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Posts posted by MrzzMel

  1. Although its a bit more pricey- Insanity is the business! I lost 60 pounds. The program takes 60 days to complete and you can lose upwards of 20 pounds in those 60 days. I started it a few months before I got engaged because at the time I also had braces and I wanted to transform myself completely. The braces came off and so did the weight! My fiancé and I did it together and he actually turned into a huge healthnut after. It's 6 days a week- 45 minutes a day for 30 days then an hour for the next 30. It's high impact- I def cried the first day and I hated it but I stuck it out. I went from a size 14 to a size 2. I purchased my dress when I was sort of in between a 4 and a 2 and I think it's a bit snug because unlike most people who lose weight due to stress, I am a stress eater. And I have been stress eating :( but I'm 4 months until our wedding and if I lost 20 pounds in 60 days I can less in 120. And if I'm being honest about weight loss- I gave up alcohol while I did insanity and I loooove wine so that was a toughie. I also cut out white- white pasta, rice, bread, & replaced it with brown pasta, lean proteins and veggies. I also eat 5 meals but controlled portions. And yes- I occasionally cheat ;)
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