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Posts posted by beth

  1. We had the same problem. I looked this up on theknot.com and they suggested an email or phone call. I ended up sending a mass email and bcc'd everyone so no one could see who it was going to. I got all of the RSVPs we were lacking from that one email! I would suggest doing whatever you are comfortable with. Most of our guests just forgot - oops! I guess we are thinking about our wedding more than they are :)

    Good luck!

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by sunshinekc08 View Post
    I have booked him for my wedding as well! We have 39 booked so far & I am execting about 50 or so! Not small, but I really didnt want to shell out $900 that DJ Mannia quoted me & I don't need fireworks. Just great music.

    I was trying to decided between an iPod or a DJ & when I spoke with DJ Bob & he quoted me less almost half of DJ Mannia.... I decided to go with a DJ.

    I spoke with him on the phone for about 45 min. Him & his wife moved from Jersey to Playa Del Carmen about 8 years ago..... so he speaks perfect english, has a cell phone you can contact him on & is currently doing Kareoke at 2 bars in Cancun 2x's a week & weddings on the weekend!

    He will download any music you want to be played or you can let him choose. I am going for a site visit of our resort & he is going to meet us down there just to say hi.

    He has also gone to visit the resort & already met with the WC's there to see where he can set up & to get any rules they might have.... & we're not getting married until May!

    I was very impressed with him so far!

    Do you have his contact information? I want to get a quote from him....I thought my quote from DJ Mannia was a litte high as well considering my reception is only 4 hours.

    And this may be a stupid question, but are we supposed to tip the DJ on top of their fee? I'm not sure how that works in Mexico. Do you know what you were planning on doing?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by julielynn View Post
    I have booked DJ Bob for my wedding this weekend. I will let you know. So far he has been very flexible with my schedule and easy to contact. He even visited my resort for me! I will keep you posted!

    Good luck this weekend, Julie!! I'm sure everything will be perfect :) Can't wait to hear all about it when you get back.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rhonda View Post
    I'm using the one approved by the resort. I was also concerned about this, but, then, my WC put me in contact with someone who used the DJ and she had all good things to say! I don't know if there is really another option, but, it might be good to find out or at least hear from others.
    Thanks for the info Rhonda! I thought there might be just one approved for the resort since the Lomas website did not send me to another one, like the approved photogs. I'll wait to hear back from my WC as to who I have to use.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by brigopens View Post
    We had no problem hearing the music at all, BUT we were at Tucanes... I still don't think it would be a problem as long as you use their speaker set-up, etc...

    I would be hesitant to try your own speakers or set-up, but otherwise wouldn't worry about it.
    Thanks! We are planning on using their set up. I just hope it is loud enough. I apprecaite your feedback!!
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by brigopens View Post
    Go iPod all the way. Put the time in ahead to figure out your setlist and timing... Save the money (lots of it) and use it elsewhere.

    See if someone who will be there minds running the iPod or MCing the deal with a few simple introductions and it will be perfect.

    Just my 2 cents, but everyone at our wedding said they loved it, and we were able to splurge on other things like food, excursions, etc...
    Did you and your guests have a hard time hearing the music? Our reception is at the white gazebo on the beach. I'm worried that the water will drown out the music. Thanks so much for your feedback on this!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dreamgirl08 View Post
    I need to make my Ceremony Program, but I'm totally at loss as to how to organize it, and what exactly goes on it. Can someone please share theirs, I'd love to get a better idea on this.

    I am looking for the same thing. Does anyone have their ceremony program template they are willing to share? I have the ceremony script, but am not sure how to word everything that will be said, etc.

  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJaysEntertainment View Post
    When our brides ask us this question, we always recommend "Shower the People" (James Taylor). Brides ALWAYS comment afterwards that the song was PERFECT.

    This is especially true since your parents are probably James Taylor fans (or at least know of him since he's been around a while).

    Oh, father and mother, sister and brother
    If it feels nice, dont think twice

    Just shower the people you love with love
    Show them the way that you feel
    Things are gonna work out fine if you only will
    Shower the people you love with love
    Show them the way you feel
    Things are gonna be much better if you only will
    That's perfect! Thanks for the suggestion.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jkcz0702 View Post
    We are sending out RSVP cards since it will help us to know all who are planning on coming we invited around 80 people some we do not see often so this is kind of a push for them to let us know. We want to leave enough time to make sure we made enough bags etc.
    This is the exact reason why we are also sending response cards with our invites. We have had several people book on their own and we want to make sure we have the head count correct for everything.

    I used paper divas for my STDs and will be using them for my invitiations as well. I love their designs, the quality is nice and the price is right. Good luck!
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