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Posts posted by rodent

  1. Photographers will usually have you sign a model release which gives them permission to post your pictures on their website/ blog or use in materials like their business cards or a print ad. They should also give you the option to opt out or state if you don't want your name used. Very rarely do you see full names posted on websites.


    You might have to pay more for a photographer if they will not be able to use any of your images on their site (or they might be less willing to work with you on prices/ packages). Often you can get a good deal if someone is excited about adding a hawaii wedding to their portfolio, but they would not give you the same deal if they can't use the images. Be sure to tell them up front.


    I would think the easiest thing is to make sure they know you don't want your images easy to google (no names on them.) And make sure they know you wouldn't want to be tagged on facebook.

  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mischaka View Post
    OMG!!!! I want to hug you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We will have to become the best of friends!!! lol

    And since you are going have yours months before me I will need you take extra pics!!!! Have you seen their fan page on facebookhuh.gif They have a few and it does look nice but no wedding pics.

    Who have you been in contact with at the resort?? i have been in contact with Laura....and she's pretty nice and she gets back to me pretty fast considering my wedding is so far away.
    You two can start a thread for this other catalonia to keep it seperate. If you put the hotel name in the title, it draws more people in to the forum. I was the only Catalonia riviera maya bride on the forum for a long time, but more started finding this place.
  3. Changed my mind on 20% off. Everything is free now. I am tired of paying the monthly fee to keep up my shopping cart & video hosting. On most months, I'd end up losing money on the hosting.


    I started this because I got so many PMs asking for help with my brochure template. I thought that if I could make an easier to customize template & a video to walk through the steps, it would be really helpful.


    So now you can download any template free. But, now that I'm not paying for video hosting the bandwidth is limited so the videos might shut off during the month & restart the next. My roll over date is the 12th.



  4. my friends I used to watch the show with like to say, "Shut up and choreograph Mia."


    Too bad now she only talks & doesn't choreograph. She doesn't bother me as much as she did. They are doing a better job at limiting judge rambling time.


    Adam used to annoy me because he'd go on too long.


    Lil C is the worst though.


    Oh & what's up with mia always picking on the outfits? They don't dress themselves.

  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by drbrainfreeze View Post
    Did anyone notice Nigel and his snide comments towards Travis this week. Yeah, his dance was kinda contemporary and not very Jazz. But when he was talking about Tasty Oreo's Jazz coreography, he made it a point to thank Tyce for a "real" Jazz routine. They panned to Tyce and Travis was sitting nex to him with a frown. He (Travis) said something but you couldn't tell what. I think he was pissed.
    I've ben meaning to google to see if anyone could read his lips. I think he was saying F off nigel. yeah, that was contemporary, not jazz but why take up the contestants time to talk about it.

    Originally Posted by carly View Post
    BUMPING for Morgan!
    thanks carly. she knew I was upset about alex & needed people to talk to :)

    I love that kid & I'm so sad for him. and me too- I'm going to miss watcing him dance. I hope he got good news on his mri & can continue.

    ok now my rant of opinions. I love the new format. I just couldn't get in to last year. with 20 dancers it takes me a while to care about any of them, so they first episodes can be boring. i was thinking about skipping this season until I heard about the new format. I like jumping right in & knowing who everyone it.

    i wish mia would do jus a routine or two. although i feel like travis has filled the void nicely. I also love the music he picks which makes it that much better.

    during mandy moore rehersals, i like to guess which 80s song they will be dancing to.

    i'm not a fan of tasty oreo. i think he is my least favorite coreographer & i feel like his routines are often ehavily inspired by the others.

    love sonya & I thought her first routine of the season with alex an allison was amazing.

    I like so many of the dancers this season. lauren was my favorite out of auditions, but after the first episode i started to love alex.

    i want adecheke to go. he messed up so much in auditions i didnt get why they kept him. i'm just not a fan.

    i didn't care for melinda, but the girl is impressive. she has a lot of class.

    I'm not a billy bell hater, but he isn't my favorite.

    I really like robert. i thought he'd be getting the tween vote, but it's all going to kent. i think tweens these days don't go for the classically handsome men. i'm just assuming that when justin bieber is a heartthrob.

    for the all stars, I've loved seeing ania dance more. I really like her & during her season she wasn't one I was routing for. I was a big pasha fan, but I really like seeing him out of his style. more goofy than I Am The Sexy Man.

    I've liked getting to know allison. she'd great. I didn't watch her season. was it 1 or 2? I started after that.

    I lvoe getting to see twitch in his style each week. He's another favorite.

    I think they should discontinue the quick step on the show.

    nigel can be really creepy when he comments on these 18yr olds. things like, "Your legs darling." and jokes about their dresses coming off. ick!

    i love cat! best tv host ever. like when the mic mesed up at the start of the episode & she made a joke out of it. she's so witty.
  6. are there not suites on the yucatan side? If not, I'm pretty sure you could upgrade when you got there. They had signs at the front desk with upgrade prices & many of our guests upgraded to suites when they checked in. Actually most of our guests stayed in suites and we stayed in a regular room, but they did give us a larger room.


