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Posts posted by alex

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tvt View Post
    hmm these are so great!

    i can't think of any beliefs, but i can think of a bazillion misunderstood lyrics

    ie: I crossed the lawn, and the lawn one. Down in the boombox.

    i could go on and on. i'll have to think of some beliefs.
    LOL my favourite misunderstood lyric would be "hold me closer Tony Danza" instead of tiny dancer!! LOL

    Originally Posted by jpitts78 View Post
    I remember seeing 2 dogs doing the humpity dance when I was really little, but was told the dog was trying to get a piggy back ride... lol
    I'm sure alot of kids were tricked by this!!
  2. Dear people in the Timmie's drive-through line who order sandwiches when everyone else only wants a coffee & we have to wait like 10 minutes until they make your damn sandwich,


    I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Go inside to order!

    The pissed off gal who needs her caffeine

  3. Hey ladies!

    I hope you don't mind me joining your thread. I'm not a Negril bride, but a Negril bridesmaid! lol My friend is getting married at the Sandals Negril on January 5th 2009 & she's a really busy businesswoman so she doesn't have lots of time to join the site so I figured I get some info for her! I hope you don't mind me asking a couple of questions here & there because I don't know where else to answer some of her questions! lol

  4. I don't know what my thoughts are lol I don't know how much a BD session is supposed to cost so I guess I have nothing to really compare to.

    I did notice that they said $80 for a makeup artist, but on the website it had said $80 for hair & makeup at other locations. That kinda sucks.

    Do we find a hotel location ofor them to use? And do we have to pay for it, or do the photographers pay for it?

    Sorry for all the questions. I bet you don't even know some of the answers! lol


    What does everyone else think?? Are people still interested??

  5. Dear Mortgage Centre,


    Myself & Mat are coming to see you tomorrow to get approved for a mortgage. It would be fantastic if you could work with us to get us in a range that we want. We're not asking for alot. We don't want a HUGE house or anything unrealistic - just something big enough that if we wanted to stay for the rest of our lives we could. I know we're young & I haven't been working much lately, but Mat's a good man & has a great job & he works very hard for everything we have. Please don't insult us by offering us a miniscule amount that would only let us buy a falling down piece of junk. We're really good people & just need a break. The house we're living in now is going on the market very soon & I expect it will sell quick enough. I really don't want to be homeless. So try to go easy on us, please.



    A very scared & anxious Alex




    Dear Bride-to-be (who's name will not be mentioned),


    If I am your MOH & you've told people that "all the most important people in your life are you in bridal party" then how come when you found your wedding dress this weekend you didn't even call me? Sure, I got an e-mail with the pictures, but so did like 10 other people. You even called another one of our friends & told her to tell me if she saw me. You really couldn't be bothered to call my house & leave a message like you did on our other friends phone? I'm not mad at you, just pretty hurt. Do you really think I want to spend my time & money to travel 3 hours to go find bridesmaids dressed now?


    A very insulted MOH




    Dear Job-finding Karma,


    Please help me out a little. It's been 6 months & I can't get a "real" job. The only opportunities that are coming up are summer student type positions & I need something that's going to be full-time & can pay my bills! I may not have alot of post-secondary education, but I worked for the Federal Government for frig's sake - you'd think I could get a piddly office job here!

    Can you help me out with the most recent interview I had? I went amazing & the owner knew my reference well which helped, but I think I need that extra little push.


    Help a girl out please! My EI isn't forever...

  6. Congrats on a wonderful wedding! Thanks for writing such a great review too. I visited the Riu Palace in January & have been really dissapointed with all the negatives I've been reading because I had such a great trip (wasn't a wedding, just a vacation but we loved it!) Very happy to hear that everything was good for you!!!

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kleslie5 View Post
    oooh - looks like 6 ladies interested...and in 2 days, not bad!! FYI - you can click on "upcoming marathons" to see their pricing for their upcoming Vancouver and Calgary marathons to get an idea of what TO would be....

    OOH thanks for that info! I didn't even notice that you could click on those! Now I have a better idea of what it's going to cost me! cheer2.gif
    It should be do-able for me, as long as I crash with some friends instead of splurging on a hotel & maybe eat take out instead of nice restaraunt food! lol
    I'm not cheap - I've just been unemployed for the last 6 months so it's hard for me to shell out money, but I REALLY want to do this for Mat.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek View Post
    I have been craving chocolate for months. now i have aunt flow and i want it even more. Was it good, Alex?
    Took me a while to answer, but it was delicious! Almost as good as the chocolate covered pretzels I ate last night... and the ones I just ate about 5 minutes ago too! lol hehe oops!

    Great job on all the hard work ladies! I've been horrible! No gym for like 3 weeks & eating awful (whatever I want, whenever I want it) but somehow I managed to lose a pound this week. I have been working like crazy so I guess that helps!
  9. I am going to a wedding in Jamaica in January, but unfortunately Mat won't be coming with me.

    My dad & I were supposed to go to Peru this fall, but I didn't have the finances so I'm hoping we can work it out for next fall instead! Again, Mat won't be coming with me.

    LOL looks like I might have to let him to go to Vegas with the guys...

  10. Dear World.


    You kinda suck lately. You're never nice to me & you make me cry way too often. You don't make anything easy for me & every step I manage to take forward you push me 2 steps back.

    Can't you just let me have one good thing?

    You're like a mean kid shining a magnifying glass on an ant. Please stop.



    That little ant.

  11. I actually didn't find this too hard! I love these kiunds of things!



    1. Where is your cell phone? Gone

    2. Your significant other? Working

    3. Your hair? Messy

    4. Your mother? Beautiful

    5. Your father? Generous

    6. Your favorite thing? Emma

    7. Your dream last night? Awful

    8. Your favorite drink? Water

    9. Your dream/goal? House

    10. The room you're in? Cramped

    11. Your ex? Dunno

    12. Your fear? Spiders

    13.Where do you want to be in 6 years? Mommy

    14. Where were you last night? Here

    15. What you're not? Calm

    16. Muffins? Please

    17. One of your wish list items? BBQ

    18. Where you grew up? Happy

    19. The last thing you did? Phone

    20. What are you wearing? PJs

    21. Your TV? On

    22. Your pets? Furry

    23. Your computer? Laptop

    24. Your life? Meh

    25. Your mood? Bitchy

    26. Missing someone? Yep

    27. Your vehicle? Sunny

    28. something your not wearing? Glasses

    29. Favorite Store? Winners

    30. Your summer? Sucks

    31. Like someone? Love

    32. favorite color? Blue

    33. When is the last time you laughed? Today

    34. Last time you cried? Recent

  12. Hey ladies!!

    I've been a member of the forum for a while now, but as I don't have my own wedding to plan for (yet! lol) I thought I might join up on this thread as a bridesmaid of a bride who is getting married at the Sandals Negril on January 5th 2009. She's a super-busy gal who doesn't have much free time to do any research so I am going to be helping her out as much as I can!

    I hope you guys don't mind me joining up on this chat so I might be able to get some more info for her! :)

    (I'm gonna go back & read through all the pages before I ask any questions so I don't bother anyone with things that have already been answered)

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