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Posts posted by cuata2pink

  1. I was asked to post some of my wedding pics from Elizabeth and I want you all to see her work. I really loved her, great personlaity, funny, speaks both spanish and english, and she stayed longer than I expected/paid her to and one thing that stood out was that I had sent her a list of all the "shots" that I wanted and she brought it with her on the day of my wedding and tried her hardest to do all the pictures I wanted ( I asked for a lot =-) ). She also captured the flavor of Vallarta in my pics which is what I asked for too =-) ! I loved her and highly recommend her if your in PV!


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  2. I love this idea too I wish I couldve done that for mine! If that doesnt work out then you can take him to La Casa de Habano two blocks off the Malencon, and they are for sure real cuban cigars. We have La Casa here in Tijuana and buy cigars all the time but did not know there was one in PV when we were there =-(. Anybody that loves cigars will love it there =-).

  3. Hi I used them for my wedding and I loved the video! I meet Ray a few days before to let him know the schedule and them I just paid him cash on the day of the wedding, no contract either but he and 2 other videographers where with him, total of 3 but he had to leave a little early. They were there with me all day ( about 8-9 hours) and I paid 850 USD. He did a great job!

  4. Hi everyone,



    I'm back from Vallarta and had such a good time there! The wedding went perfect, well almost, but the major things ran smoothly! I don't have the pro pictures yet ( elizabeth Lloyd, who I HIGHLY recommend!!!) but here is one picture of us walking down the hall to go take more pictures ( this picture was NOT taken by Elizabeth):


    Click the image to open in full size.



    Sorry the pic is kinda big...

  5. thats ok he didnt want to get his hair cut at a salon he has really really short hair almost nothing so they cant really mess it up hahaha.. thanks for the info please let me know of a barber shop near the sheraton or malencon if possible.Thanks again!!!



  6. Hi I'm actually in the process of sending all the paper work necessar to have my ceremony at Our Lady of Guadalupe CHurch.


    1. We had to talk to our parish priest first to give us the permission to take the Pre-Cana seminar ( which is one day only) . This seminar needs to be taken first before we could take the next classe(s)

    2. After the pre-cana we were given th choice to pick either a six week class ( once a week only) or a weekend retreat. We did the evenings for the engaged instead of the retreat, much cheaper.

    3. After we were done with the evening classes we are now getting all of our certificates which include : baptism( most recent copy), communion, confermation, pre-cana, evening for the engaged or retreat, marriage certificate.

    4. My fiance and I got married legally about a year ago , so it's recommende you do this before the wedding date.

    5. Once you have all these documents you can go to your parish priest and fill out an application as if you were getting married at your home church. Then the applicaiton and copies of the documents are sent to the chancellor of the Dioses to sign and approve you.

    6. Then the chancellor send those documents by mail to the church in puerto vallarta were you will be having the ceremony.


    This was long but if I have anymore info I can let you know asap.

  7. Hi amyh,


    Yes July is by far the most rainiest time of the year in vallarta however that price for the tent is really high!! that is insane! I'm not having an outside wedding for the same reason that it might rain and become too humid for us and the guests. I'm having my reception at one of the indoor venues that has a terrace for guests to go outside. Maybe you can ask your WC if they offer an indoor venue.


    Hi MaryS,


    SOme of the prices for flowers were high but I was able to choose and pick what I wanted and in the end she dropped some of the higher prices. For instance, I couldn't afford open bar because it was wayyyyy to much over my budget and in the end she dropped the price to something more resonable the fit well into my limit.



    Hope I helped!!

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