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Posts posted by Alesha4

  1. I think its a wonderful idea so long as it isn't a lot of work. Another idea is to have some one hold her and walk down with her if the wagon doesnt work.


    You will definitely come up with something by then b/c who else would be the perfect flower girlhuh.gif No one.

  2. I have just come up with a great idea for entertainment at our AHR. I found a few companies that will come out and stencil/airbrush/freehand tattoos. Being that my FH proposed to me in a tattoo parlor via tattoo I figure this will be a great idea! But I havent decided whether I want to do it for the engagement party or the reception or both. Probably to pricey if we did both.


    I think it would be so neat to have an artist set up to give temporary tattoos. We had a friend do a carnival theme as her reception. I am thinking a tattoo/face paint theme for ours to make it fun and unforgettable.


    Any other creative ideas out there?

  3. We also hired a cleaning lady. She comes with one of her friends. Its $100 a week for us, for about 1300sf. We are now trying to cut out two bedrooms to get it down to 80. We shall see how that works out.


    Its definitely a great idea to get referrals from friends. Atleast you know you can trust the people coming in when you aren't home. That is if they come in when you aren't home.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by amy706 View Post
    Wow- I"m impressed by that diet but how can PB be calorie free? or chocolate syrup for that matter? I'm afraid of what IS in it!!!
    Well the PB is not calorie Free but the chocolate syrup is and I do hear what you are saying about wondering what chemicals good be in it to make it calorie free but it works for me when I need that fix and don't want to risk my calorie intake....mind you this is coming from me, a competitive freak! LOL! I have competed in figure competitions and will go great lengths to fix my cravings with out compromising my diet. I am NUTS!

    Originally Posted by angitalia23 View Post
    The concept behind Walden Farms Products is good in the respect that they advertisse "no calories" etc. and I usually like any "light" or "Reduced" food but the Walden Farms Products make me sick to my stomach, i think there gross! Im glad you like them though cause they are seriously guilt free according to their ingredients and nutrition facts....plus it sounds like you have created an interesting dessert
    Yes I have to agree that MANY of the WF products taste horrible BUT the few I listed actually don't taste that bad when you compare them to their high calorie, high fat, high carb counter parts. I think they are a hit or miss, everyone is different. But if you count every last calorie and gram of protein carb and fat these products are a life saver!

    Also another good product is sweetleaf stevia drops. They come in all flavors and I really like putting the dark chocolate in my coffee with a splash of skim milk. Very tasty and you can get very creative with them.
  5. OK - this may sound gross - I would cure my sweet tooth by smearing abouth a tbs natural peanutbutter on a plain no salt rice cake and take Walden Farms Sugar Free Fat Free Calorie Free (thats right) chocolate syrup and drizzle over the top. I would mix it in with the PB and enjoy. But not before licking that mixing utensil. LOL!


    Try looking at Walden Farms Products especially to help liven up a dull diet. My diet consists of eggwhites, turkey bacon, protien shakes, salad greens, chicken breast, and mixed veg stir fry. Can be very bland so I like using the WF products which are mostly all sugar free calorie free and fat free. They take some getting used to but I LOVE the chocolate syrup, pancake syrup, caramel dip and ranch dip.


    Oh and as for butts....LOTS of different weighted squats and lunges and walking/running up steep hills. msnwink.gif

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hollisandsteph View Post
    OMG I just searched this song on youtube and LOVE this song! I had thought about dancing with my son and this might be the song. I don't think I am going to do an official dance but I might request and dedicate it just for fun. He would turn bright red but love the attention!! My original thought was To Make You Feel my Love (Garth Brooks) from Hope Floats. Now I have to think about it more. Wonder if it would be too wierd for a father/daughter dance?
    My father/daughter dance is "There Goes My Life" by Kenny Chesney. I bought the CD for my dad a while ago for Fathers Day and then did a collage of us with the lyrics of this song in the middle so it has a lot of sentiment to it. Every time I hear it I get chills and tear up.
  7. Great idea! This will help me collect ideas to change up my own routine. I must add I just started this morning! Ugh! I would love to have beer tonight to celebrat St Patty's day but NO-CAN-DO I tell myself.


    Can't wait to see this bootcamp get started. I'll share my own info if I see results.

  8. I think what you have now will look nice for a night reception. I am thinking the candle light will bounce off the beads and really illuminate. But if its a day reception I would try sand and stick a few extra small shells or starfish within the sand but pushed to the outside so they are visible through the glass vase. But not sure how that would work with water as I am now just realizing there is water in there to hold up the floating candle smile105.gif LOL!


    Also to fill the negative space between the shell and the candle can you add ribbon from your wedding colors? Not necessarily a bow, just hot glue a nice irredescent ribbon around it? Or maybe put sand underneath the beads to raise them up a little. Ok I think I need to get off this "sand" kick!


    Great idea, very inexpensive! Thanks for sharing. I will definitely keep this idea in mind myself.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maggie&Darryl08 View Post
    Our song is "lullaby" by the Dixie Chicks. We didn't know the name of it when we first heard it but the words are perfect and we love it. So that will be our first dance.
    LOL! I am deciding to possibly walk down the aisle to this song b/c my fiance has it set in stone we will be dancing to "Brighter than Sunshine" by Aqualung. I love it and heard it first so I agreed to it. Then the Dixie Chicks came out with this album and I fell in love with Lullaby. I shouldnt have been so quick to agree before we were even engaged!!! LOL!
  10. I want to get in Lullaby by the Dixie Chicks so I think I might walk to it. We already have our 1st dance song so this is how I can fit it. I think its sweet even though they wrote it to their child. LOL! I think it still fits.


    They didn't have you where I come from

    Never knew the best was yet to come

    Life began when I saw your face

    And I hear your laugh like a serenade


    How long do you want to be loved

    Is forever enough, is forever enough

    How long do you want to be loved

    Is forever enough

    Cause I'm never, never giving you up


    I slip in bed when you're asleep

    To hold you close and feel your breath on me

    Tomorrow there'll be so much to do

    So tonight I'll drift in a dream with you


    How long do you want to be loved

    Is forever enough, is forever enough

    How long do you want to be loved

    Is forever enough

    Cause I'm never, never giving you up


    As you wander through this troubled world

    In search of all things beautiful

    You can close your eyes when you're miles away

    And hear my voice like a serenade


    How long do you want to be loved

    Is forever enough, is forever enough

    How long do you want to be loved

    Is forever enough

    Cause I'm never, never giving you up

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