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Hair, Makeup & Favors Reviews
Fantastic Hair and Makeup
This is a review of:

The Best Moments Wedding and Beauty Company

Detailed Ratings

By Korenabil, · 418 Views · 0 Comments

Pros: Best Team ever
Cons: -

I booked with the best moments company for my wedding hair and makeup. Comunication was alwasys perfect, they reply very fast and pricing is reasonable.

For the trial run 1 hairstylist and 1 makeup artist came to my hotel room and we tried 3 different looks, I decided to go for a side up-do, Taylor Swift style and 

totally loved it. Makeup was perfect, they used airbrush makeup and my rehersal dinner was at 5pm so still pretty hot, but the makeup was so natural and 

long-wear at the same time. I totally loved my fake lashes, they did such a good job on that.


For the wedding day I had 6 girls in my bridal party and the 2 moms. They arrived very on time with 4 or 5 stylists and the same stylists who did my hair and makeup

on the trial day, did my hair and makeup on the wedidng day. They did even a better job on my wedding, we all looked so beautiful and my mom who has very difficult

hair to style, was amased how good she looked. They really really know what they do and have all the professional products and skills we are used from the states.


Also I liked that there was a supervisor with the stylists all the time. 


If you want the most professional and fun team to work with, book the best moments team.


I totally recommend them for your hair and makeup.


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