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Posts posted by Maxine821

  1. I have been emailing with Demi from duosheng and just ordered one of the bridesmaids dresses from there. So far the communication has been great, she has answered all of my questions timely and I am now just waiting for it to arrive. Depending on the quality of the dress then I will order the rest of the bridesmaids dresses and my own wedding dress. So far Duosheng gets a great review from me!


    And I am sorry if this sounds wrong but once I have more money to spend then I may start worrying about the ethics of buying knockoffs a little bit more, but as of now as a budget conscious bride I will rather save myself $1000 that I can use to pay for the rest of my wedding.  


    Nothing wrong about that. You're just making the best out of what you've got. No one wants to spend a fortune on dresses that they're only gonna wear once (or a few times depending...) and I know I would go crazy if I ruined a dress that costs a fortune.

  2. I purchased me wedding dress from online. I know there's a lot of slack given to purchasing a dress online yet alone a wedding dress but I did do my research and decided to give it a try anyway and I'm glad that I did. I didn't want to spend too much on a gown but I did want quality and great workmanship and sometimes price and quality must go hand-in-hand but not with fabulous u. I definitely got way more for my money and didn't even have to tap my bank account. At the moment I don't have and pics of my dress on hand to upload but I will soon. I looked gorgeous. I chose a dress from their website and requested that a few embellishments be taken off and that my own preferences be added and they did so beautifully. No problems with ordering, shipping, or delivery. I'm glad that I took a chance on them.


    I meant to say Fabulous U. If you have a list of places to look for wedding dresses I'd suggest adding thefabulousu.com to that list.

  3. I purchased me wedding dress from online. I know there's a lot of slack given to purchasing a dress online yet alone a wedding dress but I did do my research and decided to give it a try anyway and I'm glad that I did. I didn't want to spend too much on a gown but I did want quality and great workmanship and sometimes price and quality must go hand-in-hand but not with fashion u. I definitely got way more for my money and didn't even have to tap my bank account. At the moment I don't have and pics of my dress on hand to upload but I will soon. I looked gorgeous. I chose a dress from their website and requested that a few embellishments be taken off and that my own preferences be added and they did so beautifully. No problems with ordering, shipping, or delivery. I'm glad that I took a chance on them.

  4. I was 6 months pregnant but I was still going to work. I had a part-time retail position mostly to get out of the house and do something; I didn't have a risky pregnancy so I was able to move around. So, it was New Year’s Eve and I just got off from work about 4pm. We had gotten into a little argument the night before and he was getting a little bit of the silent treatment but when he came to pick me up from work he apologized sincerely and we went back to normal. He told me that he wanted to go out to eat and asked if I would be up for it so I said "heck yea" and he wanted to go to one of my fav restaurants. No problems here! And we're off. Get there, eat, enjoy each other, then sleep starts to kick in and I'm ready to go home and it's about 10. We reach home at around 11 and he doesn't want to come to bed. Usually I'm the one up till the wee hours of the night and he's fast asleep but I didn’t even think anything of it. He's pacing the floor, walking in and out of the bedroom. I'm thinking I did something to upset him but can't figure out what. The next thing I know, he's down on one knee, with a ring in his hand and the first thing I could think to do was turn away and say "NO!" But hear me out. I didn't mean no as in "I won't marry you" I meant no as in "I can’t believe this is happening!!" He said "no?" lmao. I turned around and told him "yes" and we had some laughs. Even though it wasn't the most public or extravagant proposal it was unique in its own way and it's my story to tell.

  5. Hello, I'm Max! My husband and I are comming up on our one year weddind anniversary, 2/28 and it's been an adventure. I've had to get used to writing a differend last name and saying "my husband and I". *Phew*. And I would do it all over again in a heartbeat. Hello again and now its time for me to do some browsing!

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