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4 Days Til My Wedding!



Hello brides!!


I'm 4 days away for my BIG DAY !


I wanted to share my experience in this wild ride planning the perfect wedding! I am not that nervous I think, because I trusted very professional people for that special day.


My experience with the DJ has been really great! I picked Dj. Rickalvin:


And he has been great through all this process, he is very well organized and very flexible. He always answers my emails quickly and exactly with the solution or answer I need to any of my doubts or questions. We told him the music we liked and what we didn't like, so this way he knows a little bit more about us and what we expect for the wedding day! I found this Dj through a friend of mine that got married on Cancun last summer, and every single person told me they had lots of fun and everyone recommended the dj a lot.




Ricardo Trujillo Duran

Entertainment Manager

9981604069 · [email protected]

Fuzion Musical

Cancun Q.Roo, Mexico · C.P. 77539

[email protected] · www.facebook.com/fuzionmusical


Another vendor that has been in touch with all throughout this whole time are the photographers: www.shenkophoto.com


As I told you before, this is a married couple that is dedicated only to taking pictures around the world. We've been communicating for more than 8 months now, and I think we now seem to now each other even if we haven't met in person. Last month we arranged a Skype session and that was the first time we saw each other, other than in photos. We talked a lot about the wedding day, the pictures we would like for that day and with who, etc. They also seem to be really interested in small details about that day, like for example flowers, centerpieces and other decoration details that we picked.


Also they are really organized, and helped us make an itinerary for family pictures so that we don't lose any time and we have all the people we want on the pictures. In 2 days we are meeting for a casual session so that we know each other in front of the camera and in that way, I think, it will be easier to communicate on the wedding day for the things we want, and can or can't do.


My fiancé always laughs at me because I am a very bubbly person and I don't have shame of anything, but when you put a camera in front of me, everything changes!!! I just don't know what to do it's such a dumb thing!


So wish me luck!!!


When I come back from my honeymoon I'll tell you more details about everything =)

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I'm the same way about being in front of cameras hahah. All of a sudden I don't know what to do or say. I'm hoping that during the wedding you have so many other things going on in your head that you kind of forget that there is even a camera there.


Best of luck on your wedding week and please post a review and tons of pictures :D. I love looking at wedding pictures! 

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Congratulations and have an amazing wedding.You have to think about the beautiful pictures after the wedding. Go all out and have fun. :) :)

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