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Posts posted by Roahrig

  1. I wish I new what to say to make you feel better....but I'm sure nothing can make you feel better at this point. I know you all worked so hard to plan your dream weddings, I feel just terrible for all of you. I'm praying for the airlines to open flights back up in hopes that you can all still make your trips as planned.


    If there is anything I can do to help PM me.

  2. Welcome to the forum!


    I also used Sascha Gluck for my wedding and he did an Amazing job. I would advise against using the resort photographers. I looked at some of their work while I was there and it was definately not near the quality of Sascha.....and they charge more! Some resorts charge a fee to bring in an outside vendor but it is worth it! I talked to one of the other brides that got married at The Royal PDC while I was there and she used the resort photographer. They DID NOT edit any of her pictures, she got all raw images! Sascha edits all of his photos.


    If you have any questions feel free to PM me! If you go to his blog he has some teaser pics posted of recent weddings....Wedding Photography for Cancun and Riviera Maya. I would definately recommend using Sashca if he is available! You can contact him through his website, he is very quick to respond.

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by aerazo View Post
    hello! I am getting married at the royal next april 23, 2010. I chose the month of April because I read it is the driest month of the year with little rain. However, I've been checking the weather forecast the past week and for next week and it shows rain almost every day! Does anyone know how accurate these are? or if it rains -is it only for a short period of time? My ceremony and reception is on the beach, i can't imagine what i would do if it happened to rain the day of the wedding! Is anyone else worried about it raining?


    I was also worried and checked the weather before we left and it said it was going to rain while we were there, but we did not have a drop of rain the whole time we were there. I don't think the forecasts are too reliable.
  4. Another thing concerning the Wifi. If you are using an outside photographer make sure you bring their phone number with you! I brought my laptop and the Wifi worked the first day and then did not work at all after that. I am so glad I brought the phone numbers with me. You can use the computers in the business center....but you have to purchase internet minutes to use them.


    Also for anyone doing a religious ceremony..there are different ministers so the ceremony will depend on who you get. Our ceremony lasted about 20 minutes and it was very similar to an american ceremony. They did a reading and a prayer before the vows...the vows were the same as in the states, and then another prayer at the end.



    Maybride -


    We got married on the beach. For the most part people were respectfull...there were a few gawkers but they stayed out of the way. There were also a few people that walked behind us while taking pictures...mainly locals. But most people were respectfull and stayed out of the way. Even people who got married in the gazebo, I noticed some people standing around watching.


    You will love the beach...feeling the sand in your feet was awesome!



    I know I am probably running on here but I want to help as much as possible!

  5. Hola everyone!!


    I just got back and it was amazing! I am swamped with work right now so I will post some pics and a review later, but I wanted to address some of the questions I have seen recently.


    The Spazul - When I was there the construction was all going on by the WC's office (which is close to the spa, we had to get to the office from the street entrance) It was not actually going on in the spa. My mother and I had no problems getting our hair done. I do recommend making the appointment before you leave or the day you get there. This is high season for weddings so the appointments book up quickly. If you contact your WC they will book it for you.


    Reception Dinner in the restaurants - Due to economic times and my small wedding party, we decided not to spend the extra on the reception dinner and do it at the restaurants. We had no problem doing so, and there were other larger wedding parties doing the same. Just a few pointers.....


    If you have people staying in another hotel they can only eat at 2 restaurants, Pelicanos or Asiana, and you will have to pay cash for those people. We had 2 guests staying at another resort so we ate at Asiana, it is a more formal restuarant and the food is excellent! Pelicanos is also good food and is open to the beach if you would like to still have the beach atmosphere.


    If your guests are all staying at the Royal the only restaurant that will not accept a large party is Chef's Plate they only do 2-4 people. We saw a few wedding parties eating at Maria Maire. The food there was also very good.


    The restaurants were not too busy dring the week..I got marrried on a Thursday...so we did not have a problem getting our party in. However, we did do a farewell lunch on the weekend and the restaurants were much busier! If you are getting married on the weekend I suggest talking to the restaurant a few hours before so they will be prepared and save tables for you.


    I know the resort says tips are included in your package, but believe me a tip goes a long way and will get you excellent service! They already have good service, but tips will get you top notch...and they will remember you all week. We tipped all week long.....once we tipped it was mainly the same people taking care of us all week, even when we went to the restaurants they remembered us and waited on us hand and foot.


    I know I was very stressed out before I left as most of you know...but once I met with Zulma everything was worked out and all my questions were answered. It all turned out beautiful.


    If you have any questions let me know and I will do my best to answer them. You are all going to be glad you picked The Royal!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shay2679 View Post
    I hear ya! Man, I hope everything comes together for you though. I'm feeling kinda the same way...since my "account" got moved to a new coordinator, I feel like...she doesn't know who I am, or remember (or check) what we discussed previously...and...I'm completely not convinced that all the things I am hoping for will actually...come to life.

    But...I'm just trying to focus on the Mexican holiday I will get out of it...and marrying the man of my dreams....even if I end up doing that in the lobby bar! cheesy.gif
    I know....it is so frustrating, I hope everything works out for you too! You are right...as long as the actually ceremony happens I will be happy. I just hope she gets the minister situation straightened out at least. Maybe I can talk her into not charging me for the Chuppa....but we'll see. She doesn't seem to want to "negotiate" at this point. I really don't want to fork out another $450 for 20 min. For an all inclusive resort, and the amount of money everyone is spending at the hotel already......you think there would be more included instead of all these extra fees!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ View Post
    I would be freaking out too, but just keep in mind that everything can be figured out when you get there price and decor wise. So breath! Most of the brides have said that a lot of their decisions were last minute during their meeting there with Zulma. I would focus on making sure there really is a minister but otherwise everything will get worked out.

