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Posts posted by Nisi39

  1. Wow this is great! I joined "The Knot" (just so I could see the dresses) and now they won't stop sending me emails! Occassionally I look at them and this one in particular mentioned speaking to a dermatologist about getting a Botox injection for your wedding day to stop sweating... I thought that was kinda strange, but worth investigating, so I decided to come here to the experts and sure enough you guys are/have discussed it..


  2. I still have NO clue!! We're (get this?...)Christian "House Heads"!!

    My problem is I think I'm stumped with trying to figure out how to combine the two.. I don't want to dance down the aisle, but I do think that was the cutest idea that one of the other ladies had to dance back up the aisle with your new hubby... So for that I'm thinking "Devotion" by Ten City... The summer of '90 we played that over and over and over again, so much that the cassette tape broke.. So that song has special meaning for us. Plus since we're not having a reception I don't really have to worry about our first dance song. I guess cause our first dance will be the recession! So the bottom line is I'm still scouring YouTube and this thread for Christian themed wedding procession music...

  3. That is tooo funny!... My husband says the exact same thing about our vow renewal DW... and like your man, mine is extremely opinionated....

    Girl don't worry,if speaking his mind is truly his nature then when time gets closer he'll definately speak up if for no other reason to make sure that you're as happy and your day is as special as can be...

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jacilynda View Post
    Try using the search on the forum. The TTD to be used or not has been discussed SEVERAL times. You'll find on the forum that it runs probably about 50/50 w/ girls getting a new dress for TTD and girls actually using THE dress for TTD
    You knowhuh.gif.. I figured there had to have been AT LEAST one other person who had pondered this...but when I did a search it produced no results... Hmmm...oh well...that's what I get for trying to read an entire screen that has been minimized.... Who knows there's so much info on this board, when I get home and can open the entire screen I'll find a thread that gives brides a tutorial on how to effectively navigate the board while "fakin' workin'....!smile72.gif
  5. Iâ€ve noticed quite a few women looking for bargain TTD dresses, and I can understand that if youâ€re dropping a wad of dough on your wedding gown but I was wondering if there is anyone else trashing the actual wedding dress youâ€re exchanging vows in? Or is there just some unwritten rule that says you donâ€t?

    Iâ€m thinking this for a couple of reasons: My dress is being custom made for me as a gift and all I have to buy is the material…so itâ€s extremely che….ahem... I mean reasonably priced. Also, even though my dress is extremely informal…I doubt very seriously that Iâ€d have another opportunity to wear it again nor do I think Iâ€d want to. I think that after

    I get some fabulous shots of me in the dress itâ€s pretty much a done deal anyway. So aside from your dress being expensive why else would you not roll around in the sand in it?

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrideToBe2010 View Post
    I am not getting married till 2010 and have barely started planning yet, but I know that I will feel the same way! We purchased a brand new home in November of 2007 and just moved in last August. With a new house, there is soooo much to do. We have no blinds, no deck, no fence, had to buy some new furniture to actually fill some space ... it seems never ending! I also just bought a new car on the weekend because mine died on me!! Ugh! I suppose all these things are part of real life and everyone makes it work somehow but, some days I wish I could go back to being 19 with not a worry in the world other than when my next paper was due!!!!!!
    I hear ya! I sooo miss the days of not having a care in the world! All the things that needed to be bought were my parents problems!!
  7. Thanks!!! You all made me feel a lot better about my decision... At first I thought the reason people chose DW's because they'd been to that place before and/or it had a special meaning for them,or worse I thought I was the only person who'd never been to Jamaica... I've been doing a lot of research and it looks like we'll be at one of the Couples resorts....I know the memories we'll make in Jamaica will be extra special!

  8. I'm sorry that you're going through this.... and I totally agree with everyone else... It's your day and do what's best for YOU...

    Think about it this way...people are going to find something to complain about no matter where you have your wedding. They won't like where you have your reception, the cake is too dry,your dress is too revealing, why did you pick the afternoon instead of the morning to get married....Yada Yada Yada.. It's all PURE BS! When it's all said and done it's not about it being a DW, you being selfish, not putting family first, or none of that other crap! The people who really care about and love you, won't ask you to sacrifice your happiness for them. Anybody else... I would tell to go jump in the lake! Those that it matters to the most will be there..even if it turns out to be just you and your FI...

