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Posts posted by jenvh

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jean-marcus View Post
    i call urban legend on this one.... wink.gif ive heard it many times before. always slightly different wink.gif BUT OH MANnn if it was true id be so best friends with this guy
    Totally an urban legend. I have been hearing this story for years. How awesome though if it actually happened?
  2. We finally found one after months of searching. We just got into the habit of checking electronics and game stores every time we happened to be by one. It wasn't until I stopped working for a bit and was able to go on a weekday and found one (!) in stock at a game store. It was really frustrating.

    anyway, all we have so far is the sports games that came with it. But we have so much fun with it. I am really awful at guitar hero so I don't know if we will get that. Hopefully we can invest ion some more games soon. I sort of consider it part of my workout program...my arms get so sore the next day if we play for a few hours at night. blush2.gif

  3. My ceremony is at 5pm and I think the hair and makeup people are coming at 3 or so. But the photographer is coming at 3:30 and will take pics of me getting ready. Originally I think my WC scheduled them earlier but I worried about my hair falling and me wiping off my makeup because I tend to touch my face alot. I don't have bridesmaids so no one else will be getting "done" before the wedding.

  4. We got disposable waterproof cameras for our OOT bags. At Kmart I think. They were probably $12 each but we have very few people coming to our wedding so we only had to buy 4 or 5. Don't know how good the pictures will be. I think we got cameras like this when we went to Hawaii a few years ago and the pictures were fine. I have a feeling FI 11 year old neice will be the one using them the most. cheer2.gif

  5. I just saw them in Target the other day and it made me happy to see them for $20. They are called Assets. The "real" Spanx I was going to buy for under my dress are $72! Although I have found you need to attach them to your bra or tuck it under or something or it will roll or just start to slip down. If you can get past that part they really do work wonders.

  6. We are having this same dilemna. I like the Bed Bath Beyond idea though. Do any other stores do that? I guess it just makes people feel better to buy from a registry. Ugh. I really didn't want to do that.

    So far I just have been telling people who ask that we don't want anything but we appreciate the thought. That has mostly been co-workers for now. Family and friends will probably start asking once we have the AHR (only immediate family are coming to the wedding). FI told his co-workers if they really want to give something then donate to the american Cancer Society in memory of his father.

    I did have a friend who was moving from CA to NY right after her wedding so they said they don't want gifts since they are moving, but if we really wanted to give something then cash or gift cards to help with the move. I don't remember how it was worded, but I think the cirumstances made it not seem tacky.

  7. I hate needles so we decided against doing it legally in Mexico. We will probably go to the courthouse right before we go to Mexico. I still feel like the wedding in Mexico will be our "real" wedding. The other is just the legal stuff. I do feel like I may be more relaxed knowing the legal stuff is out of the way before the wedding and once the mexico ceremony is over then we are married, nothing left to take care of.

  8. FI sister and I are both named jennifer so when we are all together it gets confusing so he started referring to me as "girlfriend jen". it just sort of stuck and now I am just "girlfriend" all the time to FI. He says that more than my actual name so I tease him that he is afraid of calling me the wrong name so I am just generic girlfriend. It's cute when he says it but I don't know what will happen once we are married. Will he start calling me "wife"?

  9. I have had problems with beef (and chicken to a lesser degree) for a wile now. I am very picky about the beef I eat. I have even given up In' N Out burger because I don't know where there beef comes from!

    I try to buy my meat from whole foods and try to get grass fed beef. I read somewhere that the reasons cows get so sick and need all the vaccines and antibiotics is because they are being fed a corn diet and corn is not a food that cows are designed to eat and they have a hard time digesting it. Now I don't claim to be any sort of expert, I only know from the little I have researched. It just makes me feel better to buy "organic" meat and support smaller farms and not buy from the big mega food companies.


    Is it wrong that all this talk about beef makes me want a cheeseburger? smile105.gif

  10. Anyone have any good, healthy slow cooker recipes? I have been looking through books and find that almost everything uses cream of mushroom soup and i don't want cream based (and not really a big mushroom fan either). Maybe I just need to find a good slow cooker cookbook?


    I bought a slow cooker nearly a year ago (ack) and have yet to take it out of the box ( mostly because of work i am out of the house for like 14 hours a day and nothing needs to cook that long.) FI gives me such a hard time about it because it is sitting in the same spot in the kitchen as the day i bought it. smile116.gif Now that I quit my job and am not working, I want to use it but don't know where to start.



  11. Salada.


    The funny thing is FI sister is also named Jennifer. Thankfully she has a married name (and kept it even after she got divorced) It's already confusing enough when we are all together. Imagine if we had the same last name as well? But when you are named Jennifer you get used to not being original.

