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Everything posted by birdie2bride

  1. Here's how it happened: The scene: Dallas Hotel Crescent Court - Courtyard The date: December 18, 2006 I thought we were having holiday drinks w/his boss and his wife and another work couple. He called them (I thought), told me they were running late, so I said let's walk around and enjoy the lights and decorations. We went into the hotel lobby and were admiring the beautiful tree when he recognized the photographer shooting pix in the lobby. He then introduced us. The photographer said he was shooting pix for a client in the hotel. My then boyfriend asked if he would take a few of us in front of the beautiful tree...then eventually out in front of the fountains....I had absolutely no clue. I just thought he was bothering the poor guy. After a few shots by the fountains, he kissed me. The photographer told him to do it again "it's a great photo"....at which point he dropped to his knee and proposed....I was speechless, I was crying, I couldn't believe it.....I knew it the day would come...just not now and definitely not before the end of the year!!!! Finally figured out it was all a set up...I was the "client", there was to be no cocktails w/the boss, no dinner, it was all about us!!!! It was so beautiful and so romantic...I'm a picture person, so having the photographer there to capture the moment was absolutely priceless!!!!! He arranged the whole thing! We topped the evening off w/champagne, sushi and wine at Nobu at the Hotel Crescent Court afterwards!!!! What a way to kick off the holiday season, right?! Thank God for my beloved fiancé, Paul and for the PERFECT PROPOSAL! Also thanks to our loving parents who (though how they kept it a secret, I'll NEVER know) patiently waited thru the years knowing that "someday would come" and AT LAST....IT HAS! Thanks for never pushing us, rushing us or doubting us but all the while loving us and believing in us. And to David (our amazing photographer!), who captured the moments leading up to and including the "Christmas Miracle" so we could share it with you! And that's how we became "engaged"...AT LAST!
  2. Anybody have photos (or can take photos for me) of INSIDE La Iglesia de Nuestra Senora de Guadalupe (the cathedral) during the above dates? I need to know if the altar, cruicifix and/or statues are covered during LENT...which means between now and Holy Week/Easter. Holy Week is Apr 1 - Apr 8, 2007, so if you are there/have been there prior to Apr 1, please share your cathedral pix. I need to know for possible wedding date during LENT in 2008! I so want to STD but can't without knowing that very important detail! HELP! Thanks so much!
  3. birdie2bride


    Birdie2Bride aka Myra Spring 2008 Vallarta, Mexico
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