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Posts posted by Gracysmith

  1. Originally Posted by tkostiuk View Post


    We had our destination wedding planned for this week but after some things happened at Christmas we cancelled the wedding. We were going to be doing a symbolic ceremony down there but no one knew that we were already legally married. After we called off the wedding trip we told everyone who was coming to the wedding we are legally married. 

    Now we invited about 40-50 people and 18-20 were coming on trip. We only told the people coming on the trip the wedding was cancelled . 

    Now we are planning this summer to have a party at home to celebrate .

    my problem is I am receiving gifts in the mail from aunts and uncles who don't know we cancelled the wedding trip.

    what do I do? Do I return the gifts? Do I keep them cuz we are married? Do I write a thank u card for the gifts stating we decided not to have the destination wedding instead we had a private ceremony just the two of us and we will have a party in summer and then keep the gift?

    i really don't know what to do. I don't want people asking a lot of question as why we didn't to the destination wedding but people should know I guess .

    any advice???


    Congratulations for your wedding...Don't return the gifts as they are blessings from your  relatives...send them a thankyou card for the gifts and invite them all for the party you are planning for.....

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