    BTW...this is exactly why my hubby and I are going SOLO!!

    Don't worry... no matter what happens it'll all be just fine..besides I'm sure you can think of at least a million more things to worry about that are waaaay more important! So save your text messages for your planner or florist or photograpgher or your Man..send him a few "sexts" to take your mind and his too off of things that won't matter at the end of the day!

  9. Ladies,

    How do you plan to handle your waterworks?

    Are you going to distract your mind? Is there a product out there that can temporarily dry your eyes? (kinda like the menthol stick that models use to make them cry) or Do you just not worry about it, let flow, and destroy the photos that make you look as if the minister is standing on your toe?

  10. I am!!! Ahem...I mean WE are... My situation is just the opposite, though. My husband and I are renewing our vows, but since we got married at the courthouse 19 years ago, I didn't get the things I wanted,like the dress cake, pictures etc. So this time we're going all out! But it'll be just for us! It's OUR day...and since you can't force adults to do what you want them to do (i.e.sit down, play nice, not cause any undue stress and not complain) Our entire budget is being spent on the things that I want. So since we don't have to worry about feeding guests, or buying gifts for our bridal party. I can spend more on a bigger photo pkg, take some excursions, etc.I've been told we're being selfish but hey?? In the end it's what you want anyway...

    Enjoy yourself, your way you deserve it, you're entitled... and don't feel bad...

    Oh sorry just re-read your message ... I'm not even doing the AHR...Maybe I got a lil' excited to read that someone else is just going for a 2 person party DW...

    • Like 1
  11. Ok, so I've been doing my research trying to select a resort(with the help of Erin's spreadsheet! Thanks Again Erin!) anyway,I'm not sure if I'm expecting too much and I've been wondering what the most common definition of All-inclusvie is, in relation to a DW?


    When determining if a wedding package is AI or not,should that include the accomodations,food & drinks,ground transportation,etc. PLUS the wedding package? Like the ceremony,decorations,cake,officiant, etc? Or is AI in your opinion just a wedding package with the ceremony,decorations,cake,officiant, etc?

    More is usually better but I'm finding that if I see a resort that offers the majority, a lot of it usually sucks! Like the flowers are horrible or the room has a bad view, that kinda stuff... So am I expecting too much?

    Thanks in advance...

  12. You go Girl!!!

    That's exactly what my hubby and I are doing... Renewing our vows,just the two of us! I maybe going a little more "all-out" than others because we didn't have a wedding/ceremony the first time, and I would like to have a day that's all about me... I've been to several weddings of my relatives and it's nothing BUT stress... There's NO WAY in H-E-double hockey sticks I'd put myself through that Grief and aggravation! My brother in law says that he was offended that we didn't invite him, and I was actually reconsidering the whole guest list thing until my husband said the brightest thing and made me feel better..."I invited the people that it matters to the most... Me, Denise & the Minister!"

    So with that being said... sweetie.... you do you! That way you won't have negative interference ruining YOUR day!

  13. Geez...you all are putting me to shame!! I'm not having a wedding party OR guests!! Our ceremony will be a vow renewals for us and our First wedding ceremony. Been married 20 years so not really needing sheets and toasters! We want this to be ALL ABOUT US... Not to mention I can't deal with the stress any of the elements of a traditional wedding

  14. Hi,

    I'm Denise from Chicago, and I'll be marrying my best friend, soulmate and husband of 20 years for the second time in 2010!

    I haven't decided on the resort OR the island in the Caribbean,as a matter of fact we haven't even nailed down a month. We got married the first time at the courthouse and in the spring. So now that we're older, wiser and more in love with more money we've decided to be selfish,go all out, and spend all of our money on us!

    However I'm finding out spring isn't the best time of year for a romantic GROWN-UP Carribean vacation...

    So not gonna leave our kids at home only to be bombarded with wild spring breakers.Rumor has it...I've come to the right place to get opinions and suggestions. So far I'm really enjoying the conversations!

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