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Posts posted by ak1011



    (Assuming you are planning taking and using his last name in all settings, you would be “Dr. and Mr. Jones†if titles but no first names are being used.) The “higher ranking†title is always listed first.  If titles are to be used, they might as well be used correctly (http://www.emilypost.com/forms-of-address/titles/96-guide-to-addressing-correspondence).  Happily people with advanced academic and professional degrees fall in love and become part of stable couples all the time, and almost nobody would blink an eye if “Dr. and Mrs.†or “Reverend & Mrs. Johnson† were introduced…


    That said, if you are uncomfortable with it and/or your wedding is less formal, forgoing titles altogether is an excellent option.  As “echo2_62†suggested, I think "Let me introduce the new couple - (HisName) & (YourName) LastName" is a great plan.


    I am in a similar situation as “DolphinMareDVMâ€.  I have a PhD and go by my maiden name in professional settings because that is how I am known.  Iâ€m also not into titles or formality, so I often introduce myself as “Ann MaidenName†– after all, we are people with names more than we are titles.  However, if a title is appropriate or for asked in conjunction with my maiden name I ALWAYS used the correct one - Dr.


    Again, perhaps like “DolphinMareDVM†I have also often used “Mrs. New/MarriedLastName†in social situations with my husband, as having a professional degree didnâ€t seem as relevant to me in this context (and, as I said, Iâ€m not really into titles and adding “prestigious letters†to oneâ€s name if itâ€s not specifically appropriate anyway).  However, I am now changing my opinion after thinking about it due to this post - not because I care that anyone knows I have a degree if itâ€s not relevant, but because I do think itâ€s important to think about the impact of our actions on the world around us.  


    When I think about it, I would think it was weird if my husband had a degree where he normally went by “Dr.â€, but for some reason he consciously decided to only go by “Mr.†in social situations where I was present and/or also named.  What kind of example are we setting for those around us and for our daughters as a blog full of intelligent-sounding women who donâ€t know that our name and title should be listed first if we have an advanced degree and our husband does not!?!  With weddings, all sorts of formality is present with wording or times and names and titles – why donâ€t we know this? If we keep this up, it will always “sound awkward†to have couples where the woman happens to have more education than her husband.  Ideally, I think we should live in a world where everyone knows that “Dr. & Mr.†is just as appropriate as “Dr. & Mrs.â€â€¦  Perhaps we shouldnâ€t be surprised that we still live in a country where the majority of our congressmen, CEOs, supreme court justices, etc. are men. In all fairness, how can we expect others to treat us and our accomplishments with the same amount of respect if we donâ€t naturally expect it for ourselves?


    (I know this post is old, but I thought Iâ€d respond just in case this is relevant to anyone else.)

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