 5 days. I know it seems like enough time, but I have lived in NYC for 4 years now and they have never come once to visit me and I feel like they could at least stay a whole week or so to spend time with us. Also, my mom has 2 1/2 weeks off during that time so it isn't a time off work issue. And they are leaving on the 22nd, which means they won't even try to stay for baby's first Christmas. It really hurts my feelings and I wish I didn't see the email this morning because I feel like it is totally going to ruin my day! Sorry, I needed to share as I have this big lump in my throat and no one to talk to and I have a meeting to run in an hour and I just want to crawl back in bed or in a hole...uuughh!

  6. I didn't have my dress cleaned yet either, and I have plans to get it sewn into a baptism gown...we'll see how far I get on that project!


    Also, just as an FYI, my dress was sparkling white after my TTD session. No joke the bottom hem was all black and gray after the reception and after we took it in the water it was white again! So those of you with AHR, maybe just take the hem into the water :) I know, dangerous when you have to wear it again, but I have heard that so many brides say their dress comes out cleaner after being in the water.

  7. Chris- I am sorry you had to go through that alone, when I read your post I wished we lived close together and could hang out and talk about all these things and give you a hug! well, here is a cyber hug for you! It sounds as everything is going well, so keep positive, it is good for the baby. I am sorry about your bracelet, I hope it shows up soon!


    Teshy-Super exciting to start buying things, we are having three showers apparently so I was told to wait to make those purchases, but did begin shopping on registries. Funny how elaborate everything is and the decisions to be made! I did buy her a little "lovey" from me, it is a giraffe, with pink giraffe spots...but so far we are holding back on the other stuff...pretty soon!


    Krista-Crazy stress with that AHR, I hope you can rearrange without too much hassle and stress. But-on the other end so excited you are leaving to get married so soon!!!!!


    Well, just getting bigger by the day, will have to somehow get some pics up for you all! Also, keep us all posted on when you ladies are thinking about coming to NYC...October is around the corner!

  8. Hello Ladies!


    Wow, so much in such a short time.


    Krista-your dress looks amazing and you look radiant in it, you are beaming! It is getting so close, I am so excited for you! you are right, gettting to the airport and the whole nine yards is such great anticipation, just remember to enjoy all of it, from the little things to the big day!


    Chris-Your story is hilarious! You crack me up! I know what you mean about the exhaustion, just be sure to get your rest!


    Teshy-13 weeks! That is amazing! We just had our 17 week scan and it was amazing (will write more in a min)


    Brooke-I can't believe you felt the baby, mine is moving around like crazy and I think that I am feeling her, but I am not always sure, I just really think so because it is such a different feeling.


    Overall, we are doing well. Like I mentioned, we had our ultrasound on Friday (17 weeks on Saturday) and found our we are having a girl. It was funny because the technician first said, I am 90% it's a girl, and I look at husband and said well, you have a 10% chance of a boy still, and the technician says, yeah, I am pretty sure it is a girl! IT was funny...But the pics were amazing, we saw her heart, her kidneys, all her arm and leg bones, brain, hands, and face. It was funny because she was moving all around, the technician was even saying she was already a mover and shaker (just like her parents :)

    She is 6 oz and about the size of my palm. We are just elated and over the moon, I get so happy just thinking about her. We have already shopped for a few fun cuddly toys and a cute hat with a big flower on it!

    And you ladies with the boobs, I am with Krista, I do not need anymore boobage. My origibal 34DD's were a little bigger in the first few months but have settled down a bit in the last two months, I am hoping they don't increase, but I know that the reality with breastfeeding is that they will I am just hoping that it isn't much, but I guess they can help set off the imbalance of belly weight and have less back pain! ha ha!


    Anyways, hope everyone is having a great weekend and all the father's are having a wonderful father's day!

  9. YYYYYYYYYYYYIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPPPPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE EE!!!!! Chris I am so excited for you! I know how you feel about it being early but wanting to tell!!!! Crazy how those prego tests are all different! I was in the same boat of wanting a baby and as soon as you are pregnant your world starts spinning! I still have many a moments of disbelief about what we are about to embark on and the life changes ahead! But, boy oh boy I am excited! I think we are a good vibe group as so many of us have gotten pregnant in the first four months...


    And Erica we will be thinking about you, be sure to keep us posted!