    I am changing my name for practical reasons and because it is important to FI. I am ok with it but it will take some getting used to. I am not that excited about dealing with the whole name change process and remembering to sign a new name. this is my last month with my maiden name! smile41.gif

  12. We just bought our wedding bands and I was having a hard time finding something that fit with my e-ring. A countour band is the only thing that rests nicely against the e-ring but I want to be able to wear the wedding band alone. So I picked a wedding band that looks good alone and looks good enough with the e-ring. i will probably end up with the e-ring on the right hand. FI for some reason thinks its weird I would do that so it's nice to see that I am not alone in that idea.

  13. What I am interested in knowing is are you doing it before the destination wedding or after? I am undecided about when to do it.


    I tend to get very anxious at new situations so I have always imagined I would just feel sick to my stomach on my wedding day. not exactly fun. I am wondering if doing the legal stuff before we go to Mexico might alleviate some of that.

  14. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to try the dress on in my size so I don't know yet the extent of the alterations.


    I will wait and see what they say next week. I am definitely going to make them give me the rush charge back.


    I guess everything was going too smoothly. I needed something to make me crazy, right? shots.gif


    Maybe I will focus my attention on finding shoes so I don't think about it too much.

  15. I will try to make this as breif as I can...

    I bought my dress in october and paid to have it rushed and ready in 3 months. It was supposed to be ready at the end of January, then the store has to ship it to me still (i bought the dress in a city other than the one I live in). I called and they said it would be in around Feb 6. That date passes and I call again. They say the manufacturer has it ready and it should be on the way to the store. Yesterday they called and said they made a mistake, the manufacturer just called and they don't have it yet. It was delayed by the chinese new year (i guess it's made in chinahuh.gif?) and they hope it will be ready by the end of feb but they won't be able to tell me for sure until next week. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

    Now...my wedding is March 26!!! What do I do? Do I hope for the best or shop for an alternate "just in case" dress?

  16. I generally had one diet coke a day (more on stressfull days and i wanted extra caffiene). Now I have reduced to one every couple days. But today I go cold tukey! I have a bottle of water sitting on my desk. My biggest problem is that the person I share an office with is a HUUGE addict...he is trying to limit himself to 8 a day! So we have a mini fridge in here stocked with cold diet coke. Argh!

    I may also start drinking iced tea (unsweetened of course) as a replacement. It isn't the caffiene I am trying to quit so much as the chemicals and artificial sweeteners in the diet coke. I also think I may stop using splenda and go back to regular sugar.

  17. I am so glad this thread got bumped up. I haven't been on the forum in ages because work is so busy but this thread was a great motivator and I came on today to look for it. I have not done well at all the last few weeks (I think I had lost about 8 pounds but then put 4 back on) but now its a new year and less than 3 months to my wedding. Yikes! Now I am back and ready to get serious again. Honestly, after all the crap I ate over the holidays junk food doesn't even sound good right now. I am sugared out!


    Great job with the Diet Coke, Jenn. I know cold turkey is the only way to go. I am going to try again. Wish me luck.

  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by beachbride08 View Post
    Maybe you could send out an announcement of your wedding in Mexico with your AHR reception date rather than a STD? You could send that out right when you get back or right before you leave. Then send out a formal invitation for the AHR closer to the date or just put all the details for the AHR in the announcement/invitation and not send anything else.
    This is what I originally wanted to do, but how much notice do I need to give people who need to travel? is 3 months enough time? I thought an STD would be helpful for travel planning.
  19. We are only having our immediate family at our wedding in Mexico. However, it looks as if we will be having an ahr (and probably a fairly big one) We want to send STD's for the AHR because our friends and family are scattered all over the country so no matter where we have it there will be many people travelling. To give people enough notice, we should send the STD before the wedding (we haven't picked a date for the ahr but are shooting for about 3-4 months after the wedding...I know I need to get on that smile35.gif)

    My question is...how do I word such a thing? I don't want to confuse people or make them feel bad for not being invited to the actual wedding. So how do I say we are getting married on day x, but come celebrate with us later on day y?

  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NYJen View Post
    OH SNAP!!!! I went to lunch today with a friend of mine that I haven't seen in about a month and she said, "You look good, you lost weight." Of course I had to hug her right there in front of everyone. Even though the scale isn't really moving, I think the working out, calorie counting and no diet coke are making some kind of progress. YIPPEE!!!

    That is great! The number on the scale isn't quite as important as how you look and feel. But believe me I know how frustrating it is too work so hard at it and not have the scale budge. and remember, muscle weighs more than fat, right? Keep at it and the scale will start to move.
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