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Posts posted by lambert13

  1. The whole equation was wrong from the start. The bailout is for about 700,000,000,000 dollars. Divide that by 200,000,000 and you get 3,500 each.


    Still not bad, but not enough to make a windfall of a difference.


    Has anyone else seen an AIG commercial since this whole debacle started and gotten really pissed?


    So, they still want us to buy insurance and whatnot through them even though they are in the shitter. Lets take it a step further.


    -My paycheck is taxed.

    -AIG wants some of my post-tax income for their failing product.

    -While they still get some of my tax money from Uncle Sam.

    -So, whether or not I buy their shitty product, they are getting my money regardless

  2. So, last night's two episodes were pretty damn good. I was dying laughing when Charlie and Dee were walking down the street like junkies needing their fix of human meat. Racist cannibals.


    One of my favorites......... Day Man, Fighter of the Night Man, Champion of the Sun. Master of Karate and friendship.


    I do have to say though that I liked the first season when Danny Devito was not on it. He bugs me for some reason.

  3. Do you have a flash Morgan? If so, making an enclosure and bouncing the light off the sides and top will make a huge difference.


    Also, give it a try outside. Natural light will make the diamond sparkle a whole lot more. You can use some white posterboard to shield or direct light on the subject.

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PlayaWeddings View Post
    I've lived here for four years and I've explored up and down the coast. You can go to Tulum and go south on the beach road. You can gop very far south and the resorts on the coast become more and more remote. Not exactly authentic Mexican. If you want that, go to Merida, but it is not on the coast. Further south of Tulum, almost to Belize is Bacalar. This place is really amazing, it's an inland lake where the cenote water meet the sea waters. it's called the lagoon of seven colors because the different water types and mixes of, create distinct shades of blue in the lagoon. if you can get yourself a raft or small boat it would be much more fun. You can buy a two person raft to row in Playa del carmen at Wal-Mart or mega for about $50-$60. There are small hotels on the lagoon and the city of Bacalaar which is small but authentic. The trip from The RM will take you through Carillo Puerto which is a very authentic mexican town. You can also stop in Majuhual, which is a strange little town on the a beautiful coast. it was hit by a hurricane last year, so was Bacalaar so i don't know what they are like now. I imagine things are back to normal now. There is a town between cancun and Playa called Puerto Morelos. This is a tourist town but it's much smaller and has a different vibe. It's very easy to get to Tulum and Puerto Morelos from anywhere in the RM so they are a good place to start. Merida may be yopur best bet for authenticity, but I admit, I have not yet been there. It's about 5-8 hours from the RM. All of these places can be reached by buses or you can drive a rental car.
    Yup. What he said.

    As far as I know, Majuhual is pretty much back up and running now. There is still a bunch of damage, but inns and hotels are open and everyone down there sure would appreciate the business.
  5. I have one more that I want to get rid of. But I am just going to get something bigger, better and probably stupider right over it.


    Has the laser removal been working? I have always wondered if it worked well or not and if it leaves a scar behind.

  6. After just having brain surgery a few months ago, I can totally empathize. I was pretty scared before the surgery and not looking forward to the recovery at all. A few things that helped me before and after......


    - Have faith in your doctor/surgeon. As long as you trust them, you have to get your mind around the idea that they do this all the time and know what they are doing. This is their job and they do it well


    - As for being alone in the hospital... Drugs. Painkillers. They do wonders to keep your mind in la la land for a while. I do not remember a thing from the first few days and even after that I was still drugged up enough to be able to sleep comfortably. And hospitals are usually very willing to bend the visiting hours for a spouse/fiance/etc. I was very worried about that too. In the end, it turned out just fine.


    - Positive thinking promotes healing! Make a mantra for yourself to repeat over and over when you feel like you need some extra strength. Mine was....... "Don't underestimate underdogs, they can beat the world

    And come back for more". Just a lyric from a song that always cheers me up when I am down. Believe me, it works. Sometimes you need to fake it by repeating it over and over until you start believing it.


    There was a period right after the surgery in the hospital that I was in so much pain I was sure I was about to die. Literally. Looking back on it, I know it was not life threatening but it sure felt like it at the time. I did my best to focus through all the pain and the drugs and noise and everything. I concentrated on how I could not wait to be out of the hospital so I could give my wife a huge hug. That was all I wanted. I just needed something positive to look forward to. That helped a lot in dealing with the pain and the discomfort of being in the hospital. Knowing that there was a light at the end of the tunnel kept me motivated and strong.

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by klhutsell View Post
    White Angel from Thomas Hammer! White Coffee, White Chocolate and Vanilla!

    For those of you who haven't tried white coffee, you should! It's the best!

    I have never heard of white coffee before. And this is going to sound dumb, but, is the coffee a different color when it is brewed?
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
    I havn't seen it. We can get it in the city, but only in the scary part of the city.
    Who would have thought that up here in Albany we can get it everywhere for some reason.

    If you run out and don't feel like buying a years worth, we would be more than happy to buy it up here for you and send it on down your way.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jamisoncollette View Post
    That's what my husband drinks. We pick up a years worth when we go to PR.
    Do you guys not have it in grocery stores near you? Up here they all carry it. Even Walmart.

    If you can't get it in stores, you can order it on the website for real cheap too.
  10. I've been thinking about it today off and on. Just what I remember from that day. I first heard the news when someone called into the Howard Stern show saying that he just saw a plane hit the Twin Towers. Like most people, they though it was just a small plane and an accident at first. Then the second one hit.


    I was out of the office coming back from a job site at the time. I drove back as fast as I could. Like 100mph fast. It took an hour and a half or so to get back. On the way I heard that one of the planes had left from Boston. Heart drops. Fuck. My father was in Boston for work and leaving that morning. Fuck fuck fuck. It took a few minutes, but I found out that he was not on one of the planes. I was a mess by that point. I had friends all over in the city and a few that worked in the towers. And my brother in the Air Force stationed in Jersey. Was he going to have to leave to go fight a war? Were my friends, family and loved ones in NYC and the surrounding area dead? fuck.


    It took a while, but I found out all family members were ok. Some old friends who worked in the towers were not. Well, I did not find that out till weeks later.


    That day was so scary. I felt helpless and uncertain about what tomorrow was going to bring. I went to see my brother a few days after the 11th because he was being shipped over to the Middle East. I wondered if I would see him again. fuck. Then I stopped by into the city on the way home to see things for myself. I walked downtown to as close as you could get to the site and myself and hundreds of others were crying as we cheered on the police, firemen, ems, and everyone else in the ongoing caravan of people going into hell to try and save what lives may have been left. And the smell. Can't even describe it. Don't want to describe it.


    I just hope that people never forget that day. How scared we were. How we all worked together.

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