    Ali, yes, I am so jealous of your Hawaii trip! What island(s) are you going to? How long are you going? what a wonderful honeymoon!


    Susie-I posted on your FB but I wanted to say again that I loved your photo montage, so fantastic to relive the moments!


    I have 12 week baby bump photos and I will be taking 16 week baby bump photos this Saturday. I am not sure where to post them for you ladies, I am still secret on FB and I am not really sure why, just have so many unpersonal friends on there that I guess I only want to share with those I am close to, bizarre I know. I do have a fotiki account that I could try to share, let me figure it out...

    Also, we went to start our registry. Early I know, but we are going to have a shower in July with my California side and that will be the only time we head out west before the baby comes, so sooner than most, but that is okay. So, the registry is overwhelming. I went in only to pick out the big items, crib, stroller, port a crib, and car seat and it still took forever and so many choices. For the first time in my life it wasn't about savings and all about safety!!! Merchandisers definitely have you in a strong hold because they know that you want the best and safest for your baby! Next I have an appointment to discuss bottles, nipples, and breast feeding items...Who knew this was such an endeavor. What ever happened to the simple choices of baby items ha ha! Also, we find out the gender June 18th!!!!

  10. Hello All!


    Teshy- Wow! Congratulations! I would agree on the feeling of how quickly it happened. One of the first things out of my mouth when we found out a month after getting married was "sorry babe, we didn't get much of a honeymoon!" But it has been wonderful with ups and downs and all!


    Krista H- I totally understand the need for change when things are tough. I have to say a haircut is always a fun way to do so! I am happy to hear things are getting better and that your health is good. Also, I don't think it is unusual that you are "hyper-aware" of pregnancies, we all are once you get pregnant. It is the top thing on your mind and it totally makes sense.


    Susie-I think I need you to touch my belly and let us know! I can not wait to find out if it is a boy or girl. I think that it is a girl, I have thought so since I was first pregnant. Hubby hopes its a boy, but I told him to get prepared for a little girl! :) We will find out on June 18th as long as he she isn't as stubborn as either of his/her parents and keep their legs closed:) Oh, and I will message you my address, I hadn't been on here in awhile and forgot.


    KRista B- I can't believe how close it is getting! I am getting so excited for you and looking forward to pics. How ridiculous and I living vicariously looking through everyones photos, not just mine, over and over again :) And as far as your AHR, sorry it is getting so hectic. It will definitely be something to look forward to when you get back.


    Talk to you all soon!

  11. Krista-sounds like you have a great doctor :)


    Brooke-I second the feeling of not missing the monthly visitor..but it was a trade off for the other stuff. My nausea has been gone almost two weeks now (knocking on wood), so you are almost there! Yeah, on hearing the heartbeat. Look forward to hearing how it goes. The first time I heard it I was overwhelmed with emotion and tears came streaming down! It was funny, on my last montly visit (monday) she was checking the heartbeat on the doppler and I thought it was connected to the sonogram. I asked to see the screen and she said, oh it's just the heartbeat. Then she pauses and says, do you want to see the baby, I can show you real quick even though we normally don't... Of course I do! and she did a quick sono to let me see the baby. Head, body arms and legs now! Sad part is, I told Ed to stay home because I thought I was just peeing in a cup! Hopefully you will get to see something too! I know you said only one sonogram (which is odd because we get two here in NY?) but they may have the basic machines, just ask, maybe they will show you :) Can;t wait to hear!

  12. Hey ladies!


    Krista-I am sorry to hear of your loss, but am relieved to hear that you are okay and healthy, ectopic pregnancies can be really scary and I am glad that you are okay. It is also good to hear how positive you and your husband are working through this. Keep strong.


    Timberly-Thank you for reminding me I am not crazy when feeling alone, you can probably even more so understand how lonely even such a large city like ours can be lonely. The upside to feeling empty without my family and best friends close by is that I just found a prenatal yoga class in my brooklyn neighborhood and am already meeting new moms that might just help feel that void and create new friendships :) PS. I agree, I want to be your daughter and go to the bahamas-hee hee.


    Brooke-Boy oh boy you two are busy with reno's. I did see your photos on FB and they look great! Nice job on the mural!


    Tricia-great to hear the practice start up is going great!


    Chris-I think your photos turned out great. I think you have some great keepers. It looked like you guys had such a blast, and you looked so beautiful! Yeah! Thanks for sharing.


