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Posts posted by -Kate-

  1. A couple of things piss me off about this (besides the obvious)

    - These kids don't have a chance. Until they are old enough to change their names they have to live with them. It's not the parents that go to school/apply for job/etc with those names. It's the poor kids.


    - The #&@*%^(@$^ cowardice of the parents. We all know you are racist white supremacists based on your tats and childrens' names. Don't deny it. I'm sure they are all loud, proud and strong at their KKK rallies - but too chicken to say what the names are really about in the national media. Don't patronize us with that lame answer. Free speech? It's not about free speech, don't hide behind that.


    - Make the damn cake yourself you lazy ass faces.


    Can you tell this makes me mad?

  2. We open one gift on Xmas eve - the rest on Xmas morning.


    At my house you have to believe in Santa or you don't get the gifts that are marked from him. And really, who doesn't believe in Santa at Xmas?


    Since my DH is Jewish my mom always buys him funny "jewish" gifts. Coffee mugs with menorahs, star of david chocolates, etc. Totally useless crap - but it makes me laugh. He's not religious so it's not offensive or anything.


    Also, we believe that Xmas eve is the only day of the year pets can talk. Random, I know - but it's always funny to wait and see what the dogs say. Odd that they have never piped up.


    DH and I started our own tradition of buying a new xmas ornament every year. It's an easy way to build a collection of ornaments - and it's fun to look back at the ones we have.


    Oh! We also "hide" a pickle ornament on the tree. Whoever finds it has good luck for the next year.

  3. 1. What is your current job, and if you had to switch careers, what would the other career be?

    - Prosecutor (and I love it). If I had to change I would do something in fashion.

    2. What is your favorite hobby?

    - Snowboarding!!!

    3. What is your favorite holiday, and why?

    - Christmas. I love the smells and the joy that surrounds the season. And I love giving gifts.


    My Question:

    4. What is your greatest achievement?

  4. We did this too - but with Old Navy flipflops. Red for guys, turquoise for girls. We got the sizes before hand and just displayed them on a table. Everyone wore them - even the guys. I think it helped that we gave them out at the ceremony, not in the OOT bags. I think it made people wear them.


    Here is a pic of the setup - you can see the flipflops in the front.

    muzzeyba : photos : Collections- powered by SmugMug

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