    Now, just be excited! You leave in 5 days and we fully expect a report as soon as you return! wink.gif
    Thanks Stephanie! I really hope everything gets straightened out. I am counting down to Margaritas on the beach!
  8. This is so crazy that we are all getting infomration that is so different. I wish they would get on the same page with their pricing. We have decided to cut out some things because of the pricing we were given by Zulma (which has been higher than what I have been seeing poseted from others)....I have been going back and forth with her this week because I leave in 5 days!. Even she gives me different pricing everytime I talk to her. I am so stressed right now. I wanted to do a Chuppa, but with the prices Zulma is giving me, we decided to cut it out....which really sucks cuz I don't really now that I like the standard set-up too much. She also is not sure if the minister is booked for the day now....since I started with Laura and got switched to Zulma everything has gone wack!


    Sorry for the vent session...but I am really freaking out here! shots.gif

  9. We did our own invitations too...and they turned out better than a lot of the stuff we were looking at onine...and half the price! Can't beat that. I think you should compromise on this one too. I know guys don't think it is a big deal, but I'm sure it is important to your FI.


    We are leaving in 2 weeks and I still haven't heard anything from Zulma....I am freaking out here!!!!

  10. We did our own invitations too...and they turned out better than a lot of the stuff we were looking at onine...and half the price! Can't beat that. I think you should compromise on this one too. I know guys don't think it is a big deal, but I'm sure it is important to your FI.


    We are leaving in 2 weeks and I still haven't heard anything from Zulma....I am freaking out here!!!!

  11. Thanks Shay!! That would be great! I asked about switching to the Gazebo, but it was already booked sad.gif


    I am totally with you on the paying extra thing. You would think with all the money we are already spending with them, they could throw in a few things!


    I'll post some pictures later with what I've been up to!


    Thanks again!


  12. Hello Everyone!! I am so sorry, I have not been on here in forever! Sounds like everyone's plans are coming along wonderfully! Things have been crazy with work and trying to get wedding details wrapped up! The date seems to be creeping up on me so quickly! We leave in less than a month!


    I am so excited, but a little stressed because I have not heard anything from Zulma. I have requested prices/pictures for the Huppas, but never heard back. I don't know If I really want to pay extra for it or not. Does anyone know what the beach set up is without purchasing a huppa?


    I've noticed some earlier posts regarding the safety in Mexico, my family is also concerned. They have cancelled some of the activities they originally planned, and now I gave to re-think my reception dinner (we were going to do this off site). Does anyone know if we can do a dinner at one of the hotel restaurants? I've heard the limit is 6 people and I will have 10.


    Thanks and sorry I have been neglectfull!!

  13. Hi Everyone! It has been a while since I have been on here so I am catching up!!


    I also had Laura as my WC and now have Zulma. I have had a hard time getting resopnses from Zulma...which from what I have read seems pretty normal.


    To anyone who is using a huppa, do you have pictures? I asked for them from my WC, but have not received them yet.


    Also, does anyone happen to know the price if you just want to do hors d'ouerves after the ceremony? We are going to do the reception somewhere else, but I think I might have them do some hors d'ourves while we are getting the rest of our pictures taken.


    Any help is greatly appreciated!!

  14. I also just received an e-mail from Laura asking me for a $300 deposit (she took over my wedding planning from Zulma).


    Speaking of AHR's How are you all doing yours? I have pretty much everything planned, but am still trying to decide on some things. Are you wearing your wedding dress or something else? I think I am going to wear my dress, I guess it seems kind of strange because my reception is a month after Mexico. I was thinking of doing a reading of vows or something since 95% of are not going to Mexico, but not sure. I was just kind of curious as to what events other people were planning at their receptions.


    I feel so far behind on all this planning...It doesn't help that I am in Alabama, my reception is in Indiana, and the wedding is in Mexico.......stressful!!



  15. Hi everyone!


    Well, I got my wedding date moved to April 16th so that I am there 3 days before the ceremony....Thanks for the info. shay!!


    Does anyone have any opinion on the mariachi band? I am having a small ceremony...approx 10 guests. I'm not sure if that would be too much for such a small group.


    One more question.....sorry!! Has anyone heard of or used Shasa Gluck Photography? He has been quick to get back with me and his prices are reasonable. I just haven't heard his name mentioned before and was hoping someone had some info.

  16. I tried calling... no luck. We are also doing the symbolic ceremony. I didn't realize you had to be there at least 3 days in advance though! I may have to try and move the wedding back 2 days to make it work, I don't know if they will do that or not?? If I don't book with my TA soon, I am going to loose the rate I was quoted and have to pay quite a bit more. I know most of you are dealing with the communication problems also, but it is frustrating when you need something and can't get a response.


    I am feeling like I should have started the planning process earlier....I am hoping things go a bit more smoothly after this is all worked out.



    Oh, Laura is the Wedding Manager. I dealt with her to book my date while Zulma was on vacation.

  17. For any previous brides, how many days in advance did you arrive at the resort before the wedding? I am having some flight scheduling issues, and as of right now, my TA has me arriving the day before the wedding. Is that going to be enough time to get everything done??eek.gif


    I tried to get ahold of zulma to find out....but you know how that goes.....



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