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Weddings season is well and truly upon us here in Australia, and if you are overseas, even more so, as the ever-popular June weddings approach. Often the first go-to for any bride, is, of course, her gown. Leaving bridal jewellery almost as an afterthought. But with bridal gown trends moving towards a more simplistic style, bridal jewellery is now taking focus.

Bolder, more statement bridal jewellery pieces are making their mark on the runways, but is it really for everyone? 

It is really important to stay true to your style on your big day, but it is equally important to have some fun. A lot of brides tend to stick to classic bridal jewellery styles as they are timeless, and they feel they will have less 'regret' when they look back over their wedding photos in years to come. 

Following the trend of a bride having a second wedding gown for her reception, as we have seen on many royal brides in recent years, comes the trend of a second bridal jewellery style. Brides are starting to have some fun with their bridal jewellery, opting to choose the more daring style for the reception and keeping the classic timeless bridal jewellery pieces for the ceremony and photos. 

This is a trend that we see continuing long into the year and into the 2020's, as more and more brides are wanting to have their cake and eat it too (mind the pun). 

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