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Posts posted by Looly

  1. Thanks for all of your details -we have our prescription Cipro ready! I am a little nervous as were not having a DJ but we will have some dancers in the crowd so I hope they have something going on Saturday night with music! I am starting to get really excited though! We are not doing events- just a "welcome" happy hour were having everyone meet us at the sugar reef bar friday night and we have a little gift (survival kit) for them and a fun guest book (with mad libs etc.) that has all of our engagement photos , so it will be fun for them to sign.Relaxed, low-key, and free because it's not an official paid-for  event. Were not doing one large group dinner but we figure we can all kind of go together and sit near eachother afterward.
    Hi! We also want to do some kind of welcome gift. What are you goin to put in your survival kits?
  2. I can't wait to hear how your wedding goes in October... it's so close to mine it'll feel like the most relevant info lol.
    I can't wait to hear how your wedding goes in October... it's so close to mine it'll feel like the most relevant info lol.
    Thanks for the info re: guitarist. I cant wait to hear how it goes (I am sure it will all be beautfful!). Please do let me know how it goes with the guitarist,as well as his contact info. Thanks!
  3. hi

    I am hiring an outside guitarist for the ceremony...he is a little slow responding to emails so I am VERY nervous but he is less money even with the +120 resort vendor fee and he has a good reference from the manager where he works. I will let you know how it goes (my wedding is October) and will give you his contact info if you like. [/quotHi!! Thanks so much for the info: I would love to know how it goes with the outside guitarist, and would def appreciate his info! AND congratulations on your wedding!! Its coming up fast!
  4. Hi everyone,


    I am getting married at Dreams Tulum, and am new to this Forum!  My wedding date is April 10, 2014, and am now turning my attention to details: place cards, party favours, menus, ceremony.  Im finding it hard to do all this from a distance.  Any tips??


    Also, has anyone found good customized maracas (potential party favour) or a good agency to plan a one day excursion with?

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