    Krista B-Crazy that you are getting married so soon! I am sure it is a relief that you found his ring and groomsmen outfits. I remembered that we didn't find my ring until almost a week before we left. IT was a disaster, but it all worked out in the end.


    Tricia-You asked about weekend plans, and I am actually really excited all of the sudden about ours. We have a friend that has a small house/cabin near lake Erie. There are about 8 friends going and we weren't going to go this year. But last weekend we found a car and decided to go. I am looking forward to being outdoors and sitting in the sun or even just on the back porch. we all have a great time together and it should be a fun relaxing weekend! I think I am just super amped to get out of the city, sometimes it wears on me and I miss the outdoors dearly!


    Well, hope you all have fun plans ahead, sorry if I missed anyone, I feel like I wait so long to comment that I miss stories...

  13. Hey ladies!


    Krista-I am so happy to hear things are looking positive. Been thinking about you and look forward to hearing how things go on Saturday.


    Erica, I agree in that waiting would be best. I am having a hard time not being near my best friends, sister and mother as I go through my pregnancy. I find that I am excited, but feel like so much is missing without them. I often wish I could move back to California, but that's just not going to happen. And, the girlfriends I have here are still in the going out afterwork to bar scene and I go home and sit alone, hubby works wed-fri night. It sucks. Sorry, to totally make it about my hard time, but I think waiting to get home will make it so much more exciting!


    You ladies keep talking about the pool action and are making me jealous :)


    Brooke, how are you feeling? I am finally at week 13 tomorrow and am not getting nauseous anymore and eating has gone into overdrive. I am moving out of my regular clothes and am starting to buy more maternity stuff. I have a little belly but it looks more like an overindulged beer gut!


    Chris, Did I miss your slideshow somehow? I will check back through again, but I feel like maybe I missed it? I was hoping to see more :)


    Well, I hope you ladies have a great weekend!

  14. Krista B-Love all of your DIY wedding items, they turned out really nice! I especially love your shoes, so cute!


    Chris-Yes, I am looking forward to your before and after shots, we have a tiny apartment in Brooklyn currently, so there are no renovations happening here :) What is next on your list?


    Brooke-Did they do a vag internal sonogram when you went the first time? What type of costs are you incurring? Meaning things for baby, or dr appt stuff? Sorry, now I am curious...when are they seeing you again?


    Krista-I know that "it's over" feeling, I find that I squash it by looking through our photos, Ed laughs when he comes home and all of the photos we have at the house are out and he asks if I went through them again! I love reliving the moments!


    We did finally get our TTD back, although I am not too thrilled by them. The photography is wonderful and there are a couple of good shots, I guess I just wanted some more "sexy" water poses of hubby and I in a more secluded surrounding. Because water was cold and we didn't know where to go to take them the photogs suggested Playa Del Carmen, which was great for the around town shots, just not the beach stuff...too many people around and not the look I was going for. But either way, it is what it is...now I am thinking about converting my gown into a christening gown for the baby...what do you all think? After doing TTD in it, is that weird?


    Anyways, here is the link...don't be too harsh because I am super sensitive these days hee hee :)


  15. Funny you mentioned the glass of wine, the day before I tested (which was 4 days before I was expecting AF) I decided to open a bottle of white that hubby had bought earlier that week. At first I thought it was gross, but we didn't have anything else, so I kept drinking it. I poured a second glass and started realizing that I felt like I was getting a hangover with no buzz effect at all, and the wine just wasn't settling right with me. I told Ed about it and he checked the wine and said it was fine, that it wasn't the best, but just me. Then to find out I was preggo the next morning. I hear that many women experience weird things when drinking and not knowing they are PG yet.


    Also, I do not want to get your hopes up Chris, just sharing, but I had REALLY bad cramping the day after I ovulated that lasted 2-3 days and subsided a little bit. I thought it was weird because I normally don't cramp until 5 days before.


    As far as the pill Krista, I haven't been on it for almost 2 years. I hate it and become crazier than normal on it, therefore we decided I wouldn't take it awhile back...we then went to the "pull and pray" method...which luckily always worked. I have heard many different responses to getting off the pill. Some go to normal right away (I did every time I went off) some have a few months of wait....hard to say when everyone is different.


    Anyways, Friday is almost here! Woooop woooop! I am really excited, I just love being at home these days and look forward to the weekends so much!

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