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Posts posted by *Jen* OPPRN

  1. Hey Josie - well I have to say first off you are the cutest couple - and he is likely breathing a sigh of relief that you don't shop or anything else that could leave him in debt again...My FI is the same - he was left with a load of debt that she had incurred - but the there was alot of joint stuff that he got left with - guh - anyway - I think you likely are comparing yourself to one of those Paris Hilton type girls? Slutty and useless?? LOL - This helps me realize how stupid I have been in thinking about the ex I have to deal with...

  2. LOL - LOVE it...we are changing the date by a few months tho - we rae going to get married on our 4 year anniversary and it gives us a little more time to save money for the big day cheesy.gif


    Ladies - I thank-you so much for your input - ex's totally suck - I was never like this with my ex-husband - and he and I remain friends because he is not being an ass*ole - I don't know why the laws dictate the amount of money - I think my FI got screwed but what do I know - his lawyer basically told him to take the deal and run - some deal - leaves him with $50 every two weeks for the next couple of years RIDICULOUS!!!! Anyway, I likely wouldn't care about anything his ex does if she wasn't such a &*$%&()*#*^ - words I won't even type - Josie I will check out your link for sure - :) Thanks again ladies!

  3. Thanks Josi and Kat I appreciate your kind words :)


    Yours Truly - she does have more money b/c she is getting all of my FI money - as for personailty - phoney b*tch - body - yeah not so much - I was having a moment when I was looking at my FI during another time of his life and I felt a little insecure - not feeling that way anymore so I think I have it in "perspective"

  4. See - you girls are great - I knew it was being stupid - you are right - gut reaction to seeing the wedding pictures - they both looked good on their wedding day - but they are not the same people they were then - obviously or I would not be in the picture - and with the DW - that is a different as it gets cheesy.gif Thanks for the input ladies - I feel better already - jsut needed to get it out since it was bugging me so much. I agree - he wouldn't have a clue about the material LOL

  5. Okay so today I was at my future FIL's house as the family is getting the house ready to be sold (FIL is elderly and unwell) - Today my fiance's daughter came over to go through some things and found her parents wedding album....so of course out of curiousity (sp) I want to see the pictures - now granted it was a long time ago - and he is 16 years older than I am so I was a kid when he married her.


    But here is the problem - the wedding gown was made of chiffon - my gown that I have half paid for is chiffon - now this is the stupid part - it is bugging me to the point where I am thinking I want a different dress - as a matter of fact I want a dress that has colour in it so that my dress is completely different.


    I know it is likely dumb to think this way but I can't seem to help it, I absolutely do not like his ex-wife (censored.gif) she has caused nothing but grief for us and when I saw the dress and realized the material was the same I was like huh - isn't THAT special :S

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by taxchick View Post
    Are there any Aruba brides still out there? Did anyone review thier wedding for Aruba? I can't find anything in the search.

    I am going to Aruba for vacation in two weeks, so I plan to scout out a few resorts while I'm there. It would be nice to hear thoughts on how the wedding went though.popcorn.gif

    Me too please - I am considering Aruba as well and would love to hear what other have to say :)
  7. I just visited there for a few weeks - it was really nice - I only stayed in Glasgow the night before I flew home though. As for booking - no we are waiting until about 6 months before - we are eloping so it is just us and maybe a couple of friends if they want to come - otherwise just us - and hopefully we can pick up someone to be witnesses for us LOL - Hopefully you will get to book soon!!

  8. Just wondering if anyone else has considered this resort - I am pretty much sold - I am a bird lover and it is situated right beside a bird sanctuary - this place is ridiculously expensive though - but I keep thinking - why not - 2 weeks of paradise is worth it righthuh.gif Any comments would be great - here is the link if you are interested in checking it out. Galley Bay Resort & Spa Antigua - Most Exotic Hideaway Caribbean Beach Resort

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