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Everything posted by mmk1185

  1. Thank you all so much for the help! I just started planning and feel overwhelmed and a little lost sometimes. I didn't even think to incorporate her in another part of the wedding which would be a great idea. Thank you all again.. I'm not sure what I would do without these forums!
  2. I recently went to lunch with my fiance's sister-in-law. We get along really well but are not very close. Right at the end of our meal she asked me if she was going to be one of my BMs. I was completely thrown off and told her I hadn't decided what I was going to do yet. I originally had planned to have my best friend and my fiances sister (who I am VERY close to) as BMs, and that was it. I don't know how to tell her my plans without hurting her feelings. Or maybe I should just let her be apart of the wedding? Please help!
  3. mmk1185


    Hi everyone! I was VERY recently proposed to and so we have not set a specific date or location. I do know that it will be between June and September of 2010 and somewhere in Mexico. I'm so excited to start reading about all of y'alls experiences!
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