    One of our guests upgraded to ocean front on arrival & they put them in yucatan. So I don't see why you can't check in at yucatan & be put in RM.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by josietoms View Post
    Strange question alert!!!!! Does anyone remember if you have a key to your room of whether it is a swipe card entrance on the door? We have one guest who is being a bit difficult over things and this in the only question they have raised that I can't answer......
    swipe card

    some employees can get into the rooms & people do get robbed. I gave everyone luggage locks with a combination that we set to all be the same (so no one lost a key or forgot their code and couldn't get their stuff). These are much safer than the hotel safes.

    While we were checking out someone's hotel safe had just been robbed.
  8. I felt the same way about the white tent. It was on my Cons list while picking a resort. I also pictured a gazeebo or an arch.


    But, it ended up being something I was really happy with. Our guests needed that shade. Open shade is also great for photography. It kept them from having harsh sun on their face & squinty eyes in pictures. I can't remember is mike & I were under the tent, too.


    During the ceremony, the guests will be under nice shade, but looking out onto a beautiful ocean. Having the ceremony at a lagoon instead of right on the beach was also really nice. I think it made it less windy & not as loud.


    Overall, the ceremony location was just so nice & I ended up really happy to have the tent.

  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kplanta View Post
    For those of you who hav already been to the resort...Can anyone tell me what is the exact difference between the Riviera Mayan part of the hotel and the Yucatan part?
    I know they share all ameneties and everything, so I am wondering what is the difference? Does one side have nicer rooms or is one side rated better? My TA has given me a group quote for the Yucatan side, but she said her vendor has not yet released the prices for the Riviera Mayan side. I am wondering if there will be a difference?

    they are pretty similar. I believe the RM side deals more with the US & the yucatan side deals with europe. If you didn't already know, you probably wouldn't think they were two hotels. The two lobbies is the only clue.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by hoyt75 View Post
    Sorry ladies, but I disagree when you say that credit cards are a necessary evil. They are not necessary, and only bring risk into your life. I can tell you that living debt free is the only way to live life. No stress, no worries. If DH and I don't have the money to pay for something, anything, then we don't buy it. We scrimp and save until we can pay cash for everything.

    And for those you that still believe that you need a credit card to build your credit score, I think you're wrong again. If you don't borrow money then you don't need a credit score. Your FICO score is an 'I love debt score". Trust me, it is possible to live a wonderful life without the stress and worries of debt. You willl never be able to build wealth if you're constantly giving your hard earned cash to make payments.

    Just my $.02....

    It sounds like you are a fan of Dave Ramsey. I'm just assuming because you said "I love debt score" which is something he says a lot. I agree that a debt free lifestyle and not spending money you don't have is the way to live. But, I don't like his one-size-fits-all approach to things. For some people, using a credit card just a little with the intention to get points can turn into a lot of debt. Others have no problem consistantly paying of the balance and never overspending. I never carry a balance. I never buy things I can't afford. I save money every month. But, I use my credit card a lot. It's not to buy things I don't have the money for. I like the convenience, points, statements, etc. I also like having a great FICO score. I got a wonderful interest rate on my mortgage.

    Hmm, so maybe I do love debt. I love that I can pay my mortgage off over 30 years at a rate lower than what I'll eventually be able to make putting money into a CD (once rates are back up).

    I think debt is like anything addictive. If someone has a past history of having a hard time managing it, I think they should keep all temptations away. So I'm not suggesting everyone get a points card & keep it paid off. But, for some people it's a wonderful system. I have a $100 giftcard coming to me this week & I'm close to getting another $50.

    Although, I am feeling conflicted about supporting citi with the fees they get from retailers every time I use my card. I try to pay cash when I'm shopping at a small, local company.

    Now on topic:
    I have the citi diamond card. A point is similar to 1% cash back, but it's giftcards. I get 5 points on gas/ groceries & 1 for everything else. No fees.

    There are many great cards to chose from in the Thank You Network. I have a lowes & kohls card on the way. We put all of our bills & anything else we can on the card so that the points pile up. We get a $50 card every few months. Lately they have all been to Lowes or Home Depot for a house project. I just got one for Kohls to buy clothes for our next vacation. I love spending these "free money" cards.

    I did a citi american airlines deal to get a free flight to hawaii (that I'm using in 1 1/2 months.) I didn't like the way miles worked vs points. The miles it required kept going up & took one leap right before we booked. My mom had to buy miles for her trip. We also had to book way in advance to get seats.

    I would have prefered to do a regular points card. You can book flights with points, too.

    We also have some miles left over, but won't likely get enough to be able to use the remainder. I think points are just so much easier to work with.

    scan the slickdeals.net forums for good promo offers for getting a card. I don't think they are as easy to come buy, but at the height of cheap credit (2005-2007), it was easy to get $100-$250 just for signing up for a card.

    I used to use the citi dividend card, because it was cash back. When we got cash back, we just saved it. Then that card stopped giving us 5% on gas & groceries so we switched to a points card. The dividend cardmight still offer 5% for new customers.
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