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Mayan Riviera Weather

Moments That Matter

Playa Del Carmen weather, In our own words:


This is the best time of the year to travel to the Mayan Riviera if you don't like excruciating heat. December and January, temperatures cool down and on cloudless days swimming is just beautiful. At this time of the year you get the least amount of daylight, but Playa Del Carmen & Cancun light up at night so it's not really an issue.

Humidity and rain are lowest during this period. If rain or a cloudy days do occur, things can cool down considerably. It is advisable to take a light jacket with you in order to stay comfortable.



Things start heating up mid-February and by April you can be roasting on the beautiful beaches of the Mayan Riviera. Water temperatures have not caught up but outside temps have started to rise.

The "rains" start in April peaking in July-August. This is a wonderful time to travel because after "Spring Break", things calm down until the summer travel season starts in late June. Water temps are warm enough to swim comfortably; it's hot but not "July-August" hot. Weather-wise, it's a great time of the year to go.



This is the hottest time of the year in Playa Del Carmen, especially mid-July and August. During these months the Mayan Riviera beaches fill with vacationers!

Summer is also the rainy season however if it does rain, it tends to hit only once a day and for a very short period. Quite often you are happy it rained as it tends to cool things down a little, at least for a short while.

On a cloudless day in August the heat can be unbearable for some people. Shoes are needed because the sand can get too hot to walk on. Even walking any great distance can become a chore. Dehydration is a major factor during the summer months as well as sun-burn. At 12:00 noon you can get burned in 15 minutes without proper sun-block.



In September and October the ocean water is hot from the summer heat. The outside temperature drops making daytime temps hot but bearable. Evenings are beautiful and you can still swim at night and be comfortable. This is also hurricane season along the Atlantic coast. Hurricanes or tropical storms can occur anytime between June and December, however the common period is September - November. It is advisable to pay close attention to weather reports during these months.


Lincoln Lehmann



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Guest Moments That Matter


Weather is ... well... weather! On any given day it can rain and or a storm can blow thru this area. That being said. The weather here in the Mayan Riviera is very consistent. So when its supposed to be rainy season... it kinda is. When its supposed to be hot hot hot in the summer.. it kinda is. Year around we usually enjoy fantastic weather with blue skies and aqua ocean.

The weather here for the past couple years has been what its supposed to be... nothing out of the normal. So November for the past couple years has been fantastic. Like almost every other month! haha

Nothing you or we can do or say will change the weather and it is what it is. Read the guide above and then let it all go.... if it rains on your wedding... it will still be beautiful because you have a smile on your face and make it that way!

Best of luck with everything.



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