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Posts posted by B31ieve

  1. Hi ladies. Well I was married in may of 2010 at GPJ and still have not received our certified copy of our marriage license. I had tried to geta hold of the wedding coordinator but to my dismay they couldnt seem to keep the same one for very long. (When planning our wedding we went through 3!) No one would respond with answers for a very long time. I eventually gave up hope after 2 yrs and life happened. My copy we received the day we were married worked for my licenses, ss card as well as insurance and loans so I didnt think much of it, till this past month when my hubby and I had to send in th same only copy we have for our passport renewal. Im so worried mines going to come back to me not completed because we dont have the certified copy. I guess its back to fighting again with the resort and whom ever the new wedding coordinator is. Does anyone know thw current coordinator and their contact info. It would be exteemly helpful. Thank you.

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