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Posts posted by ~*DiAnE*~

  1. Hey Ladies - Thanks for the support! Well the new lady said that the other lady appeared to not know what she was doing in the back so basically made a mangled mess (I didn't even see all the mess til I went to the new lady) but the good news is she said it will be good as new by Friday and I leave Sunday so YAY!!! I did pay the first lady 1/2 of what she wanted because she did hem it and take the top in nicely, it's so beaded and intricate that I think maybe it was either too hard for her to get the waist right, or was having a bad day or something.. oh well I will just cut my losses and move on.. I'm sure it will be great! Thanks again for the nice comments :)

  2. Just need to vent a bit... so I went to get my dress today... the lady that has been altering it wasn't there... but the first thing the lady that was there says is "She told me to tell you that this is all she can do, so hopefully this works" Hmm that doesn't sound very good.. so I put it on, and not only is it STILL TOO BIG... but now it also has a gap in the back... kinda looks like a hole almost! NICE! Oddly enough, I have remained completely calm.. (probably bc if worst comes to worst i can wear my TTD - I like it a lot too - and it fits good!) so anyways I'm heading to another town about an hour and a half away as one of my co-workers knows someone who does this out of her home and does good work and she knows I have no time and really need this done so away I go!!... Wish me Luck!!!

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